
Gravity Falls: A Summer Full Of Mysteries... FINALLY!!!

Our protagonist, who still hasn't decided the name, went to the world of Gravity Falls with 3 wishes what awaits him in this world where... nobody can be trusted... (And this is the synopsis, I was tired of looking for a gravity falls fic and I only find billdip, and other things I only found two good ones but they haven't updated in a while, I'm so frustrated that I created this ff, I'll start writing chapters if it goes well received, I'm using a translator since I'm not very proficient in English so forgive me for the lack of consistency between the sentences if it occurs, the cover is not mine, the love interest is already decided, I don't know how long it will take to leave the chapter but i would kick that with my laziness every 1 week. I hope this message reaches those who also want a gravity falls fic and don't have it.)

Arthur_Gameplay · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
27 Chs

Tourist Trapped part 1

Did I take long? This chapter was supposed to be released 1 month ago but I had delays because of work and school also because of the delay I wanted to make a longer chapter for you, preferably the whole first episode but I couldn't. Continuing to write was like another month without a chapter and I didn't want that. Well, without further ado, happy reading.


With the protagonists of the series on the air, there are a few days left until June 1st and Dipper finds the Diary.

After Stanley introduced the store to his great-nephews, Arthur finished the gravity opening, excited about what this summer awaits.

"Great Uncle Stan, what was that song?" Dipper asked Stan as Mabel ran around the store looking at the attractions.

"It's a song my employee was playing, now get your bags and go to your room, going up the stairs the first door you see is your room." Stan looked around for Mabel.

"Grunkle Stan can I have that cake?!" Mabel was in the gift shop looking at the sweet and savory window next to the register.

"No! Those foods are for tourists." Stan retrieved Mabel from the gift shop.

"No need for that Mr. Stan." Arthur arrived at the scene with two plates with a piece of cake each.

"I'll make more if I need to." Arthur turned toward the mystery twins.

"Nice to meet you I'm Arthur, a Mystery Shack employee." I handed the two pieces of cake to both of them.

"Thanks." Dipper looked at the sales clerk strangely.

Mabel stood still for a moment looking at Arthur, until they ate the piece of cake and the surprise was instantaneous.

"Delicious!" Mabel.

"What's the secret?" Dipper asked intrigued.

"The secret? Well, let's say I know how to use all the ingredients to their full potential, come on, I'll show you your room." I took the two suitcases and led them to the bedroom.

"Here is your room, rest from your long journey." I left to let them rest and adjust to their new environment.

"Wait!" Mabel screamed and ran quickly towards me.

I turned around confused, was there something wrong with the room? He had cleaned the room and sanded the walls so there would be no splinters.

'Ah! I was already forgetting.'

"Gompers, get out from under Dipper's bed, I have new cans for you to eat today." I looked into the room from the outside.

A Goat came out of the room and came towards me.

"Need anything else Mabel?" I asked to confirm that it was all.

"I was wondering if you come here often?"

I was a little taken aback by the question then started laughing a little.

"Of course, I work here." I smile at Mabel's character.

"Oh right, what a silly question *laughs*, so... how about w-"

"Sorry Mabel but I have to leave now, can we continue this conversation later?" I quickly interrupt what she was about to say.

"Tin." Gompers was impatiently tugging on my shirt.

"Oh ok see you later Arthur!" Mabel with the same energy as always.

Arthur walks away and Mabel enters the room.

"Are you serious Mabel?" Dipper was finishing unpacking his suitcase.

"What?" Mabel started to unpack, but sometimes you could tell she was daydreaming.

"We've barely arrived and you've already fallen in love with the first boy you see." Dipper sat on the bed.

"Come on Dipper he's not just anyone, you saw his hair, the blindfold, his smile, and the delicious cake he made." Mabel was daydreaming again.

"Well, the cake was really good." Dipper nodded as he remembered the taste of the cake.

Meanwhile with Arthur.

At that moment he was coming out of the mystery shack because he could guess what she was going to say and he also saw the future of that conversation.

'I can't believe she was going to ask me out, well I expected it but not so fast.' Arthur was going to his home in the woods so he could see his family with his own eyes for the first time.

He's wanted this since the Pines twins arrived.

'With the plot of the cartoon, the album of "summer romances" became "Failed summer romances", in the end, she didn't date anyone.'Arthur was also wondering why he was embarrassed/blushing.

What he didn't know was that that hug from 6 years ago was a seed that would sprout and germinate, thus creating a paradox.

I arrived in front of a giant but apparently normal rock.

