
Great Voyage: Eating uta uta fruit from the start of the story.

Karren and her son Erin end up in the world of One Piece on a snowy morning. She is transmigrated into a twenty-something-year-old body and her son into a purple-haired swordsman. They soon discover that she's the infamous Captain Umi No Majo and her son is her loyal crewmate Suraisu, a famous swordsman who defeated Hawkeye. On their first day, Karren finds the uta uta fruit and takes a bite. She soon begins to demonstrate some unusual powers; she can read minds, make people do things, and transport people's consciences to another place. She's still discovering all her powers since this isn't the same uta uta fruit that Uta ate. In order to get home they must keep from getting captured by the Marines, Pirate Hunters, and other pirates who want to claim their treasure. But all Karren and Erin want to do is go home. Will they be able to find a way? Does fate and the pirates of One Piece have different plans?

K_D_BartoschWrites · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Unveiling the Uta Uta Fruit

Karren stared at Erin, wide-eyed and confused. "A Devil Fruit? Are you serious?"

Erin nodded gravely. "Yeah, Mom. That fruit you just ate is a Devil Fruit. It's called the Uta Uta no Mi."

"A Devil Fruit from One Piece?" Karren shook her head in disbelief. "This has to be some kind of dream. I can't be in the world of One Piece."

Erin sighed, realizing that convincing his mother would take some time. "Well, whether it's a dream or not, you've eaten a Devil Fruit, and that means you've gained its powers."

Karren looked down at herself, still baffled by her altered appearance. "So, what powers do I have? Besides the questionable fashion sense."

"The Uta Uta no Mi allows you to teleport people's consciousnesses into a virtual space called the Uta World by singing. ," Erin explained. "It's a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit so once that person is in the Uta World you have complete control over them like a god."

Karren raised an eyebrow. "What am I supposed to do with that?"

Erin grinned. "Trust me, it can be quite powerful. But we should be careful. Eating a Devil Fruit comes with consequences. You can't swim now, Mom."

Karren blinked. "Can't swim? Are you serious?"

Erin nodded again. "Devil Fruit users lose their ability to swim. It's one of the drawbacks. But let's focus on getting our bearings. We're in the world of One Piece, and we need to figure out how to survive."

As mother and son explored the beach, they discovered more about their surroundings. The air was filled with the scent of the sea, seagulls circled overhead, and palm trees swayed in the gentle breeze. In the distance, they could see a bustling town with colorful buildings and pirate flags.

"We're definitely in the Grand Line," Erin said, pointing towards the town. "That's where the adventure begins."

Karren sighed. "Adventure? I just want to go back home."

Erin put a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We will, Mom. But for now, we need to adapt. You have powers, and we need to figure out how to use them to survive in this world."

The mother and son duo ventured into the town, attracting curious stares from the locals. Erin explained their situation to the townspeople, and they learned about the existence of Devil Fruits in this world.

As they navigated through the lively streets, Karren couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant and eclectic atmosphere. Pirates, marines, and strange creatures roamed the town. The buildings were adorned with colorful banners, and the sound of lively chatter filled the air.

Karren experimented with her newfound powers, realizing that she could create soothing melodies, and discovered that when the person heard the sound they fell unconscious. She then closed her eyes and went into the world. It wasn't much different from the One Piece world but here she could fly, teleport, and do anything! It's sort of like The Sims game she used to play. She could force them to do something even though they tried to resist, grumbling and dragging their feet, but they did it. Erin, on the other hand, kept a vigilant eye on their surroundings, wary of any potential threats.

Their journey took an unexpected turn when a mysterious figure clad in a cloak approached them.

"You're not from around here, are you?" the figure spoke, their voice shrouded in mystery.

Karren and Erin exchanged nervous glances. "No, we're not. How did you know?" Erin asked cautiously.

The cloaked figure chuckled. "I have my ways. But it seems fate has brought you here for a reason. There's a greater adventure awaiting both of you."

Before they could inquire further, the cloaked figure disappeared into the crowd, leaving Karren and Erin intrigued and bewildered.

As night fell, they found themselves on the beach again, staring at the moonlit sea. The waves whispered tales of the vast ocean, and the stars adorned the sky like diamonds.

"I never imagined our lives would take such a turn," Karren said, gazing into the horizon.

Erin nodded. "It's a strange twist of fate, Mom. But we're in this together."

Suddenly, a distant roar echoed through the night, sending shivers down their spines. The ground trembled beneath their feet.

"What was that?" Karren asked, her senses on high alert.

Erin's eyes widened. "It sounds like... a sea king. But they don't usually come this close to shore."

Just as they prepared for whatever awaited them, a colossal shadow emerged from the depths, its eyes gleaming with an ominous light.

A massive sea king rose from the sea, its jaws wide open, ready to strike.