
Greorgorian Marrtellis Book one.

Episode 0: ‘Greorgorian Marrtellis’. ⟨When The Seven Heavenly Pillars Will Be Erected From The Holy Ground, All The Gods Will Dance To Commemorate My Return. When The Red Sky Will Reflect The Sea Of Blood My Children Will Leave Behind Their Trail, All The Monarchs Will Form A Pyramid Of Corpses To Celebrate My Presence. When I Set Foot On The Land Of The Living, My Most Dearest Son Will Praise My Sovereignty. On The New Dawn Of A Foretold Pure World, My Children: Martius The Right, Aprilis The Watcher, Maius The Wit, Junius The Weak, Quintilis The Hoe, Sextilis The Shrewd, September The Murderer, October The Stranger, November The Warrior, and December The Wrong Will Abide My Command And Mold This Primitive-Unpurified World To My Liking.⟩

HobiTA · Sci-fi
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17 Chs

Episode 3: Pride is the devil.

"The 16-man Squadron on Lefto's care took too much time to place themselves. They won't have enough time to hold out against the beasts. You must intervene, Vice-Chairman! I will face the consequences for sending out your troops without asking, but Lefto's my daughter. Please, Save her!"

Cried out a usually arrogant 'gigachad' who'd talk lousily about women-type guy. Seeking a solution to the problem he caused because of his incompetence, he called out the Vice-Chairman of TREE and Second-in-Command of The Monarch Association, Bestow Vahass.

"You better be ready for the mess you've caused! Troops, Forward With Me!!"

Replied the Vice-Chairman having no chance but to rescue the people in danger that had a lot of importance somehow.

Ethnicity didn't matter to this person as she led an army of Inferiors and Humans. Risen from the Lowest streets, she is The Representative Of The Non-Rich.

Seen by many as a strong-willed, powerful and grand thinker. Right after the world got attacked by Beasts, she immediately spent her time in contacting her connections to form a 'Vanguard'.

Taking matter into her own hands as no one were there to protect those fate-less. She started to be seen as The Underdog of the New-ly Apocalyptic World. Aprasing her powers of Inferior faster and better than anyone, she quickly became the Leader Of Many People. People saw in her, someone who cared for them.. Naming her after her power; The Red Devil, Bestow Vahass.

•Fifth Day AFTER The First Invasion, Friday 27th December 2019: 9:57 P.M.

"General! Lefto's troop's down there. Permission to--"

Flying through the clouds, the Right-Hand of The Vice-Chairman; Captain G led the troop of Inferiors with the power of his mind.

"Don't! I'll take care of it.. The rest of you shall take care of our allies. Lefto's one of my captains.. Her death is unacceptable, so, I'll Make sure She Gets Home To Eat, ALRIGHT!!?"

Leaving no time for any reflections, nor, doubts of that person's order. The platoon deviated from the initial course and descended to the ground to help Lefto's.

The leader, alone, knew what she'd to do.

Landing a hundred of meters from Lefto's, she screamed to gain the attention of the beasts.

Being probably the strongest Inferior, she activated her skill.

['Hidden Skill' has been activated]

A red aura wrapping around her stoic body, a sudden burst of pure strength overtook her rocketing her physical abilities close to that of January Novembaria's.

The sun was at its highest point at that moment.

Dressed in a red attire, she was seen by Lefto's and her own troops on the massacre-field as the Red Devil Of The New World.

"Reporting duty, Lefto was saved. But two lives amongst her troops died. The rest have light injuries, so they will be fine."

Looking ahead to analyze if the all of the beasts have been taken out, a strange thoughts went through her mind.

The face of a boy that wouldn't leave her mind.

Wondering whom he could be.

She had seen that face in her dreams for a while now.

"Let's return home then. You did good work today, Captain G."

But at such moment of crisis, it seemed even the enemies weren't ready to give up.

At first [Talking about the first invasion], Razorsharp-mouth beasts invaded Earth. That was the first wave that shocked the world, but it wasn't what caused the greatest incidents.. The Second wave concerned hundreds of over 40 feet beasts that no one apart the monarchs could handle. What happened just now was the decimation of the first wave. But what about the second wave...



Crying out of fear for a comfort, the noise made by the dozen beasts of over 40 feets made the ground tremble.