I removed some of the fake moss I had placed and entered the password. Soon a scanner came out of a part of the rock and examined my body as well as DNA, strength, level of receptors in the brain, and also...


Arthur cocked his head to the side, and the needle went into the ground.

"Welcome Sir, I was waiting for you, how was your day?" A robotic voice that sounded like an old man sounded from the scanner.

"It was great Sebas, turn off the lights so my eyes can get used to seeing again and gradually increase the brightness until it reaches normal as soon as I take off the blindfold... and how is everyone doing?" I asked Sebastian and went through 3 steel doors 5 cm thick.

"Yes sir, and I too took the liberty of notifying you of his presence." Sebastian said with a slightly happy tone.

"No, wait Sebas let me go to them if not-" I knew it was too late for that.

The ground was shaking.

"Too late Sir."

Ravi was the first to arrive, jumping on top of me.

He was already licking my face and I took the opportunity to remove my blindfold.


In front of Arthur was a 4-meter tall wolf with a white coat and red tips that gave him a unique charm, his ears completely red and-

"Wow Ravi, I never expected your eyes to be so pretty and that you would grow so big." Ravi's eyes were like a still lake, they were blue.

Ravi looked in my direction and saw me without a blindfold.

He began to wag his tail frantically.

"Father! Finally, you took off the blindfold is it time?" Ravi was barking and asked me excitedly.

"Yes, the time has come." I stroked his fur.

I started at his ears, started scratching his chin, and guided him to lie on the floor on his back to rub his belly.

*heavy step*x8

The ground trembled approaching quickly.

"Iro- Ugh! It's good to see you too." Iron lifted me by the neck like he was hugging me.

"Master, you should show up more-" Iron was interrupted by the rest of the staff arriving.

"I know Iron, you've had some trouble taking care of these troublemakers, thank you for your efforts." Iron is a mammoth that predates elephants and with that one of the characteristics passed forward is communication.

They communicate with infrasound, that is, a volume below the human audible spectrum, so the only way to draw attention when everyone is fighting and making a fuss is-.

*Mammoth roar.*

After the noise of Iron's trunk ended, everyone was silent and in a row.

"See? I told you you did a great job when I'm not here." I patted Iron on the head.

Iron grew a lot, a lot, about 7 meters.

'Now he has almost 10 meters...' Arthur thought a little about some vitamins he was giving for his training but it was much more than effective, including...

Ravi still seems to be in the growth phase.

'How strange, he should already be close, or if not, he should already be an adult depending on the race.' Arthur got off the Iron and landed on Ravi's back.

"It seemed like yesterday you barely fit in the palm of my hand in Ravi." A nostalgia hit remembering when he found him.

"Yes, I could hardly believe I was alive but..." Ravi barked, remembering the exact moment he found him, his smile, holding out his hand, with the sky so clear he could see his father with him.

"Do you miss your father?" I leaned my head against his.

"No, I am grateful to him, thanks to him I met my real father." He wagged his tail.

'Not a space for doubt this is my boy.' I patted his head and looked back at the pack with the underboss being the black and white wolf.

"Do you remember? Neo." I looked at him putting a little pressure on him.

"I remember master, I will never forget the day you saved us." He barked in reverence.

"You've matured Neo... It looks nothing like the "you" of 6 years old." I thought he would throw his second chance away, who knew that in a stone I found an ore.

"Thank you for the compliment master." Neo didn't have an ounce of remorse, he saw that day as a big change, and in another way too.

Neo didn't grow much beyond his normal size but thanks to the vitamins he reached 2 meters.

'That day, if the master hadn't been there, the bear would have killed everyone.' Neo has changed and his name represents that.

"What about you? I killed your father indirectly and it almost killed you, I explained to you when you were born, why are you here?" Arthur turned and looked at a snake with dark green scales.

"Dad! You told me this story before, you who found me and got me out of there besides I would have died there... you also explained that in my condition death was certain. So you saved my life 2 times, Dad, it's the law of the jungle, the strongest reigns over the weakest, no need to be sad Dad." It looked like a very majestic serpent with its dark green scales, you could easily infiltrate the forest and hunt, but...

The tip of its tail was completely white.

"You know if you change your mind I'll give you those pills again."

He shook his head.

"All right, I want to look at her and remember where I came from and..." 'My life is not mine anymore.' He hissed happily at the thought.

He was in his own father's stomach when Arthur found him... in a last-ditch attempt to survive until his teeth grew back, he chose to swallow his child, luckily the shell was a little tougher to protect the contents, and the hatchling until it grows by absorbing parts of the shell, then it would take a long time to digest.

