
Gravity System

Jack was a normal boy, but when thought to be getting a useless power, he gains an unknown Power that has the foundation to shake the world.

BlueWilson · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

blue box

I wake back up in the middle of the night, someone, probably my mother due to her sleeping in a chair next to me, has put me back on my bed, think back to what happened in the darkroom I think to myself

'at least I remember the place this time'

Little Light and I spent almost 2 hours trying to dissect the words spoken by the voice, we figured out quickly that so far only little light can see the so-called system at the moment and that leaves us, well more like me, with a lot of questions. Little light seemed pretty satisfied with what we know so far.

when I asked what she's so happy about she responded.

"I finally got my answer about where we are," she said proudly

"and where's that," I say, slightly imitating my mother whenever she asks me the same question.

"A dark...." she freezes dimming a little

"does the system say a dark room?" I ask with a mocking smile

'I don't know what that smile is but I don't like it' Little Light thinks to herself


There's a small silence between us and it's making her nervous.

(back to the present)

( [.....]  to conversations between Little Light and jack outside of the darkroom)

["Little Light?"]

["Yah?] she responds nervously still trying to hide the fact that she lied

["can you try and bring the so-called system for me again please, I want to see if it works outside the darkroom"]

["ok!"] she responds happily

I find that Little Light is happy whenever I try asking her questions but quickly feels terrible when she can't do it. I often have to console her a lot during our short time together.

suddenly a large blue box pops up in front of me in front of.

["yay I did it"] little light exclaims happily.

but suddenly the words 'I did it' scroll across the screen along with other words like 'now jack won't be mad at me' and 'Jack is scary' also 'Jack is sometimes nice', 'are those my…..'

Little Light goes quiet and all her 'thoughts' on the screen vanishes, being replaced by a bunch of words and numbers, not sure what to do and feeling too much at once she 'shuts herself off' but sadly, I don't notice this, I'm too fixated on what's on the screen now.


'Name: Jack (no last name) Lv.3

age: 15

Species: human

magic: gravity

magic skills: lighter Lv.1, Heavier Lv.1

click skill for more info

normal skills: hunting Lv.1, running Lv.1



strength 5

speed 5

agility 5

health  19/20

level up to unlock more stat options'

Ask to Open shop options.


I look over the screen in shock

'Is this supposed to represent me' I think to myself but before I have a moment to comprehend what I'm reading I hear a soft voice

"jack..." I catch my mother sleep talking

I feel guilt run over me, she has probably been worried about me this whole time and I hardly took a glance at her, but that guilt soon disappears at what she says next.

"you bratty child" she mutters with the look of pure utter anger on her face

"Do you know how much I worry for you" and like that, I'm reminded that this old bat does care somewhat about me. my mum doesn't have much in life, but for whatever she lacks she makes up for in personality, she's an angry, stubborn old woman who's lived in this village her whole life. When she was young her father opened a butchers shop where he sold the animals he hunted after he died, my mum took over the selling part of the business and her older brother James does the hunting. I pick my mother up and place her on her bed while I read the screen.

As I lay her down I read what my magic was but didn't properly understand it.

'I have a vague idea what lighter and heavier might do but what the hell is gravity'

["Little Light, do you know what gravity is?"]

She doesn't respond

["why so quiet"] I ask not realising she's shut herself off for a few hours due to an emotion she doesn't understand.

suddenly my mind is sluggish and tired.

'makes sense' I think to myself ' my mind has been awake since this morning, I'll check on Little Light tomorrow and see if she's up'


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dont read somones thoghts, thats just rude

BlueWilsoncreators' thoughts