"It seems this isn't the end.. Curse! I won't be able to kill them all... Captain G, take the troops and run for your lives! Now!!"

Pissing himself, the captain managed to get himself up but with much difficult. Reaching a hand for his general, an inner voice forced him to think otherwise.

"Captain.. I am, but a mere little person. Do not be swayed of futile thoughts. You have friends to take care of, while I am alone. Return home. Take the troops, and go to safety. For my sake, do not disobey me now. Don't make my sacrifice, pointless."

Talking like someone who had already given up on her life, the general jumped forward with vividness.

This wasn't a risk, but a death scene.

"Dying a virgin, what a sore loser am I. I hope Heaven has got enough booze/men for me.."

"Why don't you ask me? I can answer that question.."

When suddenly, a woman dressed like a witch from a bad movie of witchery made her appearance.

"The term actually makes reference to the first Genocide, that took out the Demonic Dark Elves. So, to answer your question of whether 'Booze/Men' are available there: They Aren't. If I were you, I would dodge the entry to Heaven. Better head to hell, it doesn't have killing, and happiness has it's real meaning there as anyone's wish is null.."

"Don't mind the charabia's of that woman. Saul, stop playing around and get rid of those things. Remember that it's your turn to work.."

A man's back was what the general noticed first. As she looked past that, she finally saw a man no higher than her in height.

"Don't order me around, December. I shall do as I wish, and that is: To Get rid Of Those Titans Because I Chose It."

Replied Saul, trying to pick a fight with December but retaliated with a poor excuse to only disagree to agree in the end.

"Hey! You! You came!?"

Breaking the ice, the general finally spoke because she felt a bit left out of the conversation which she wasn't in to begin with..

"You came...."

An exhausted Bestow on one end, an uninterested December on the other end.

"I was just passing by."

Replied December as he directed his attention to Bestow's deep cuts on her body.

"You've become laxed. To be this weak, you must've been really happy here to forget that war wages anywhere you go."

Said December, as he hovered his hand towards Bestow, healing her cuts and bruises like it was nothing.

"Feels like a déjà-vu."

•Year XX, Land Of The Dead, X.

*[Bestow's POV]*

On the black dirt of a battlefield, a younger version of me with dark hair speaking to a shorter version of December with his blindingly blond hair.

"That fucking bastards got me good! I'm gonna fucking kill his offsprings!!"

At that time, I would often lash out my emotions wildly.

I would fight people, because they were ugly.

And because of my weak constitution, I would get injured pretty seriously all the time.

"Maybe, if you trained properly instead of getting swept up in some kind of boring 'tele novela' shit. You would be able to protect yourself."

And December was always there.

As the big bro, he watched over us, The Younger Siblings.

"But that bastard insulted you.. How come you're not hinged by what he said? You are the most powerful one, doesn't that mean that everyone owes you respect?"

As terrible as I sounded back in the days, he always appeared smiley all the time.

He was the sweetest brother.

But that was until That Woman decided to share her plans of conquer.

The sweet brother that always took care of me, didn't come to see me anymore.

Alone, he went to wage war for the sake of that woman...

But we knew why he did what he did.

We, his younger siblings, knew that he sacrificed himself for our virgin fate.

He became one of the most notorious being for the sake of us, to protect us.

But that was something... I couldn't quite understand that, while back..

•Now, Friday 27th December 2019: 15:40 P.M.

"I'm done with the monsters. Damn! There was a lot.."

"I've healed you completely, so make sure that you stay safe.."

Ignoring Saul as she was just done of getting rid of the monsters, December was also done healing Bestow.

Bestow, having the red hair blurrying her vision, stood still as she felt her big brother walking away.

And in a moment of thinking, she whispered:

"Why can't you just stay with me?"

Which was something that never came of Bestow's mouth ever.

Being the Vice-Chairman of Shant Corporation, Bestow was actually known to be ferocious and protective of her surroundings.

Never had anyone seen her cry or put on a display of weakness, like in front of Deck.

December, having heard that, stopped before he added something.

"You.. You've met new people. Those kids you sent after me were very authentic. They unintentionally praised you and I could see them feeling protected by you. So, you 'shant' be sad. You no longer need a big brother, as you've become a big sister yourself. You know what I mean.."