The snake died hoping that its last desperate action would save it.

The egg kept waiting... its cruel fate after all stomach acid doesn't stop when the host dies, it begins the process of self-digestion.

It was only a matter of time before the egg was completely digested.

His egg had several cracks when Arthur found it, but miraculously the membrane didn't tear, at least it didn't until his father arrived.

'Father you are my light.' He still remembers when he finally got out of that shell the trees blocked out most of the light and he could barely see his surroundings but he could see who was holding the egg.

From that moment on, his life was in his father's hands and he chose to take him in.

It's fair to say that everything I'm living today is thanks to him.

"But you could have chosen a better name why would you want a name with that meaning?" Arthur asked intrigued because when he was going to choose a name he was thinking of a meaning and the little white snake suggested one.

"No Dad, there is no better name than the one you gave me." Servus Albus hissed, that was his name which in Latin means 'White Servant'.

He wanted a name that showed he was always beneath him but by his side supporting him, the white symbolizing how he found it.

'The melanin replacement and stabilization pills worked, even if it's a slow process.' I looked at the tip of his tail, the remnant of the past.

Servus was an albino, which might be beautiful domestically but a certain death in the wild, lacking protection from the sun and a lighthouse showing its location.

"Hey, don't get so close to my dad! I arrived first!" Ravi snarled at the Servus.

"Be quiet noisy dog, can't you read the environment?" Servus hissed at Ravi.

Soon they began to argue between yes wanting to fight and yes the snake managed to dominate a roukishiki specifically the Kami-e, perfectly.

I stretched my arms around their necks.

"What did I say about fighting each other? Especially when it's not a spar." I pulled them both close to each other to my face.

"Sorry, Dad."x2 The two apologized lowering their heads in embarrassment.

"Look, I know you guys don't get along very well in my absence, so... *Sigh* I'm too young to be a father." Arthur was pretending to complain even though it was physically true.

And the reason for that was.

"No Dad, don't say that!" Ravi lowered his muzzle looking at me

"Yeah! Don't say that, look we're great brothers! Aren't we Ravi?" Servus wrapped around Ravi.

"Of course! We even share the prey!" Ravi said true but not quite, they usually have a hunting competition from time to time, and as they know that I abhor waste they share it among everyone.

"Uh- b-but I'm only 12 years old..." Arthur wanted to joke some more.

"Don't say that father! There's no specific age to be a father, is there Servus?" Ravi turned to his brother curled around him.

"Yes, look! I'm less than 6 years old, by human standards I'm a baby, but my point is, you're more than capable and-" Servus was interrupted by Arthur's chuckle.

"Hahahaha! I was just kidding, you guys sure are the best thing that ever happened to me." It may seem that I was only talking about the two of them, but I was looking at everyone.

So let's get down to business.

"Sebas, prepare the maximum level training chamber." I started to stretch.

"All right Sir, anything to add?"

"Yes, use the lightest ammo you have and with the least loss of kinetic energy when hitting the wall, if a sphere hits me, training is over." Arthur finished stretching.

"Oh and Sebas, are you going to predict my escape routes like last time?" I put a bracelet on me if a sphere hits me it will change color from green to red.

"If the Sir orders it, I will do it."

"Do it then, if you manage to hit an orb on me I'll give you an upgrade." I entered a normal room, with several squares but no exit other than the one I entered and there are four machine guns in each corner of the room.

The machine gun fires 10 cm spheres of different types of materials depending on the level.

There are also "some" hidden weapons in the rooms that can be activated at any time.

"It will be an honor, sir." A light tone of thanks can be heard from Sebastian.

"How long sir?"

"Hmmm... What was my record?" I turned to the entry screen.

"It's exactly: 1 hour 37 minutes 52 seconds and 88 thousandths."

"Okay then set the 3-hour timer."

"Yes sir, training will start in...5...4" Iron, Ravi, and Servus were behind a window that only their side could see.

"Is Daddy going to train again?" Ravi was excited about his father's performance.

"Pay attention, we can learn something by watching your performance." Servus was off to the side and hissed excitedly not wanting to miss a second of training.

Iron was silent.

The system is divided into 10 levels where the spheres are shot randomly, in level 1 it is an iron ball with only the 4 weapons shooting, from level 5 hidden weapons will appear but only one at a time, the number will double for each level above, with level 10 being allowed to use all weapons present in the room.

"4..." *Turns*

Every gun in the room is pointed at Arthur, every square has turned and displayed a gun, even on the ceiling.

"Hey Sebas is this personal?" Arthur smiled as he looked around the room.

