
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · ไซไฟ
17 Chs

Episode 4: Fate of the Living.

"....mama.. mama... i'm sorry... i'm sorry.... i killed everyone...---AHH!!?"

Waking up of what it would seem to be a nightmare, December checks the horizon and sees a naked Saul by his side. On a king size bed, a normal person would have assumed that they slept but in reality, they didn't. Saul was a proud lesbian and December..., well, December was himself.

The Morning sun basked on the skin of December, his extreme lit blond hair and golden eyes glittered as they shone in transparency.

A chiseled body built to seduce any race, eyes that defied the law of physics, hands of a softness that even a god would zeal over, thighs of perfection and a face expression with a serious cut.

That man was really impressive on a Handsomeness level.

But as always, he would hide such gifts under his oversized dark clothes.

"You've got soft titties, Saul."

A morning question from December and a morning nod from Saul to let December do whatever he wanted.

Which showed of them relationship as brother and sister.

Despite being afraid of December's identity, Saul knew he wouldn't hurt her as he was suspiciously acting like a brother to her.

"I was just kidding. No need to make such a face.. I just wanted to check the temperature. You are finally lesser pre-occupied by who I am. It feels refreshing."

Explaining his intention, December just wanted to make sure of Saul's mental attitude.

Eyes opened, Saul added while clinging to December's.

"I won't lie but admit that you still scare me. But I made up my mind overnight.. I won't, be swayed by my wickedness and act like a coward no more.."

December with his fantastic golden eyes stared at Saul while she sorted out her feelings. Feeling reassured she felt the way he intended her to, he added a positive note.

"You were never a coward to me, Saul. Just wanted to make that clear.."

As he looked before him, picturing the window showcasing the beautiful sight of a sun dawn and the sea waves. The wind cuddling his sweet skin. The thought of being alive went through his mind which had rarely happened before.

"So, what was earlier about? Your sudden 'ah' thing woke me up.. It happened back then too, 'when you were out after fight the giant... You kept repeating in your sleep that you had killed everyone.."

Saul broke that moment December was having and said her mind that he was worried. December didn't look like it but he was under constant pressure to what he had done in the past. So, he answered:

"The person who came here under the disguise of goodwill shouldn't be asking questions that can terminate her life right away. Do not concern yourself with me, Saul."

Saul took a sudden glance at December's and saw tears. Looking elsewhere, she let a silence install. Letting a few minutes go by, she continued.

"Alright, I get it.. You can let me guess if you want. Because I can pretty much tell what's going on... And I want you to know too that I have great respect for your name and the being you appeared to me. You are certainly more humanly than told in the Legends."

December surprised by Saul's monologue that he's lost words. Smiling on one end, he saw in Saul, a little sister he never thought of before.

"To think you were afraid of me, so much that you could barely talk and look me in the eyes.. It seems your confidence has made you smarter."

Saul grinned knowing that December approved of her self.

"Oh, I had to tell you this. I've looked into The Monarch Association Brief Notice that was uploaded on the net and I think we've got a problem. Adamas has joined them.."

"That little one did what?..."

Saul paused for a moment and continued with her speech.

"She must not have foreseen you joining my side. She won't give up easily though, she made a pact with a dragon.. Those who make a promise tonthe devil see themself losing their minds to reasoning."

December remained silent for a few seconds, then, replied this. Keeping this eyes closed, he came to an understanding that serious measures had to be taken.

"Pact with a dragon?-- Since when did Adamas become so confident?? Anyway, I should plan on getting rid of her."

"..Kinda hot, what you just said."

Saul replied as while blushing.

Then followed with a question that most people would remember since it's a love interest.

"Wasn't it today, That Birthday?"

"Yup--Ley Caydence Novembaria's birthday. It's her Eighteenth year since she was born in the Land of the living. I'll go, but the bed I'm in right now is too comfy."

"..Lazy, You? The End Of The World is really pathetic next to that statement. And you should go early.. A woman won't say it but she loves it when a man respects her special day."

As Saul was about to finish her sentence, December cut her off with a blank face.

