
Guardian Titan: Hero Titan System

In a world enjoying a fragile era of unprecedented peace, an unforeseen threat emerges from the cosmos, shaking the very foundations of nations. Massive meteors, hurtling perilously close to Earth, send panic across the globe. In a desperate bid to avert catastrophe, nations unite to unleash their most destructive arsenal - the formidable sky missiles. The collective efforts succeed, averting the immediate danger and eliciting worldwide relief. However, the jubilation is short-lived. The missile strikes trigger an unforeseen consequence that unleashes an unknown and cataclysmic force - the Kaiju. About MC : normal person with heroic thoughts, no harem.

AmouxCreationsX · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Dreamer Awakens

In a quiet and strange place, Jay woke up. Blinking away the remnants of deep slumber, he felt a disorienting sense of unreality wash over him. He rose from the cold, hard ground and took in his surroundings – a desolate wasteland of destruction stretched out before him. The remnants of once-majestic buildings lay in ruins, towering walls rising in the distance like monoliths of despair. No signs of life were there, and the air was still and silent.

Pinching himself and even delivering a sharp slap to his cheek, Jay tried to convince himself that he had woken from a dream. But the stark reality before him refused to fade. With hesitant steps, he ventured toward a nearby store, The door was slightly open, like it wanted him to come in. Inside, everything was empty and deserted. The shelves that used to have things were now empty.

As he moved past a shattered car, a glint caught his eye – a distorted reflection stared back at him from the car's side mirror. His own features appeared unfamiliar, a mix of confusion and disbelief etched across his face. A single thought managed to form in the maelstrom of his mind: "Am I transmigrated?"

Wanting to understand what was happening, Jay checked his pockets. He found a strange gadget that looked a bit like a phone but was different, and a metal card. The card had weird designs, including a strange code. Even though he didn't understand them, he kept them to look at later.

Jay tried to turn on the strange gadget, but the screen showed a low battery sign, making him feel disappointed.. A wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he muttered to himself, "Am I going to be unlucky in both lives?"

While Jay was thinking about his situation, he suddenly heard a distant sound that got louder and louder. It was like the thumping of a heartbeat, and it turned into a loud noise that sounded like a helicopter's blades. He was really surprised when he saw what was making the noise. Instead of just a couple of helicopters, there were many huge flying vehicles in the sky. They were carrying really big robots underneath them. These robots were incredibly tall, maybe around 70 meters or even taller. Jay couldn't believe what he was seeing – it was like nothing he had ever imagined before.

Jay felt really confused as he watched the helicopters go by with the huge robots. He couldn't stop thinking, "Why would they need such big things?" But he didn't know the answer, and it made him even more puzzled.

Abruptly, the formation of copters came to a halt, releasing their mechanical companions to the earth below. As each mecha made contact with the ground, a seismic shockwave rippled outwards, shaking the very foundations of the land. Even from his vantage point at a distance, Jay could feel the tremors coursing through his body, threatening to knock him off his feet.

Struggling to regain his balance, Jay's legs wobbled beneath him. The sheer force of the shockwave had left him disoriented and weak. Yet, his attention was soon captured by a sound even more thunderous than the impact of the mecha's descent. A colossal bang echoed through the air, causing Jay's head to snap towards the towering walls that had caught his attention earlier. With an almost surreal cadence, those massive walls crumbled, revealing a sight that sent shivers down his spine.

From the wreckage emerged a creature that defied all logic and reason. Towering even over the imposing mecha, the monstrous being stood as an embodiment of nightmare. Its grotesque form, a melding of alien and primal, was a sight that left Jay's mind struggling to process. The creature's body was a twisted amalgamation of sinew and scales, its four eyes gleaming with a predatory glint. The sheer enormity of it cast a shadow over the land, making the mecha seem almost insignificant in comparison.

With a guttural roar that reverberated through the very air, the creature directed its menacing gaze towards the mecha. Jay could feel the force of that scream as though it was a physical blow, causing him to collapse to the ground in an instinctive attempt to shield himself from the deafening assault on his senses.

His ears ringing and heart pounding, Jay managed to catch a glimpse of the mecha in action. The metallic giants responded to the threat with calculated precision, their powerful weaponry discharging in bursts of energy. As they circled the monstrous intruder, their agile movements attempted to maintain a safe distance from the rampaging creature.

Sensing the precariousness of the situation, Jay pushed himself to his feet, his instincts urging him to flee the chaotic scene unfolding before him.

As the clash between the titanic forces of mecha and kaiju raged on, a cruel twist of fate hurled Jay into the path of impending disaster. The ground quaked beneath the weight of collapsing debris, and Jay's world spiraled into darkness as boulders and rubble cascaded around him. Agonizing pain shot through his body, and his vision blurred with a haze of torment, anger, and an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

Amidst the cacophony of destruction, an unexpected intrusion entered Jay's consciousness—a voice, crisp and clear, resonating within his mind.

[Welcome, Host, to the Hero Titan System]

it intoned, its words vibrating through Jay's very being. The pronouncement was followed by a warning that his life was in peril and the system was initiating an emergency mode.

Time seemed to stand still as a surreal countdown echoed in Jay's thoughts:

[Transformation: 97... 98... 99...]

A blinding flash of lightning burst forth, casting an ethereal radiance that bathed the chaotic scene in a luminous glow. Jay's senses were overwhelmed, his pain momentarily forgotten as the world itself seemed to bend to the will of some greater force.

In the midst of the swirling brilliance, the mecha were consumed by the relentless onslaught of the kaiju. But the monster's malevolent advance was suddenly arrested by an electrifying spectacle—an enigmatic figure cloaked in a corona of dazzling light.

The voice's command reached its zenith as the awe-inspiring transformation took shape. The humanoid form grew from skeletal outlines to an intricate framework of sinew and muscle. The very fabric of reality seemed to warp as flesh and skin enveloped the structure, and a crescendo of raw power rippled through the atmosphere.

The Titan, once a mere whisper of possibility, now stood tall and imposing. His frame radiated an aura of ancient strength, every inch of his being etched with a formidable presence. With a primal roar that reverberated through the heavens, the Titan unleashed a shockwave that rippled through the surroundings, a manifestation of his awakened might.

Heat and vapor cascaded from the Titan's body and parted from his open maw, creating a breathtaking scene of primal force intertwined with the ethereal. It was a transformation that transcended human understanding, a dance of elements that culminated in the birth of a force beyond reckoning.

As the Titan's roar resonated across the battlefield, it seized the kaiju's attention. The monstrous creature turned its four ferocious eyes towards this new challenger, momentarily halting its rampage. The intensity of the Titan's presence was enough to divert the kaiju's murderous intent, if only for a fleeting moment.

Amid the chaos, within the control room of the now-destroyed mecha, shock and disbelief reigned. The controllers stared at the monitors in astonishment, witnessing the emergence of a being they had never encountered, a humanoid variant that defied all records of the known world.