"Of course not sir, as I recall you (3*) said: "Maximum level."Isn't that right sir?"


"Remind me (1*) to reward you properly." Arthur has already stepped into position knowing exactly what's coming.

"START!" A racing narrator's voice rang through the room.



With the room being 10 square meters and each square being 30 cm it is possible to store all of this compactly, the entrance is less than half as it needs to be big enough for everyone to enter and move freely, except Iron, due to its size and bad agility.

The moment it was fired, Arthur was out of view of the viewers.

Kami-e, Soru, Geppo, advanced observation Haki, and analyzing and calculating all spheres present in the room.


Several squares closed to allow the reflection of the spheres, some did not close completely having different angles and changing constantly.

'Ah, Sebas has been going all out since the beginning, if I wasn't smart...' I dodged a sphere inches from my face.

'It is calculating the reflections of the spheres to reduce my escape route. I raised him very well...' I was using Geppo and Soru at the same time to respawn and appear in the air using Kami-e and my Kenbushoku to dodge everything in mid-air.'


An iron sphere passed by me and hit a wall that was closed.

'That sphere diverted all the others, changing their route and...' The ball dented the wall and fell right after.

Soon several shots that hit there made a curve, Sebas was also changing the direction of the dented wall as he wanted.

'Sebas has improved a lot...' Arthur continues with his tireless work of feet, body, and mind.


Soon more iron sphere shots arrived, changing various trajectories and creating new ones, denting the wall.

Meanwhile, Ravi and Servus were ecstatic watching their father put on a show in the training area.

"Wow!" Ravi was very excited about what his father was doing in the room.

He still hasn't managed to pass level 3, but Servus managed to reach level 4 with great difficulty, it is necessary to last 30 minutes in each level and not be hit by a certain number of spheres to gain access to the next level.

"He's amazing..."Servus looks at his father with a look full of admiration and respect.

Servus knows how difficult each level is, not just him but everyone.

... After a while Arthur seemed cornered little by little but everything was according to his plans.

Arthur caught a ball that was still on the ground and didn't roll into the corners to reload his weapons.

'And now!' Arthur threw the ball in a direction lightly imbued with haki that would dissipate after 1 second.

The ball bounced off one ball and collided with the next one, this caused a chain reaction freeing up a lot of space.

And so it continued for exactly 3 hours.

"Congratulations sir, you completed the time you stipulated." Sebastian congratulated him by dropping some confetti.

"You're still as funny as ever, Sebas." You can see that the training was very exhausting.

Perspiration, sweat, thirst, muscle aches...

"Maybe it's because my creator is a big joker." Sebastian sounded wry.

"Well, that's why you are you." Arthur gave a small smile as he drank from the bottle of vitamins and left the training room.


A strong wind blew Arthur's sweat, refreshing him.

"Thanks, Iron, what do you think of my performance?" I drank a little more of the vitamins.

"Splendid as always master." Iron had a slight imperceptible smile.

Iron finally said something after 3 hours.

"Dad!"x2 The two troublemakers ran towards me.

But a television screen with several steel bars supporting it prevented them from running further.

"Misters Ken Ravi and Servus Albus, you must allow Sir Arthur to rest after training." Sebastian warned them knowing they were in high spirits after this spectacle.

Ravi lowered his head a little and Servus sighed, he was trying to stop Ravi from running but it didn't work out very well.

"Fine, Sebas." I waved for him to let them come while I finished drinking the vitamins.

The television came back and stuck to the wall.

"Sebas brings the post-workout nutrition remedies 10, 17, warm up the bath water, I'm going to the kitchen I'll be out in less than 1 hour." Arthur gave several commands to Sebas while petting Ravi and Servus.

"Sir, I suggest a proper rest." Sebastian was worried that he wasn't getting enough rest.

"No need to worry, I'll just prepare some snacks and sweets for the Mystery Shack, which should be sold out by now, I promise to get plenty of rest after that. And activate the training room maintenance." Arthur gave a smile to the camera on top of the computer and gave another command.

"Ok, sir." Sebastian brought the medicines I ordered on a plate and prepared everything.

The maintenance of the room is simply heating it to return to its original shape also known as "Shape Memory", the room is entirely made of nitinol with other materials and a little more titanium to make it more rigid even if it takes a while to return the original form because of that, around 3 hours.

Arthur began preparing the dough for the snacks, turning on the heat to prepare the meat and preparing the dough for the cake.

After 40 minutes everything was ready just the cake that was still on the stove.

Arthur took his bath in the bathtub with medicinal products, after 15 minutes he returned to the kitchen, removed the cake, and decorated it.

