
Gravity Falls: The Lord of Darkness

A heads up the first few chapters maybe confusing but alot of the content in them is explained and will be explained later so bare with them. Without further ado I give you this stories synopsis. A boy named Dipper pines goes to a place in Oregon called Gravity falls to see his Gruncle Stan, a few weeks before he has to go to Oregon he discovers this website on the occult, he gives a sacrifice of sorts and utters a chant then he blacks out, and when he wakes up he discovers a book and begins to learn the inner workings of magic, but it's not as simple as that read to find out more. It's a reincarnation of sorts it was a normal person who was reincarnated no wishes no knowledge nothing but maybe the occasional vision from his past, and who was reincarnated and who reincarnated him that's a secret until its revealed. And just a heads up it's a darker Dipper, this dipper went through years of being ignored and in that time he trained in some martial arts muay tai and the likes, and due to mor having many social interactions holding him down and other factors he was online and it reading alot researching all manner of subjects until one in particular took his fancy, and that subject was the occult it amazes him with intricacies of magic, demons, and concoctions they wrote these based on science and seemed completely believable, and he started making it his goal to become apart of that world, that seemingly imaginative world, and adventually he got what he desired most, now shall we follow him on his journey. ______________________________________________ Now Here's a quote from my people DO YOU KNOW DAE WAE? By the way my name is *Tongue click* ELAE and I do know DA WAE. I know it's a dead meme but it was my favorite meme at the time of writing my old synopsis still is one of my favorites so live with it, my people have spoken. Anywho jokes aside have a very nice day and enjoy my hard work, that is all I ask for and all I strive for is to write quality content for YOU the reader that is all, I hope this synopsis proves adequate, perhaps it isn't but push on through the first chapters and you will enjoy pretty decent quality writing. Well seeya around readers.

deadly_orange · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
9 Chs

A Dream

[POV Mason's Room]

Attempt after attempt the intensity of the glow the young teenager produced grew brighter and brighter. Then after hours of mentally draining manipulation of mana a singular tendril began to slither through the air slowly but surely towards the darkness until finally it touched the shadow and then the teenages eyes shot open as a expression of happiness was shown on his face as the darkness that permeated around the room quickly slithered and wriggled all around the boy wrapping their tendrils all around the teenager it was as if he was slowly dissolving into a dark liquid that seemed to be increasing in quantity at a rather rapid rate. Inch by inch the boy disappeared until not even a hair was left behind yet the shadows all around the room seem to be alive wriggling and writhing all about as if it was trying to form some sort of shape.

Within the shadowy depths two blue glowing orbs shined through the shadows and looked about observing the world around it as the shadows took the form of a humanoid figure with razor sharp pointed teeth that seemed to be perfect for slicing through flesh as if it were butter. Two pointed ears that seemed to be far longer than the average humans. But the shadowy form quickly contorted back into a form that even the dumbest of beings could make out to be a human which was far more normal than his previous appearance.

Then suddenly the shadows seemed to become a solid figure and then as if the shadows were some sort of sludge it oozed off the boys skin and clothing.The darkness slowly slithered away from once it came while the boy had sweat dripping down his face as his face showed traces of being tired.Yet the boy had tears streaming down his face, yet he still had a look of happiness in his eyes.


[POV Mason Pines]

Darkness began to surround my vision eating away at the world around me, my mind felt murky. But I felt happiness and hope once again.

'Finally... I finally did it after all these years I could use magic... maybe... just maybe... things are going to get better... maybe I can finally....'

The darkness fully enveloped my vision and then I saw various lights all around me various shades of every color. It was a breathtaking sight as I watched the various lights move about creating such a beautiful light show I've never seen anything like it before.

And in the middle of it all there was a blinding white light that I felt the urge to walk towards, and so I walked towards it the closer and closer I got I saw various memories of what I've expereince I saw so many orbs showing me in my room at the desk each one was pitch black and yet I could see everything perfectly clear, I saw myself researching, various topics, planning, and designing many mechanical contraptions some of which using clockwork technology.

Yet I kept moving it was as if something was calling to me, so I kept moving towards the source of the blinding light yet, past by glowing white orbs showing various memories many of which with his family, there was one white orb that stood out to the boy it was when he had his friends around him and he talked about Peter Porker. Everyone seemed to talk so fervently and excitedly about the topic.


[POV Dream]

Yet the boy even through the distress he began to feel, even through the sadness he felt welling forth to the forefront of his mind he continued walk, walking towards the blinding white light. Various yellow orbs passed the boy all having Bill who was the kid who moved away each one had his amulet on full display, each memory was of a conversation with the young boy with brown hair pale skin and unique yellow irises who constantly had a smile adorned on his face, and seemed to always seem so well composed. Yet the memories didn't seem to have much effect on the young teen as he continued on towards that blinding light that seemed to become less blinding as he got closer.

There was fewer red orbs compared to the other colors only numbering around 10 half of them were scenes of the teen in his room crying, tightly clenching his fist.Then each one of those scenes the boy began to lose himself into a book; And then the scene would repeat over and over again. The other half showed various scenes of the boy and a brown haired girl getting into various arguements.

But the boy cast it all aside as he desperately made his way to the light as everything he saw in the orbs took its toll on the poor boy.The boy moved faster going past all the other various colors until the light flashed brighter than before the boy tried to look within yet ge couldn't due to the light growing brighter and brighter by the second he desperately reached his hand out trying to get into the light. Yet again there was nothing but darkness as the light faded away.


[POV Mason Pines room]

The young teenage boy opened his eyes suddenly and just began to cry. He cried due to seemingly getting his hope taken away. He cried due to all the memories he saw he cried and cried until tears wouldn't come out anymore his eyes became red as he cried for well over an hour.


I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter and I do wonder if it was good or not there was alot of hidden symbolism within some of the descriptions that may or may not be obvious make sure to comment if you think you've spotted it or what you think the symbolism is. I'll seeya all later im the next chapter, and have a nice day everyone or night wherever it whenever you are.

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