
Hades: Love in a dream

Stephanie moved to Tokyo to escape her small town and make new friends, instead she finds herself alone and overworked. As she falls into delirium, she begins to hear voices, experience strange dreams, and visions of a mysterious man. As her love for him unfolds so does her grasp on reality.

cclilannie_9887 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter seven: when the world spins

His hair covered his face, exposing only a wide wicked grin. He brushed it away, allowing her to see the two blue flames burning brightly in the darkness. He had taken possesion over Suzuki's body.

"Don't worry, Suzuki is just sleeping."

He tried to put his hand on her cheek, but she slapped it away. He looked down at his hand with a face showing signs of loneliness, and sadness.

"Heaven is just beyond your reach, waiting in the palm of my hand."

He stood there for a bit in thought, He looked at her, turning away.

"Before I leave, you should know..I will not allow him to have you, even if I have to kill him."

A tear fell down her cheek, as the blue flames faded from his eyes.

"Suzuki!" She ran to catch him before he fell. He was out cold. She dragged him onto the bed. His dead weight made him almost impossible to carry, but she gave it everything she had. She checked on him, he seemed fine, just asleep as Hades had said.

She couldn't sleep. Looking at Suzukis catatonic state. She felt so much guilt that this had happened to him. She wondered what she could do. Hades obviously can watch her, so she couldn't keep sneaking around with Suzuki without him knowing. It wouldn't be fair to risk his life like that. She also had no doubt she would be taken against her will come the next weekend. She wondered if she should just give in, or fight, but fight how? She stayed up trying to come to a solution.

The next morning Suzuki woke up, and saw Stephanie sleeping next to him.She looked very tired as if she only fell asleep moments earlier. He decided not to bother her. He went downstairs and started preparing some breakfast.

"Did I drink too much last night?" He rubbed his head. Something felt off.

He could remember coming home with Stephanie, kissing her, and having a strange dream. Did he pass out? He couldn't piece everything together.

"Hey, you are awake." Stephanie said rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, yeah. Sorry If I was any trouble last night. Did you sleep ok? You seem kind of tired."

"Ah, no you were fine.You went to bed after we got home, but I had trouble sleeping.. I was worried you may feel sick in the morning..., but now that I know you feel better I should go soon. I have some projects to catch up on."

"Oh.. well let's have breakfast first?"

"Ah.. yeah, sure, thank you."

Stephanie didn't want to stick around, but she just wanted to make sure he was ok. The words Hades spoke to her about killing him carried heavily on her shoulders. She couldn't let any harm come to Suzuki, even if it meant saying goodbye.

They ate breakfast, and said farewell. He leaned in to kiss her, She gave him a quick kiss, then ran off in a rush.

Suzuki felt as if his behaviour the night before ruined things between them. He was prepared to leave her alone, however he couldn't shake the feeling something else had happened that night.


As the week went on Stephanie became more, and more anxious. Every now and then she would think maybe it wasn't real, or he wouldn't summon her. She couldn't come to a solid conclusion. Her nerves mixed all her emotions, and thoughts.

Suzuki continued to avoid her. Even in the class they shared he sat with other students. Different rumors spread around the school. They could tell everyone was talking about them, some people didn't even hide it, and asked them to their face. Both of them just played dumb as if nothing had happened

Thursday night Stephanie couldn't sleep, by Friday she was a wreck. She skipped school, in which her absence was noticed by Suzuki, and the other students too. Rumors spread even more viciously now. Stephanie could only imagine how awkward Monday was gonna be, if she even comes back, or lives till then. She Decided to get some rest, assuming Hades would summon her at night.

She was right, he kept to his word. She got up around five with still no sign of him. She went out to get something to eat, some comfort food. She went through some small alleys to get to her favourite restaurant. It served authentic Indian curry, her favourite. On the way there she saw a man, she knew straight away was a Yakuza member.

She knew the type. They waited around the streets looking for "customers" for their girl bars, or "pharmacies". They were usually quite in your face about it too which is surprising since Japan's laws are quite strict. They must have protection she thought.

She stared at the young man flirting with girls passing by, and let out a deep sigh.

"These are desperate times."

She walked up to him, and tried to look as she was just flirting, but she signalled to him that she wanted to go to the "pharmacy" for something to mellow her out.

She approached a small building in an old district. The first floor was just a steep staircase. She couldn't help thinking people who sample the products must fall down these stairs a lot. The young man gestures her to go up the stairs, and he'd follow he said licking his lips. She held on to the back of her skirt, and walked up. She found situations like these hard to control her temper, but she knew it was best to stay calm in places like these.

He led her to an old dingy room. Men sat everywhere on filthy furniture. Much to her displeasure, he gestured her to sit. She sat, and he offered her a list of things too hard for her.

Instead she lit up a smoke with him, then another. Each one containing the best weed one could find around here. On the way home she felt like it was hard to hide the fact she was high. As if everyone in the whole of Japan had been told. She saw the police, and her heart stopped. She could swear she heard them whispering that they thought she looked strange. She focused as hard as she could as she stepped off the train, careful not to trip infront of everyone.

She got home, and closed all the curtains. She was still paranoid, so much so it made her stop thinking about Hades until she settled down, and had nothing else to think about. What's worse being arrested or kidnapped? She thought to herself.She would probably get fed well, and be comfortable at Hades place, although Hades doesn't have to follow any rules, he can do what he likes, yet it seems he is willing to restrain himself atleast a little for my sake.

She heard a knock at the balcony door. It made her jump in fright. She opened the curtain, and there was the maid from before.

"Miss, oh, Hello Miss. Please follow me, master is waiting." A portal with swirling colours of blue and purple appeared behind her. Stephanie took a deep breath and stepped in.


I accidentally created two accounts so please follow the rest of the story on my main account: cclilannie

I accidentally created two accounts so please follow the rest of the story on my main account: cclilannie

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