
Guardian Titan: Hero Titan System

In a world enjoying a fragile era of unprecedented peace, an unforeseen threat emerges from the cosmos, shaking the very foundations of nations. Massive meteors, hurtling perilously close to Earth, send panic across the globe. In a desperate bid to avert catastrophe, nations unite to unleash their most destructive arsenal - the formidable sky missiles. The collective efforts succeed, averting the immediate danger and eliciting worldwide relief. However, the jubilation is short-lived. The missile strikes trigger an unforeseen consequence that unleashes an unknown and cataclysmic force - the Kaiju. About MC : normal person with heroic thoughts, no harem.

AmouxCreationsX · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 2: Titan Vs Kaiju

The moment Jay transformed into the mighty Titan, he slipped into a deep unconsciousness due to the injuries he had sustained. However, the Titan's awakening was accompanied by an uncontrollable frenzy, a wild surge of power that drove it to face the looming Kaiju menace.

With a thunderous roar, the Titan locked eyes with the ferocious Kaiju. A primal challenge was issued as the Titan sprinted forward with an earth-shaking pace, its roar a declaration of unyielding resolve. The Kaiju, undaunted, responded with an equally powerful roar, its tails slamming against the ground in a defiant display.

As the gap between them closed, the Kaiju's mighty tail struck the ground once more, launching the Titan skyward with a devastating impact. The colossal creature hurtled through the air before crashing back to the ground with a bone-rattling thud. The force of its landing caused nearby buildings to crumble and collapse around it.

Among the broken pieces, the Titan tried hard to stand up again. It was really strong, but it had been hurt badly. Lots of heavy things were on top of it, making it hard to move. But the Titan didn't give up. It pushed against the heavy stuff, and even though it was slow, it managed to get back up on its feet.

While the Titan's plight held the Kaiju's attention, the monstrous beast's gaze eventually shifted to the wreckage of the defeated Mecha.

With a resurgence of indomitable will, the Titan shook off its injuries and rose once more, a towering emblem of defiance. Its roar pierced the air, a declaration of unyielding resolve that drew the attention of the Kaiju once again. The colossal combatants locked eyes, the stage set for a renewed clash.

The Titan charged forward, a juggernaut of raw power hurtling towards the monstrous Kaiju. Anticipating the creature's tactics, the Titan sprang into the air with a tremendous leap, narrowly evading the deadly trajectory of the Kaiju's tail. In a swift and fluid motion, the Titan's massive fist connected with the Kaiju's skull, unleashing a shockwave that rippled through the very air. A splatter of vibrant blue blood painted the scene, a testament to the Titan's unyielding might.

Enraged by the blow, the Kaiju retaliated with a devastating counterattack. Its massive claws clamped onto the Titan's form, sending shockwaves through the earth as it slammed the formidable adversary into the ground. A vicious bite followed, tearing into the Titan's leg with a savage ferocity.

But the Titan refused to yield. With an unbreakable determination, it seized the Kaiju's monstrous jaws and held them at bay, the two titans locked in a harrowing struggle for dominance. The Kaiju's claws raked across the Titan's flesh, each gouge met with an unflinching resolve. And as the battle raged on, the Titan's unyielding grip proved superior, gradually forcing the Kaiju's jaws apart.

In an explosive surge of force, the Titan's strength triumphed. The Kaiju's once-imposing jaw was torn asunder, its life extinguished by the relentless fury of the Titan's final, resolute assault. With a shuddering cry, the Kaiju fell, its existence vanquished, leaving behind a battlefield strewn with the remnants of their monumental struggle.

As the final echoes of the battle subsided, the Titan stood victorious, a solitary sentinel amidst the wreckage. Then Titan's very being began to dissipate, a gradual and poignant self-immolation that left no trace of its awe-inspiring form. As the Titan's essence waned, a single figure remained – Jay, battered and unconscious, near the lifeless form of the fallen Kaiju.