A speck of sadness on Bestow's face, she turned face in fear of crying.

December's speech sunked deep in as Bestow heard it.

"Guys, I am getting chill in my spine.. I'm not getting paid enough to deal with this type of emotional shit..."

Intervening to soothe the air, Saul talked it out of both of them, but the Vice-Chairman finally found composure again as she replied:

"Of the many things I know you handled with ease, my acknowledgement to your regards was something you never understood. But it doesn't matter anymore, whether you are Under Her Influence or not, I will never give up this land."

"You know you've already lost. I'm inevitable.."

The tension rising again, Bestow decided to walk away, fearing a clash that she would have to admit as a loss.

"November The Warrior, I expected her to be more barbaric. It is said in the legends that she never lost a fight, I guess that was wrong.. Anyway, Deck, I say that we better get a move on. Too many eyes are coming this way."

Talked out to December, a Saul, puzzled by December's behaviour.

"Younger siblings huh.. I guess they've grown up a bit. But I wonder what will be their reaction when they learn that the land they've decided to protect is the land I wish, to get, rid of...."

"...Ignoring me again.. That guy, he asked me to follow him but he merely gives me some attention. Thanks god we're not married, I would have cheated on that guy the very first day..."

•20:05 P.M.

The night came faster than I expected. Lefto was saved, along with her soldiers. The two deceased soldier had a funeral to thank them for their services, and as a mourning ritual for the families, I told Captain G to let the troops rest for the night. Hence, I finally had some time to rest my body.

At this usual moment of loneliness, my thoughts would derive to my late mother and father. The last scream of my little sister dying slowing as a beast was taking its time with her. Echoes of her soul's cry in my mind and I couldn't stop it. This moment happenee each time I was alone and I was forced to reminisce the past days a thousand of times.

And the sole getaway out of this painful phase was pleasure.

Stimulating my 'Grafenberg's' every night, it helped me into stopping the images of the souls that I couldn't save back then.

Making sure no one would interrupt me during my time, I locked myself in my office. My pants on the side, my lower bottom is clothe-less.

Closing my eyes and acting before the images appear, I touched my nipples sofly with my index. Arousing my body to what's coming. A few moans came out of my mouth and my body temperature reached a higher scale than normal. The residual thoughts finally leaving my body and I know it was time for the main act.

Moving my fingers from my erected nipples to my dry vagina, harder moans make its way out of my mouth. My eyes went rowdy and the butterflies kept working out in my belly. A grasp of air for a moment, playing with my sensitive spots and it fely good.

It's like a drug that wasn't bad for the body. My most useful meditation that worked out every part of my body. The easiest way to deal with everything that happened.

My sensual body was something no man has ever touched before. A virgin vagina that even a god would pay to have. A sexual drive that would hypnotize the dumbest man alive. I near the orgasm, just by thinking of my sexual attraction

Rubbing it faster and faster, it felt like the grip was slipping of my hand. And with two fingers, I quickly penetrated my vagina. The feels was incredible. First time trying it and I felt like I was tearing myself up, down here. The pain was intense, but not as much as the pleasure. I already imagined having a 'donger' inside of me.

My moans became dyer and harder as I was nearing more and more the orgasm. My legs started giving up but I couldn't stop. A third finger made it way in and it finally arrived.

The orgasm of my sexual body lashing out after going through half an hour of pure pleasure by experienced fingers. A little squirt occurred but it leaked out slowly.

I grasped for air, feeling tired but it was worth it. I finally felt at ease and....

"So this is the 'Porn' I've been talked about? Excruciating!"

Sitting in front of an open-legged-Bestow is Captain G having the moment of his life with some industrialized popcorn in his hands. Eyes locked into the private sections of his General, he quickly got up doing a salute after realizing he'd been caught

But with the plain sight of his vice-chairman half-naked in front of him, he kept his eyes closed. Asking persmission to open the eyes after a few minutes, he finally saw his Vice-chairman dressed conveniently.


"--Don't Kill Me!!? I was sent here to discuss with you. That bitch of a secretary is starting to get suspicious on how the vice-chairman got the information concerning the 'Unknown Material'."

[Back to the 3rd POV]

With a sip of fresh water in hand, the Vice-Chairman sipped in to wet her throat. Then, replied after having thought of an answer.

