
Great Voyage: Eating uta uta fruit from the start of the story.

Karren and her son Erin end up in the world of One Piece on a snowy morning. She is transmigrated into a twenty-something-year-old body and her son into a purple-haired swordsman. They soon discover that she's the infamous Captain Umi No Majo and her son is her loyal crewmate Suraisu, a famous swordsman who defeated Hawkeye. On their first day, Karren finds the uta uta fruit and takes a bite. She soon begins to demonstrate some unusual powers; she can read minds, make people do things, and transport people's consciences to another place. She's still discovering all her powers since this isn't the same uta uta fruit that Uta ate. In order to get home they must keep from getting captured by the Marines, Pirate Hunters, and other pirates who want to claim their treasure. But all Karren and Erin want to do is go home. Will they be able to find a way? Does fate and the pirates of One Piece have different plans?

K_D_BartoschWrites · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

A New World. What am I doing here?

Karren jolted upright. The alarm screeched and the dog barked. 

"Is it 5:30 already?" she mumbled.

The door swung open and her son Erin's shadow crossed the room. "Mom, get up! I'll be late for school."

"I'm up, I'm up, " she said, as she rolled out of bed. She threw on a pair of paints and brushed her teeth.

Her teeth chattered as she and her son piled into the cold car. Karren started the engine and rubbed her hands together to get them warm.

"I can't believe this Mom," Erin said, "I'll be late again for PE. I may have to serve a detention."

"I know honey, I was up late working and had a hard time waking up," Karren explained. Erin crossed his arms and slumped down in his seat.

"How's your One Piece novel coming along?" Karren asked, hoping to change the subject to something more cheerful.

Erin shot her a nasty look and slumped down in his seat. "You know Mom. If you were reincarnated into One Piece you wouldn't make it a single day!"

"What!?!" She said. "What do you mean by that?"

"You would be killed probably by a pirate in an hour. Unless you eat a Devil Fruit," Erin said and shrugged. 

Karren sighed. She could do just fine. Every week she goes to her Jazzercise class and works hard doing the punches on the "Staying Alive" dance. "I think I'd be just fine."

The snow sprinkled white flakes on their car as it warmed up. Karren cleared the windows and began to back up. "Wow, it's coming down hard."

"Yeah, but there is still school. I checked," Erin said then sighed. They would both love a snow day to catch up on their novels.

As Karren drove slowly down the snow-packed street the snow came down, harder and harder. The windshield wipers swiped the snow off in a frenzy to keep up with the downpour.

"It's hard to see out here," Karen mumbled. She grabbed the steering wheel tighter and leaned closer to the windshield trying to see the road. All she could see was a white static of snow and nothing else. 

"Mom look out!" Erin screamed. 

Karren swerved to miss the light that was coming toward them and the car flew off the edge of the road. They both tumbled down into a dark abyss and floated in slow motion, like astronauts in space. Karren reached over to grab Erin's hand. She found it and looked into his frightened eyes. Then, darkness.


Karren slowly opened her eyes and squinted. The light was bright and warm. She could hear waves splashing up on the shore. A sharp pain sliced through her head as she sat up. Rubbing her head she stopped to take a look at her clothes. She wasn't in her sweatpants and t-shirt, instead, she was in pink bell bottom paints and wearing high-heeled black boots. Running a hand over her body she noticed she had a blue bodice on with a white shirt. But what was really strange was that she had big boobs! She's never had big boobs and this small of a waist. What is happening?

Karren stood and looked around the beach it was vacant. Her stomach growled and it cramped up. She was so hungry! Something pink caught her attention from the corner of her eye. A pink round lychee with colorful stripes was next to her in the sand. It looked like candy and smelled so good. Karren picked it up and searched for something to cut it with and found a sharp seashell. She slowly dug into the fruit and it oozed a sweet-smelling syrup. Well, it smells good it must taste good. So she took a bite. A sharp, bitter combination of sewer water mixed with shit filled her mouth. She gagged. 

  "Who are you?" 

Startled, Karren swallowed the piece of fruit and swung around to find a swordsman with bright purple hair and yellow eyes. She backed up looking around for a big stick or some type of weapon.

"No, please don't be scared. I - I'm not from around here and I was with my mom in the car and now--"

"Erin?" Karren asked. "Is that you?"

"Mom!?!" he said. "Why do you look like a hot babe and not a mom?"

"I don't know," she answered. "Where are we?"

Erin looked out at the sea and a pirate ship sailed by on the horizon. "It looks like the ocean from One Piece?"

Karren gasped. "That's impossible!"

Erin looked back at her and then down at the fruit. "What is that?"

"It's some awful fruit I found, it tastes like poop," she said.

"Oh no!" Erin shouted and smacked his head with his hand. "You just ate a Devil fruit!