"And... Done, all within an hour." I finished decorating the cake, packed it, and carefully put it in the backpack along with other snacks in different compartments.

It was like Tanjiro's backpack but for food, not people.

"Guys! I'm leaving again, make sure you don't mess up the place."

Iron just nodded.

"Ahh... Dad, are you leaving already?" Ravi asked in that whiny dog voice.

"Yes, and there's no point in wearing those little dog eyes just because I'm not wearing the blindfold now." I stroked Ravi a little.

"Servus I trust you to take care of your brother." I stroked Servus a little too.

Servus just lowered his head.

Ravi was mumbling that he could handle himself.

"I'm leaving, Sebas, how is prototype number 3 doing?" I asked when I got to the exit.

"It's up and running sir, but it lacks petabytes of calculations to be completed to use it in full configuration."

"Hmmm... Okay, let me know when you're done I'll use it soon."

"Yes sir."

'And it's missing, that.' I grabbed a pair of sunglasses that were on the bench next to me.

I left the lab and walked to the Mystery Shack.




And so a few days passed with Arthur finally using his vacation days, Mabel flirting with Arthur, and Dipper getting used to his new surroundings... until one fateful day.

"Mabel, what are you doing?" Dipper looked in the direction Mabel was looking and saw Arthur at the register handing out the pastries and cakes, and he had a folded paper next to him.

Arthur sighed knowing Mabel's incredible persistence and opened the folded paper.

"He's looking! He's looking!"

'Do You like me? Absolutely; Do you want to date me?; Let's get married!!!....'

Arthur blushed slightly, too bad Mabel couldn't see that.

"I rigged it!." Mabel hiding behind one of the goods.

"Mabel, I know you're going through your whole "Boy crazy" phase, but I think you're kind of overdoing it with the "Crazy" part.

"What?" *raspberry blows*

"Come on, Dipper! This is our first summer away from home. It's my big chance to have an epic summer romance and maybe get married..." Mabel put her hand on her chin.

"Okay, but do you have to flirt with him all day and every chance you get?"


"What are your favorite letters of the alphabet? Mine are U and I." Mabel smiled and in response, Arthur just turned and continued reading the paper.


"Are you seeing anyone lately? No? Neither am I! What is happening here?"

"I-" Arthur was interrupted by Stan

"Mabel back to work!" Stan screamed when he saw his niece next to Arthur doing nothing, he already had to pay Arthur to do nothing all summer.


"Enough of the "buts" and get to work!!!"


"Stan I think the prices of snacks could go up by 25% if we make a..." Arthur was giving Stan a tip about the snacks that were selling like hotcakes.

"Marry me." Mabel got up on top of the register.

"Mabel, don't you get tired?" Stan asked Mabel as he wrote down Arthur's suggestion to apply it tomorrow morning.

"Nope." Mabel.


What all these scenes had in common was that Arthur was slightly blushing in all of them.

"Mock all you want, brother, but I've got a good feeling about Arthur. I wouldn't be surprised if he walks through that door asking me to marry him right now."

"Belching*"Stan came in drinking soda and holding some arrow-shaped signs.

"Oh, why?" Dipper was laughing and Arthur was listening as he took the money and delivered the food.

"Arthur your food is as spectacular as ever." Stan patted his stomach indicating he was done eating.

He's a little fitter compared to the series, Arthur worked hard to make Stan a balanced meal, sometimes giving him a glass of green juice with a muscle potion, he didn't want to drink it but he managed.

Of course, the potion doesn't work miracles, but considering that he took it once a month in those 6 years, the results without doing any exercise are commendable.

"All right, I need someone to go hammer up these signs in the spooky part of the forest."

"Not it."x2 Dipper and Mabel spoke hurriedly

"Also not it"x2 Soos replied a little later while screwing the shelf and Arthur responded by selling the piece of cake to the last customer.

"Nobody asked you, Soos. And Arthur, you're on vacation and you shouldn't be here if you weren't so helpful."

"I know and I'm comfortable with that." *bites* Soos eats a piece of chocolate

"Will I have my salary doubled if I work on vacation?" Arthur had a playful smile on his face as he asked the question.

"Go on dreaming kid."

"Wendy! I need you to put up this sign!"

"I would, but I... uhh... Can't... uhh... reach it." Wendy was still as lazy about work as ever.

"I'd fire all of you if I could, except you Arthur. All right let's make it eeny-meeny-miney... You." Stan pointed at Dipper which was clearly on purpose.

