
Chapter 46

You woke up rested, if feeling a little melancholy. You had dreamed about your first meeting with Emerald..and Mint, or rather Neo as she'd revealed her real name was later down the line.

Honestly, besides your time with Weiss and the night with Pyrrha, that had probably been the most fun short few weeks you'd had at Beacon. You'd done your best not to think about either of them at all. Referring to Emerald even mentally as just part of Cinder's posse. The tears in her red eyes as you bled out and the whispered sorry before you fell into blackness and passed away had been your last sight.

..And Neo, well, she hadn't been there. But she was a part of all that, she was part of their team after all and all three of them had been in on Cinder's big plan.

You didn't know how to feel, so you stood up atop the pillow you were resting on and stretched out your legs and put it to the back of your mind. You directed your attention to the lawnmower in the room, or rather, the busty ginger shortstack snoring away right next to you.

..You had not expected things to go the way they had last night. Somehow, even you, an ageless and tireless Grimm had been exhausted by time you'd worn Nora down.

"..Yeah, as much as I'd love to banter with you right now thunder thighs, I just want some peace and quiet for a bit." you said to the snoozing girl. That didn't stop you from jumping on her back and making your way down her body towards the end of the bed, standing on top of her fat round ass for a few moments and admiring the way it quaked and rose high into the air with each breath the girl took.

Then you jumped off the bed after you were satisfied and left the room, making your way downstairs. To your surprise, even with how early it seemed, there was still two people already up.

Ruby was sitting at the kitchen table polishing her weapon, Crescent Rose, and Ren was humming away at the cooker. Ruby's eyes lit up when she saw you making your way over, "Morning Cobalt," she greeted with a blindingly pure bright smile, "Crazy night last night huh? Nora really put you through your paces."

Honestly, a lot of it was a bit of a blur. Especially when Nora got naked and tried to run out into the streets for a game of tag. That had been when you put your foot...or rather paws down. Right on top of her, knocking her out. You were not about to let anybody else see the gorgeous short stack naked.

That fat ass was for you alone...when you got your body back.

"Ugh, don't remind me," you groaned, hopping up onto the table and sitting down. Your eyes fluttered to Ren just in time to see him flipping a pancake from the frying pan onto a plate at his side, already filled with dozens of pancakes.

"What are you doing Ren?" you asked.

Ren looked over his shoulder at you, and gave you the most emotive smile you'd ever seen him give, "I'm making culinary magic." he replied, and he sounded rather proud of it to, before turning back to the cooker.

Ruby giggled, "Ren loves cooking," she told you, "He used to cook all the time for us back at the dorm. It was a riot half the time with how Nora kept stealing all the pancakes he made whenever he looked away, he literally set up a cage trap to catch her in the act once, it was amazing!"

You snorted. Yeah, that sounded like Nora alright.

Sorry about not pasting the last few days. Was busy with family stuff.

This chapter is a bit short because there's a PoV switch right after that is much longer.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts