
Chapter 27

Just as Yang was about to drive through the portal her mother had sliced into existence through thin air, the lookalike of her blonde teammate mer her eyes.

"Schnee." Raven spoke up.

Weiss narrowed her eyes at the bandit leader. This was one of the few times she'd actually addressed her directly. "What?" she asked, snappishly.

"Didn't you find it odd that you were only tossed in a cage?" Raven smirked at her, crossing her arms, "There's little your dear old daddy could do to me, and your sister isn't anyone I'm afraid to tangle with, so why do you think you were treated so kindly?"

Weiss ground her teeth. There was nothing kind about it, she'd had to spend over a day stuck freezing in a metal cage, while a pair of brutes and that short haired bitch leered at her and mocked her.

She doubted her father would care honestly if anything happened to her, beyond it being an insult to his reputation. It rankled her though to hear this deadbeat and smug waste of space dare to claim to be her beloved big sister's superior.

Yang snorted, "Kind..that's a good one."

Raven ignored her daughter, continuing to stare at Weiss, "It's simple really, why I didn't let anyone touch you," she continued, "Your little...or rather, very big friend that found himself becoming a Grimm."

Weiss' eyes widened, "Cobalt!" she hissed in realisation. How did this bitch know about Cobalt!? Frankly, all this magic stuff and there being a leader of the Grimm was incredibly hard to believe, but she'd been forced to at least consider the possibility after what happened to her friend.

She'd spent many a sleepless night fretting and worrying about what happened to him after he got hit with that silver light before she passed out back at Beacon. The only comfort she had, was training all she could so that she could have the strength to seek him out and help him should he still be alive.

..Despite herself. Weiss felt relief fill her. She'd fretted many a times that she'd never hear his blunt way of airing everything out and never hiding anything, nor the sound of his barking laughter.

"WHAT!? Cobalt!? That guy you always nerded out with in the library?" Yang looked over her shoulder at the white haired girl in shock, "What the hell are you talking about him being a Grimm?"

Raven's smirk grew, "He's quite powerful now, in the form of the biggest Alpha Griffon I've ever seen and it shouldn't be to long before he reaches the next stage," the black haired woman continued offhandedly, "He's the reason why we didn't touch you beyond locking you up. Do let him know we actually treated your injuries will you? It would be a massive shame to kill him considering how much potential he has."

He was alive! And he'd evolved...apparently. Way, way too fast. It took Grimm years to evolve past their first stage even at the lowest. Was this because of his Semblance? She remembered him absorbing that Ursa after he killed it and saved her.

"Last I saw him, he was hanging around Qrow and the Rose girl, do let him know again that if he wants to come to someone who will actually tell him what's going on and let him get his revenge on his murderer." Raven finished, turning around and casually walking away with a small negligent wave over her shoulder.

"..What the hell is even going on anymore?" Yang shook her head in disbelief.

Weiss didn't reply. Emotion threatened to overwhelm her, but, she forced it down for now under an icy mask and directed a sneer towards the black haired bandits back, "Cobalt doesn't need help from someone like you," she retorted, "I'll personally drag the one who killed him to him myself rather than make him have to breath the disgusting stench you give off." she turned her nose up after that, and patted her blonde teammate on the shoulder.

Yang snorted, but got the message and rev'd her bike, driving through the portal just as Raven turned and directed a murderous glare at Weiss.

Feeling cheeky, and doing away with her decorum for a moment, Weiss copied a little something Cobalt liked to taunt people with. She raised her left hand up, and stuck up her middle finger the bandit bitch just as they disappeared through the portal and a shimmer of red light engulfed her vision.