
Gray of Chrono

Humans became totally worldy. Technologies had overtaken the lives of each human to the extent that no one noticed the world was on the verge of its destruction. And secretly some group of cults had started to fulfill their own prophecy to end the world's transgression and free the good ones from their sorrow and sufferings. In the midst of this situation, one college student named Timotheo was more focused on his studies than those things. But one day, he never thought that one incedent would have him involved and be the one to make things right.

Kyaseyn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


"Extraordinaire are humans bestowed of an extraordinary gift by God. It is still unkwown how many extraordinaire there are as of now. Some of them are hiding due to the fear of being killed by the four cults." Explained by Shyla.

"But I don't get it. Why are they after me? Is it just because I'm an extraordianaire?" asked Timotheo.

"That's one of the reasons I think. But the most important thing is that you better be careful. The cult that are after you is called the Vindicators. They believe that this world is already full of evil. that's why they want to fulfill their own prophecy. They were divided before. But according to my source, they have recently become one."

Timotheo was trying his best to understand all that Shyla said. He was even trying hard to figure out why that cult was after him. He had nothing special so he could not understand why.

"You said I am an Extraordinaire. What is my gift then?" asked Timotheo.

"Actually, that is what I have been wondering. And I was about to ask you about it." said Dave.

After Dave spoke, Timotheo noticed something on the window at the back of Shyla. He couldn't see very well but when he squinted to see properly he shouted ," get down!!"

Right away, a car just came into the house of Shyla through the window. Shyla was able to carry Fate with her because she was near her. The guys were able to dodge the car by going on the side where it might not land.

"A car through a window? Is there a flying car nowadays?" said Dave so confused.

"It's not flying. It was thrown to us." said Timotheo anxiuosly.

How the heck was this car thrown to us, Timotheo asked himself. He was wondering if there was such a human being that could throw a car.

As they shook off the rubbles and debris on their clothes, a man with a body of a MMA appeared in front of them. He had a negative sign on his left arm that made him look like a gangster or something.

"It looks like we are in a fight again Timotheo." said Dave full of madness in his eyes.


Timotheo had not recovered yet from what happened with him against the gunman and Fate. His body was still asking for a rest and his head was aching badly because of what's happening right now to him.

When he was about to stand, Dave was already in front of the intruder holding a wood to land hit on the intruders head. Timotheo was amazed by what Dave did but was more amazed when the wood broke. It landed on the left arm of the intruder.

The intruder blocked the wood using his arm with ease. At that moment, Dave knew he was in big trouble. The intruder looked like a big bear on Dave's eye. He couldn't move. He's trying to figure out how he would handle this man in front of him. Just as he was about to do what he thought the best thing to do, the intruder's fist was already landing on his face. He was almost got hit. it was thanks to Timotheo that he managed to pull Dave away from the intruder.

Timotheo had gone mad to the beast they were facing. He thought that the only thing to stop this trouble was by defeating the intruder. And he hated losing in all things. That's why he came up with a plan.

"Here's the plan, Dave. Since you are that flashy, I would like you to hit that guy on the nape. I will distract him. Make sure you will do it properly."

"A plan? That's... what?! How did you make a plan in an instant?" Dave said shockingly.

"Leave this to Dave, Timotheo. You haven't recovered yet." Said Shyla sitting in the corner of the room trying to protect Fate.

"Just believe in me. I know I haven't known my gift yet but my plan might work."

When he said that, he ran towards the beast without hesitation. He mustered all his courage and strength just to be a decoy. Dave saw a stone as big as a normal-sized pillow. He picked it up and did what Timotheo said.

But sadly, not all plans would work. The moment Timotheo was about to punch the intruder, he was already punched on the stomach that made him spit blood while Dave stopped mid-air because he felt like the plan would not work. Timotheo was thrown to the wall because of the impact.

"I like your courage kid. But this game is already over for you." said the beast walking to Timotheo.

"Any last word?"

Dave's knees were shaking because of what happened to Timotheo. But he couldn't let these things to continue to happen.

He ran furiously and with all his might tried to hit the beast's nape but to no vail. He got caught by the neck by the time he was about to hit the enemies nape.

"You are more courageous than I thought. Looks like I've got to deal with you first."

The intruder was holding the neck of Dave and tightening his grasp to kill the flashy kid.

"Face now your death, kid."

The word death resonated in Timotheo's mind. Looking at his friend who was about to die, he extended his right arm trying to reach out for his friend and to stop a crime in front of him.


The moment he shouted, everything stopped and turned gray.