"What? Grunke Stan, whenever I'm in those woods I feel like I'm being watched." Dipper had noticed the strangeness of the city.

'Congratulations, Dipper would be weird if you didn't notice.' I thought as I threw a tennis ball in the air.

"...Something weird is going on in this town. Just today my mosquito bites spelled out "beware". Dipper showed his arm to Stan.

"That says "Bewarb"."

"Relax Dipper, the mosquito once spelled 'Thanky Yoz'." Arthur took a snack and started to eat it.

"How do you know what was written?" Dipper was intrigued by this after all he was wearing a blindfold and now sunglasses.

"It doesn't interest you." I could have replied that Stan read it to me or Soos but I want to tease him a little.

"Look, kid, the whole "monsters in the forest" thing is just local legend, drummed up by guys like me to sell merch to guys like that." Stan pointed at a random tourist in the store.

Stan told him to stop his paranoia and handed him the boards, some nails, and the hammer that Soos had.

Dipper walked towards the forest.

'Would he find any of my family members? Nah, I don't think they'd get that close and even if they did, bad luck for Dipper, he's only going to get a little scare.' I stretched out on the roof.

'And I have my problems to solve like...'

"Arthur! Come down, I made you a cake." Mabel used some of the spare ingredients she keeps at the cabin to make the Pines family meals to make the cake.

The piece of cake was full of sprinkles, probably a mixture from a sugar bomb.

'But why did she make a cake?' Not once was she shown using food to flirt, only to discover a merman's secret.

Let's go back to just before Mabel arrived with the cake approximately 1 hour ago.


"What happened Maple?" Soos noticed a quiet Mabel at the register as she swept the store.

"Soos, what am I supposed to do to make Arthur fall in love with me?" Mabel seemed to be quiet thinking about what she could do.

"Look, I shouldn't be telling you this but..." Soos looks around and approaches Mabel.

"Arthur blushes every time you flirt with him." Soos spoke quietly.

"Oh really?!" Mabel looked like she had stars in her eyes now.

Soos nodded his head.

"Yeah, there was one time I was sweeping and I overheard him mumbling something about liking you-" Soos was quickly interrupted by an explosively excited Mabel.

"Soos quick what does Arthur like?"

"Well... he likes food, he always talks about waste..." Soos replied after thinking a bit but Mabel didn't stay to hear him finish talking and went to the kitchen.

"Well, I'll go back to cleaning."

In the kitchen Mabel had gotten eggs, milk, flour... all you had to do was make the dough with a chosen flavor and beat it well, put it in a mold and bake the cake on the stove.


After 45 minutes the cake was ready now it was time to decorate it...

Needless to say, the kitchen was a mess it looked like a tornado had gone through it.

And a colorful piece of cake was ready... rainbow?

Mabel ran back to the gift shop, looking for Arthur.

"Soos, did you see where Arthur is?" Mabel looked around as she held the plate with the piece of cake in her hand.

Soos put his hand on his chin for a moment.

"By now he's probably lying on the roof-" Mabel hurried outside before Soos finished talking again.

"They grow so fast." Soos shook his head as he got a little nostalgic.

"Soos! Go clean up the kitchen it's a mess." Stan appeared eating a piece of cake that was in the kitchen.

"Mr. Pines, this is the cake Mabel made for Arthur." Soos pointed at the cake.

Stan looked at the cake that had many colors in the frosting.

"I know, I was just looking for Arthur to give it to him... Go clean the kitchen and stop asking questions." Stan turned away to go back to work.

"But isn't Arthur on the other side?... Hm." Soos shrugged and went into the kitchen.

Back to the present.

Arthur came down from the roof as he always does, but he seems to have forgotten a little that this is not normal, even if by human standards it is possible, which made him "cool" to Mabel.

"Hi, do you need something?" Arthur was visibly nervous, although he hid it a bit.

'When did I start liking her?' Arthur was replaying his entire life in his mind, but the only direct contact he had was 6 years ago, other than that, I just watched Gravity Falls again and again.

"I made you a cake, Soos said you like to eat so I made you a cake, will you marry me?" Mabel spoke very quickly.

I looked at the cake even though I was wearing sunglasses, you could see she had overdone the frosting.

"Say ah!" Mabel took a piece with a spoon.

I'd say she's more daring because of what Soos said to her.

Arthur was red but didn't refuse.


"So what do you think?" Mabel was quite nervous about the answer.

'Please, he liked it... Please, please...'

'Impressively it is...' "...Delicious." Arthur was a little stunned even though he had it a little sweeter than he normally would it was pretty good.

