
Gray of Chrono

Humans became totally worldy. Technologies had overtaken the lives of each human to the extent that no one noticed the world was on the verge of its destruction. And secretly some group of cults had started to fulfill their own prophecy to end the world's transgression and free the good ones from their sorrow and sufferings. In the midst of this situation, one college student named Timotheo was more focused on his studies than those things. But one day, he never thought that one incedent would have him involved and be the one to make things right.

Kyaseyn · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

The Great Escape

"Huh?! Wait? It happened again..."

Timotheo checked his surroundings. No one was moving. But he thought why he was the only one moving. He remembered then what happened that morning.

"This is the same thing that happened when I was saving Fate. Could this be my gift? Or am I just imagining things?"

When his eyes saw what's in front him, he thought of something to do.

"This could be the best thing that I could do" he said to himself.

He looked for an object that he could use to prick the intruder's eye. He thought it would give them a chance to escape once the intruder struggled.

He found a fork lying on the floor and immediately proceeded to his plan.

This time, Timotheo's plan worked. When he stabbed the eye of the beast, he quickly grabbed Dave by the hand once he was released by the intruder.

"Let's run! Shyla! Follow us!" shouted Timotheo.

They escaped from the beast as fast as they could. They did not even dare look back what would be left behind. The most important thing to them that time was to flee from the death that almost took their lives.


"Waaahhh!!!" the intruder shouted.

Blood was flowing out of his left eye. His mind was full of rage not because he would have to wear eye patch from then on, but because of the fact that his mission was a total failure.

A smartphone rung all of a sudden.

"Yes, reverend?"

The other line seemed to be in such a dark atmosphere.

"You failed, didn't you?"

"Yes I did fail, reverend.

It is really him. It looks like he hasn't known yet who he will be what his power is."

"That's better. We should hasten his death or else the prophecy won't be fulfilled."

"Yes, reverend. All for the peace."


Dave dropped dead after running using his gift while carrying Shyla and Fate. Timotheo on the other hand was able to run on his own and got to be with Dave, Shyla and Faye in a convenience store. They sat there for awhile to think of what to do next.

"This is crazy." said Timotheo.

"I know it is. It will be crazier I'm telling you." Dave said.

"By the way, what's the sign on the left arm of that guy?" Timotheo asked.

"That's the sign of one of the Vindicators' subdivision. And that guy's gift is strength." answered Shyla.

"You noticed then. That's why it was really better that we just eacaped. We could have been dead if we continued fighting him." Dave said.

"I think I know what my gift is." Timotheo said all of a sudden.

"It's --"

"You can stop time? Am I correct?" Shyla interrupted.

"How did you know?"

"It's only a theory. But that's a great power..."

"Great? How is that great? I could not even defeat that beast."

"I thought you really smart, Timotheo." said Dave.

"With that power of yours, you can make a lot of things. You can even defeat me if you will practice."

"Alright. I stop time and then what?? Hit my enemy? I would be dead if one blow would not be enough."

A moment of silence stopped the heat of the discussion. By then, Fate woke up and stood up to see who had been carrying her.

Fate was struggling opening her eyes due to the sunlight and light of the convenience store. When she managed to sit down, she looked at the people surrounding her.

"He's finally awake." Timotheo said.

"Who are you?" said Fate, looking so puzzled.