"She sure is a bitch, always being nosy. Tell her if she has things to ask, come straight to me. By the way, where's Caydence? I need to speak with her. If you meet her, tell her to come to my office."

As usual, the Vice-chairman would refuse any leak of her sources. Sending away her right hand man, she sighed at the thought of being cornered.

With everything that happened today, she felt like she took 10 steps back when she merely moved of one inch forward.

Alone again in her office, she spoke to herself.

"HIM: being in the Land Of The Living must mean the Main Act has really started. Grander warned me but I ignored him.. EVERYONE came into the Land Of The Living! The Ascencion Of Mother is near! I Absolutely need to Warn Madame!"






•Friday Night, 27th Friday December 2019.

"There was once a dragon that loved to terrorize the good folks of the Land Of Living. Magic-proof dark coloured scales and an ominous black breath that no one could survive, the dragon was deemed impossible to get rid of. May it be spear, knife, sword or magic, nothing could pierce the scale of the dragon. And hence, the people of Land of Living got accustomed to living in fear and hopelessness as their freedom and happiness got taken away. And when hope was about to be completely gone, a sleeping white armoured knight appeared. Casting aside chivalrousness, the sleeping white knight played weak but was indeed strong. Using wit, not recklessness, he bestowed upon the dragon; death. Returning victorious, the folks of The Land Of Living claimed him as their Rising Hero. Striving to live his life under the fame and wealth provided to him. But the story didn't end there. The dragon's fury was so immense that The Land Of Death refused to take her and revived her. Coming back from the death, The Dragon's hatred towards the Folks of the Land Of Living grew immensely. The Rising Hero was alas too old and fattened by the wealth that he became useless. Screaming her wishes to obliterate every poison of the Land Of Living, the dragon let out her fury. That was Humanity's Second Biggest Failure after 'Adam And Eve'. Thus, the Dragon reigned as long as she could until age got the best of her."

Counted a brown-skinned woman in her fifties to a group of orphans at an Orphanage near the City.

"The children was a bit lost, but they loved it. You've done so much for this place in the past few days, and I cannot offer anything in return but the gratefulness of god."

As the children rushed to their dorms, a nun with freckles appeared and thanked the woman.

"Needless to say, I could never leave alone such cuties. Tomorrow, I'll need to leave as I used too much of your precious generosity."

Replying with a gentle smile, the brown skinned woman made the nun blush by her charisma.

"I-I simply did what was right, God hasn't forsakened all of us afterall."

A gentle hand weave from the brown skinned woman.

She headed to her bedroom and tomorrow came.

"May you be blessed on your path. I hope you'll come visit us from time to time despite 'The World Going Through A Phase'."

At the Grand entrance of the Orphanage, the nun and the orphans was present to wave 'goodbye' to their saviour.

"I'll come around someday."

That woman appeared at the orphanage with kids who were left alone as their progenitors died by the beasts. Controlling the beasts through some sort of miracles, the nun and the kids saw in her a 'saviour'. But in reality....

"..Poor cuties, you are experiencing the Aftercome of the Human's Third Biggest Failure which is: The Death of My Lover. Those who can be saved will be saved, those who were doomed from the beginning will be doomed."

In reality, that brown skinned woman was...--

"Hmmm, my monstrosities are getting killed...? It seems I'm not the only one who was bestowed the power to soar the sky.. This city, it harbours people with dangerous aptitude. But they are much much more weaker than The 'Sleeping White Knight' that I fought back in the day. Thy shall be their fate then: I, Margaret Vahass will destroy this City today."

--...A being that lived longer than any normal being.

Piercing the beliefs of the caricature.

She was The Monarch Of Destruction.

Margaret 'Maggie' Vahass.

On the Sixth day After The First Invasion, Saturday 28th December 2019, Maggie decided to use her skill "THE MARCH OF THE BEASTS" for the Second Time.

Thus, a Second Invasion took place.

More deadly and festering than the first.

With beasts, even a Monarch would have problem to deal with.

~to be continued~

this novel was greatly inspired by solo leveling.

it was originally a fan-fiction, but then i changed my mind and it ended up becoming something quite original.

i don't know if its good.

i always wonder.

keep me updated on your thoughts.

thanks for giving it a try.

have fun.


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