'Mabel must have used the mini cookbook I keep in the kitchen in case I'm not here to make it...'

"Now you-" Mabel was interrupted by Arthur himself.

"No." Arthur said resolutely, he knew she was going to ask him to marry her again.

Mabel was hurt by the answer.

"But I would like to ask you something..." Arthur looks nervous.

"Would M-Mabel Pines like to date me?" Arthur scratched his head a little as he blushed.

Mabel put down the plate of cake and opened her mouth in shock.

Arthur saved the plate with the cake that was falling and Mabel jumped on top of him hugging him.

"Yes!" Mabel was extremely excited.

"So…do you want to talk a bit while we eat cake?" Arthur suggested

"Of course!" Mabel and Arthur talked about the things they liked and a little about the past too.

"It's so beautiful." Soos was watching from afar after cleaning the kitchen.

"Soos! The portable toilets are clogged again!"

...Meanwhile with Dipper Pines.

"Ugh, Gunkle Stan... Nobody ever believes anything I say." Dipper was nailing the boards when.


A clank of metal came from a tree.

Dipper checked the sound and opened the compartment hidden in the tree.

Fiddling with the hidden device, he opened a compartment right behind him.

Taking the book that was stored there he blew so he could see better.

A six-fingered hand with the number 3.

Reading the first page and turning the pages. "...in Gravity Falls, there is no one you can trust. No one you can trust..."

*Tree falling.*

"Ahhh!" Dipper screamed in fright, he closed the journal, looked around, and saw the tree that was standing firm a while ago suddenly fell.

Dipper couldn't see anything that could cause that tree to fall.

The tree has not been cut or broken anywhere it is as if it was ripped out of the ground.

"Wait, what is this?" Dipper saw a mark on the floor that was crawling forward.

"It's like something very heavy just dragged itself through here." Dipper analyzed the mark on the ground and stood up again.

A shadow began to project over Dipper as if it covered the sun.

"Hm? What the-!!!" Dipper was silent when he saw a giant snake right on top of his head looking at him.

*Snake hiss*

'What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?' Dipper was in a cold sweat.

Servus had gone hunting and he got a little closer to the city than he thought but what made him show up about him was the...

'Journal 3' *Hiss* Servus hissed and narrowed his eyes on Dipper.

He was in a cold sweat but didn't take a step knowing what would happen if he moved.

Servus learns about the diary through Ravi who keeps bragging about knowing Daddy better than he does.

'But that smell... There's no doubt about it.' Servus had smelled his father on him even though it is very small and unnoticeable to humans.

"Do you want the diary? I-" Dipper wanted to hand the diary back to its place or to the snake that seemed to be protecting it.

That would have SPOILED the whole story of Gravity Falls, but thanks to Servus' wit, it was avoided.

Servus lowered his head apologetically and left but of course, this was interpreted differently by Dipper.

Dipper looked at where the Servus had exited for a few moments and dashed back to the Mystery Shack with the journal.




Back at Mystery Shack.

"Mabel you won't believe what I found!" Dipper saw Mabel happier than usual on the couch.

"A Nerd book?" Mabel looked down at the book he was holding.

"Ye- What? No!" Dipper denied this, even though the book's content was for "nerds" and written by one.

"Look, Grunkle Stan, and Arthur said I was being paranoid, but according to this book Gravity Falls has this secret dark side." Dipper showed that he wasn't paranoid by showing his sister the book.

"Wow, How did you get??" Mabel's response was....unexpected but Dipper didn't realize it at the time due to his excitement.

"You won't believe it, first I found a tree with an unknown device that opened an opening in the ground with a book, then a giant snake appeared and recognized me as the new owner of the diary!" Dipper's intonation grew as the climax of the story arrived.

"And then?" Mabel asked as if listening to a story.

"Well, after a certain point, the pages just stop, like the guy who was writing it mysteriously disappeared, I have so many theories could it be that snake was one of his experiments? Or a pet snake?...uh... Mabel, did something happen? You look weird." Dipper's excitement finally subsided and along with it came the realization that his sister asked with interest a subject she wasn't interested in.

"Well, you got me." Mabel got off the couch.

"I'm dating Arthur and we're going out on a date." Mabel was bouncing with joy after several days of persistence.

"Let me get straight. In the half-hour I left, are you and Arthur dating?" Dipper asked in surprise.

"What can I say, I don't give up easily." Mabel was bragging a little after much persistence, a victory.

"Mabel, I'm back!" Arthur returned to Mystery Shack after resolving some outstanding issues to continue with the plot of the first episode even if in a different way.