"Are you an expert at Romance now?--Joking! I'll get up... I even brought an outfit for the occasion."

"Wow! You're really taking things seriously! One could really think that you mean it. But obviously, you are just having fun playing with some humans, right?"

Saul shared her truth of the matter and December considered it as it was an honest statement from a friend.

"Who knows? I've wandered in the Land of the living for so long that I never really cared about the humans. So, 'playing with some humans' won't be be the term I'll use in this case. It's more of an 'Understanding and Preaching' thing."

Patting on the bed, December was thinking harder about it than Saul thought.

It seemed clearly to her that December was very serious about his love interest.

Facing December with a earnest face, her breasts and her skin were showing up more clearly this time.

Cuddling close to him, she spoke.

"I give up.. It works out to nothing trying to figure out who you: December The Wrong really is. I'll have better luck at trying out lottery."

"That's okay, Saul. You aren't the first to try. And you won't be the last to try too. Just think of it as some useless thoughts poisoning your reasoning."

Finally getting up from the bed, Decemeber clothed himself with a smokey black Polo shirt. A slim white pant and a rare-to-obtain Deiven shoes.

Watching from the side, Saul added one more thing.

"Back to more serious subjects: I found lingering traces on the beasts' corpses. It really comes from another monarch. To be specific, it comes from a Dragon!"

Suddenly changing scene, an hour went by and Caydence was getting ready with her make-up at her residence in the south of the city.

"You seem awfully joyous this morning, and I doubt it is for your adulthood celebration. Found love?, have we?"

•Still Saturday Morning, 09:56 A.M.

Caydence Residence.

Caydence Birthday Event Room (Invitees Only)

"What do you want, Ley?"

As she put her make-up on her face, Caydence greeted with coldth Lefto as she entered the room, unannounced.

Dressed of a beautiful yellow, and a beautful sunflower strap to the hair, Lefto really put emphasis on her yellow attire, despite having brown hair.

"Wanted to annoy my restless sistren for ignoring me the past few days, did a boy break out the bond of years we had?"

Gnarling about her situation, Lefto was frustrated but made sure Caydence would still appear beautiful.

"I'm gonna help you do your make-up, as a token of my apology for insulting 'your thing'. I came because I had a few things to share with you, for the Last Day."

As Lefto did the last touch on Caydence's face, Caydence stood still remembering the old days when they both acted like 'Sisters'.

Playing more and more with her thumbs, Caydence with a nervous look stated this:

"You making me stress by staying mysterious! What's gotten into you, you seem more emotional.."

Caydence delivered at that moment a sincere wish towards her sister she would rarely spare a look at.

Lefto gulped.

Face to face, they glared into each others' eyes with no end.

"I'm gonna be blunt, because we don't have much time left together. Since our younger ages, we stayed together. You were the adopted first daughter and I was the Blood First Daughter. We shared Mother. But then, you showed greater results and Mother stopped being my mother since. But that's just a detail. You are the strongest I know, sistren. Never let Mother control your life.. I'm sure you understand me."

And what followed were the reasons Madame kept Caydence in the dark about what was done to achieve The Plan.

As Lefto learnt a few things by the help of an outsider, she decided to share some of her knowledge with Caydence, the only one she considered as 'family'.

"Hey, Misses!"

Sucker punching the two in the liver was Gwenn Klauus, and of course, Lefto avoided the hit when Caydence took it strong.

"You just died again, dimwit!"

Instructing as always her daughters, she warned the two to be careful. Dressed of a silky blue dress and Lapis Lazuli ornaments to the ears, she beat to a pulp every woman with her beauty, despite her old age.

Caydence stood up and left as she heard her mother's order.

Lefto, on the other hand...

"As Bestow's soldier, I expect you to know what's gonna happen soon. The Man your sister is coveting is on his way here as Caydence told him to come. My people will do their best to protect the invitees, you'll be charged of keeping the 'Main Entrance' and welcoming him. Do a good job if-"

"Heh.. I suppose that is your super fucking good way of showing affection to a bitch you stole, right?

