
How you fall from grace

When a person in the village shows signs of developing a power we're immediately taught how to use an enveloping spell for one of our fingers, while we can not use it, it'll allow us to check the effects of our power quickly after fully developing it.

After I woke up this morning I spotted my mother staring at me instantly hiding the relief on her face. She quickly asked how my awakening went, apparently passing out is a common thing when a power finishes developing.

"Fine," I lied.

'Fine, FINE none of this is fine whatever this system is, it's saying I have some bs magic called 'gravity' it was supposed to be heating, all the signs pointed to heating. WAIT what if it's wrong yeah, I'll do the finger thing and it should make my finger hotter.'

I followed the steps the village chief taught me and some other kids and started gathering 'mana' around my finger. Adding to my long list of broken hopes, it wasn't glowing the red of fire and heating my finder, but a deep purple and making my finger feel odd and disconnected.

["Pretty…"] I hear Little Light say in my mind but before I have a chance to talk with her my mother asks confused.

"I thought you were supposed to be getting a fire type magic?"

I turn to look at her while I lose control of the mana quickly collapsing the spell.

"That's what I thought, do you know what type of magic purple is?" I asked

"No clue, ask the village chief later" she grones with mild annoyance.

My mother never really liked asking the chief (anwir) for help but never told me why, I tried asking James and all he told me was that his and her parents never got on with him, so they also developed a mild distrust for the man while my uncle had grown out of this and often talks to the chief about hunting parties for deeper parts of the forest, He says my mother is being the stubborn woman she is and just refuses to trust him, fully believing that my grandparent's opinion to right, but the suttle face she makes whenever he's mentioned says that there's a deeper meaning to it.

"Will do" I respond not having any issues with the man, he seems like the type of man who doesn't let feuds rundown generations for I often hung out with his young daughter Bela when we were younger.

I decide not to tell my mum about Little Light, for now, usually when people start saying that they hear voices in their head, it doesn't end well in the stories I heard and they're marked as crazy.

I exit my house and start to head towards the centre of the village where village chief Anwir lives, and while Little light is asking 100 questions a minute trying to understand everything around her, I bump into Bela on the way.

She seems surprised that I'm up considering when she awakened she was unconscious for 2 days (her power is a water type being mist magic).

"Oh, hi Jack"

We quickly traded greetings and had a short conversation about how my awakening went and continued on our ways, we weren't being cold to each other, it was just how we were, as we got older we found that our interests and personalities didn't clash anymore and that was that. We still get on well, and sometimes hang out in the same small groups with some other friends like Helmer and Dave twins whose personalities can work with pretty much everyone but other than that we don't really talk.

As I moved into the public area I actually saw the twins talking to the village chief, showing their fingers to him while they glowed yellow with sparks of lightning coming off them.

"When did you two awaken," I asked and drew attention to myself interrupting their conversation with the chief.

"Ah look who finally decided to wake up, really to think that you had a 2-hour head start and yet you still finished last," Helmer said with a mocking smile.

["IT'S THAT SMILE AGAIN"] Little light suddenly yells in my head giving me a horrible headache.

["OK NEVER DO THAT AGAIN"] I yell back in anger but suddenly picture a small ball getting smaller and dimer and quickly releasing my mistake.

'Still not used to people younger than me'

[....ok] she responded in my mind heartbroken that the yell this time was directed at her.

'This is worse than the time I scared him….' she thought to herself.

'I need to stop surprising him he clearly doesn't like it'

["I'm sorry"] she says sounding like she's on the verge of tears

["it's ok, please try not to do any sudden yelling in future. I'm also sorry for yelling at you, I overreacted"]

["Your not mad?"] she asks, wanting confirmation.

["no I'm not mad"] I say.

While it looked like we had a long conversation in reality it only took a few seconds due to it being in my head.

"Don't tease him?" Dave said coming to my rescue

'Ah Dave my grace and saver'

"While the evidence all pointed to him having a weak power with low talent on top of that"

'Ah Dave how you fall from grace' I joke in my head

"He still woke up from his awakening under 24 hours better than most kids our age"

"true true" his brother responds but still keeps that mocking smile that seems to rub Little Light the wrong way. "What magic do you have anyway? Heating or fire"

"I didn't get a fire type like you guys actually" I respond nervously

I gather mana around my finger it starts to glow a deep purple but then it does something that shocks all of us, the twins lightning starts to pull slightly towards my finger.


["what is it now']  I can keep my call this time.

[the system thingy says 'congratulations you have discovered a new spell [mana pull] and that you have gained 1 XP! whatever that means?]

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