"He arrived, he arrived." Mabel ran to the door.

"What you readin' there, slick?" Stan appeared drinking a can of Pitt cola.

"Oh! I was just catchin' up on, uh..." Dipper hid the journal and picked up the magazine that was lying beside it.

But before he could properly read what was written on the cover, Stan hastily picked it up, piquing Dipper's curiosity.

"Guys I'm going out with Arthur don't wait up!" Mabel called from the door and slammed it shut.

The suggestion to go out on a date was Arthur's so that everything would go as planned.

'And hanging out with Mabel... I hope those gnomes do as planned.' Mabel grabbed his arm.

"Where are we going? Oh is it supposed to be a surprise? I like surprises..." Mabel was talking about her tastes as we walked.




Dipper was in the attic drowning in the book.

"Leprecorn-" Dipper was interrupted by a sound at the window.

Looking at first sight he didn't find anything but in the middle of the forest, he saw what looked like a very depressed teenager.

Consulting Dipper's diary he discovered that "Teenage Boy" was a:

"ZOMBIE!" Dipper looked out the window again but whoever was there was gone.

"Did I just see a zombie or am I just going nuts?" He put his hand to his head.

"It's a dilemma, to be sure.*Munch*"


Soos was eating a sandwich and heard Dipper talking to himself as he passed.

"I couldn't help but overhear you talking aloud to yourself in this empty room."


"Soos! I'm pretty sure I saw a zombie through the window...right?"

"How many brains did you see the guy eat?" *Munch*

"Zero..." Dipper was a little disappointed.

"Look, dude, I believe you. I'm always notifying weird stuff in this town. Do you know Arthur? I'm sure he has powers."


"Now *Huff*... This should work..." *Thump* The locker fell along with all the objects that were in it.


Soos wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Arthur! Dude, can you come over and help me out here?" Soos screamed and Arthur arrived in less than 5 seconds.

"What's up Soos?"

"It- Unh, I was cleaning here and accidentally bumped into the bookcase, and Mr. Pines called me to unclog the bathroom, you know." Soos was lying and of course Arthur realized that but he played along.

"Okay, Soos you can go there, let me take care of this." Arthur gave Soos a reassuring smile.

"Phew, thanks dude, I owe you that;" Soos gave a smile of relief that worked and ran.

Soos turned right and hid behind the wall.

'Okay, come on Soos you can do it.' Soos was prepared for any sign that he was lifting furniture.

"Oh~ Soos, what are you doing here? I thought you were unclogging the toilet." Arthur took the same route that Soos had and, of course, feigned surprise.

"Oh-Uhn, dude, it was a false alarm, actually-" Soos stumbled over himself, and as he went to explain he saw the shelf back with all the objects that fell on it in place.

"H-How did you do that?" Soos pointed at the furniture and rubbed his eyes as if everything that happened less than 10 seconds ago was an illusion.

"Ah~ That? Trade secret." Arthur put his finger to his lips and smiled.

*End flashback*

"But you need evidence. Otherwise, people will think you're a major-league cuckoo clock." Soos took the last bite of his sandwich.

"As always, Soos, you're right." Dipper nodded.

"My wisdom is both a blessing and a curse."

"Soos! The toilet is clogged again!" Well looks like that cake didn't do Stanley much good.

"I am needed elsewhere." Soos walked backward until he left the room.

"All right, now, how am I going to find this "zombie" and record him?" Dipper was racking his brains to come up with a solution while Mabel and Arthur were having fun on the date.

7000 [exactly] words (Just the story not counting my introduction and message at the end.)



Did you like the chapter? I have to admit that it was a challenge because I thought I had a creativity block (which ended up delaying it) in the middle but it resolved itself, I was just very stressed and ended up attributing that I had a creativity block. But anyway, how long, guys, I really hope you liked the chapter that had my blood, sweat, tears, and other liquids. accounts to see how many weapons would fit taking a good part of the entrance because of the door and the glass, I wanted to finish the chapter along with the episode but I can't roll you up anymore. I had so much to say in this text during the time I was writing it but I ended up forgetting it, I corrected it but I think it will need one more rereading before releasing it and if you are reading this it means that I have already read and reread the chapter 2 times to avoid as many mistakes as possible but I'm human so I ask for your understanding along with you telling me where I went wrong.

Thank you for reading my chapter and I will always be grateful to you, once again thank you very much for your presence.^^

Ah! I remembered something, S.E.B.A.S.T.I.A.N has a meaning *Laughs* I almost forgot, it means: Some electricity bill, a sandwich, theories, ideas about 'nation'.

7301 words