Of Rage and Worry, Lefto screamed out loudly.

Blood going to her head, she mindlessly spoke her heart.


Madame breathing stuff~e~ly, ordered once more Lefto to do something.

"JUST fucking shut up......"

Eyes wide opened, Lefto couldn't stop herself from letting out her frustration.

Despite trying to understand Caydence's position, she couldn't bring herself to stock it in.

And so, she talked but avoided Madame's eyes, Her Mother's Eyes.

"I heard it all, so, you don't need to act like a dumb-fuck before me. Commanding me like I'm your fucking bitch! I know everything. I heard it all. I know everything."

Madame left without words coughed a bit.

This time, she was the one unable to look into Lefto's eyes.

"Losing face already by some mere words your bitch told you?--You are seriously weak. I was too simple minded to have not seen that sooner. But that all ends soon. Today is the last day you'll ever see me."

Madame, winked weirdly, as if she was caught in an act.

But enough was enough, thought Lefto.

Giving up the name she bore her entire life.

Giving up the education she received from Her Father.

Giving up the goodness she's tucked deep inside of her.

Saying goodbyes to her relationships.

Saying goodbyes to her Mentors.

And welcoming a new age.

28th December 2019: Saturday; 10:51 A.M.

Lefto Mattews III abandoned her duties as The Secondth Seat At The Directing Board And Discarded Her Entry As An Official Member Of The Monarch Association.

But, no one cared as they didn't know yet her importance to their lives.

As she left, Madame looked at her daughter's back feeling lost. Since she assumed that everyone would follow her lead, she never paid attention to anyone but Caydence.

So, to put it simply; She didn't feel the need to hold back her Blood Daughter from Going Away.

*Driiing* ~~ *Driiing* ~~~~ *Driiing* ~~*Driiing*

At the same moment, a man appeared in front of Caydence's Residence.

Alone, he waited politely for someone to open him the door.

Next thing you know, it was Lefto welcoming the man.

"...Sweet motherfucker!"

"...Ah! Is it blood-related to cuss automatically at me?"

The first ever face to face between December and Lefto.

"Oops.. Didn't mean for that to come out so naturally. I'm 'Lefto'. Caydence's sister.. You must be---'that guy'."

"I suppose, can I come in?"


Strangely though, Lefto mysteriously snapped as she was about to let December in.

Brim thoughts of Lefto went through her minds as she tried to keep herself cool. A mysterious force had had taken possession of her body and she did the unforgivable.

Her sanity that was already under a lot of pressure from everything that was happening broke easily.

Losing her cool, she sent a jab to December's ribs making him fly across the road to a bush a few feet away.

Despite being a human, thus making her the weakest of her band, she was able to kick out December by a mere punch of hers.

Feeling a surging power, she felt herself in a state of almighted-ness. But it was all fake.

Someone took possession of her body and made her do the Unforgivable.

Which was;

Making an enemy out of December.

In other words:







•The Same Saturday Morning.

"That bastard really came in the land of the living.. This is so fucked up, The Heiress*(*referring to the late Isabelle DeLaCourte) didn't warn us that Greorgorian Marrtellis would get involve in our matter."

Hovering over the desertic plain of The Northern area of Central City is an owl whose mind is being mind controlled by Saul.

"Everything was going so well for once. BUT!! But... But, Sister Isabelle had to die. Maggie lost herself in a fury for revenge. With nothing to guide myself as I was depending on Sister Isabelle most of the time, I had no choice but to take the initiative.."

And hundred of feet below, a Saul who was reciting a non-human scriptures with a snake tougue.

Suddenly, she snapped into reality and...

"Ahh--You are finally awake. I was talking to your 'closed-eyes' but you wouldn't respond no matter what I did."

Waking from her sleep was a blond haired woman with a sweet voice.


"..Even though we've lost Sister Isabelle, her plan must live on. We will take down, Greorgorian Marrtellis, right, Girls?"



~to be continued~

a week break.


HobiTAcreators' thoughts