
Chapter 5: Training

When this grimoire appeared, it became a target, but right now I cannot go there, who knows how long the search will last and what dangers there are and need to be well prepared.

I need a wand, I can't do wandless magic yet. I'm going to do enchanted things. With the help of running, it will not be difficult, but the magic, no matter how weak it was, even the lumos can come in handy somewhere.

That's why I need a wand and I'm not sure Ollivander will sell me because kids under 11 don't get wands and Ollivander doesn't think he's breaking the law. So cheating remains an option for Knockturn Alley, you can find everything there but there is a very high chance that you will be looted or robbed.

I need to prepare to drive others away from me, and the runes and my Metamorphmagus abilities help me in this. With it, I can get attention, but if you make the appearance dangerous, then I think that everything will be fine.

The book has all the runes and I took a simple stone from the street and, having disassembled it, changed it when I collected it, I drew a rune. The stone was discovered by the Rooney, as if it had been carved into stone. Having made a small rejection in the depths of the stone, he passed a thread through it and at that time put on the owner in the mind of the face of a pale, black-haired man. When I opened my eyes and evidence on the mirror that the man saw, what was he up to.

After experimenting, I changed the color a little and how it looked, I could metamorphomagic, but it's difficult to keep one state for a long time and soon I returned the sabi back, but with the amulet, nothing, but what I noticed when I changed the appearance consumed my mana and maintained too little, but at this pace I'm four or five hours of mana I can do it.

I usually read that magic sources come from or something like that, so that mana is taken from there, and this did not affect the magician that he uses props. Magic stones are gems or some sort of possible mana filling and they come in low grade and high grade. Low-grade ones become useless or even break when mana is generated, but the incredible can be filled with mana again.

But magic stones are expensive and are only used in good magic tools or generally to support house spells and other observations. I think in Hogwarts there is such a fight to support all the charm of the castle. Well, this approach does not suit me and is looking for others. Everything points to the fact that the amulet can work very poorly in places where there are few people, but in such places I think not a lot. I can just run away if needed.

Having made myself a dark robe, I enchanted a little so that it would beat a little of the others and so that she herself would be cleansed due to being turned into stone. Gathering everything you need to register for the Knocturn Alley.

Arriving at the Leaky Cauldron, he suggested that the bartender open the door, referring to the fact that my wand was broken and I was going to buy a Nokia, he suspects me of considering, but even so, he opened and thanked me and left and went through Diagon alley, I found in Knokkturn alley there is a slightly gloomy atmosphere almost everything dark robes appear to hide the face. After walking a little, I caught the eyes of many, they test me for strength, or I am a magician. They will only target the weak.

I was looking for a store to buy a wand, and I saw a store that sold all sorts of things and got in there, and when I was around, some dude with a wand came out of nowhere.

"Stand still and raise your hands, don't even think to reach for a wand" people passed and did not pay attention to some, it seems that this is a common thing here.

"Drive here everything precious, otherwise I ..." while he was talking, I whispered something to make it look like I was reading a spell and a thorn came out of the ground, piercing his needlework, and he threw his wand and fell on the snake screaming. I walked over and picked up the wand and went on to leave him screaming as I entered, I saw the store filled with everything.

Approaching the seller, I said "I need a wand"

He silently left and returned somewhere in a dozen boxes inside there were different sticks and it doesn't look like he created them, most likely someone stole these sticks and sold them to him.

I had an idea to make one bolle out of three sticks, and he showed the stick that he picked up from the guy's toga to the seller.

"Do you know what this wand is made of?"

"Dragon's heart and sycamore wood"

"I need two more of the Unicorn Phoenix Hearts"

He put it in front of me and said "Forty Galleons"

Clearly assuming I'll be ripped off "Twenty max anyway, it's unlikely that anyone else is buying these wands from you"

"OK" replied through English. The guy is no more maybe he left himself, maybe someone pulled it out, but these are not my problems and I returned home.

When I got home I changed and got to work, it was difficult but after a few hours the wand was ready, I could have done much faster but I did not want to make a mistake and did everything slowly and carefully. Predomona stands a smooth stick on the outside, nothing unusual except that it is a little heavy. Well, I compressed all three woods by mixing them, it was not difficult, but the difficulty is that the cores of these sticks are different and it took a lot of effort to fuse them in place, I was very exhausted. In general, such a wand should not exist. Three cores cannot be together as one core, but Overhaul somehow forced them to merge and now he has one very powerful core.

Well, this wand is not ready yet, it is powerful but heavy and it is uncomfortable for them to swing, and runes come to the rescue that will strengthen the wand even more. If done right my mana will flow through the sticks very easily and the control will be better and easier to do.

I made runes of silver and four silver rings appeared on the wand inside which runes and these runes should increase the power, control and speed of spells and one more to make the wand lighter now it is like a feather.

Having made the wand, training began with him and the enchantment of everything that I have.