
Grand Duke of Destruction : Lord of the North

" Death is the end of everything and anything but for some people it is just the end of a path, not the end of the journey." Our protagonist is just your everyday normal low middle class boy. He is an introvert whose only purpose in life after middle school to university is to earn money. He thinks that the solution to every problem of his is money. He died in a truck accident. Well, not so tragic death but that's how reality works, you never know when you are going to die. He got reincarnated in a different world. Yes pretty cliche I know but unlike most protagonists who simply ignore the purpose of their Reincarnation he wants to find out the reason behind his Reincarnation. Will he find the reason behind his Reincarnation ? Will he become a prey in a world where strength is everything or will he devour and defeat everyone and anyone who stands in his path. Will he become a cold killing machine or will he create a dynasty the whole world will remember. To find out please read the novel….. ––––– Hello~ Author here, the synopsis might be a bit confusing or weird that's why I have decided to simplify it. This novel is not my first novel but still I will make a lot of grammatical mistakes as English is not my primary language. This is not your hero or anti hero protagonist, he is just like you and me. A selfish and indifferent bastard. You will find more about his personality in the novel. As this is a fantasy novel and a reincarnated one at that you can somewhat guess how things are going to be but just to not confuse you I am going to write a chapter regarding the power system and everything necessary you need to know. And yes this is going to be a kingdom building part as you might know after reading the title. Though the main plot will slowly and surely change. You can expect a harem but I am also going to include the problems which follow the harem. You want more than one woman you will also have to bear the consequences. HELLO GUYS~ MY DISCORD SERVER :- https://discord.gg/XnnqWVXH PS :- NO SYSTEM PSS :- Not my art, want to be removed please contact me.

DukeofDemon · แฟนตาซี
73 Chs


Claude was waiting for everyone to do something against him. As this is how the worst outcome comes but what came next was completely unexpected :-

" Then why did you let her become the teacher of that filth !?" Dantes grandson shouted.

Everyone on the table became silent but Elise and Dante didn't seem to mind as they kept eating their food.

" Father, I also heard you are thinking of marrying her to him." When Laila said that Elise started coughing profusely as if flustered by what Laila said.

" And ?" When Dante didn't deny what Laila said Elise looked at him with widened eyes.

" But, if he really is such a talented mage then don't you think we should marry him into our family..." This time the person who opened the Mouth was Tina.

" Are you saying that Elise is not a part of our family ?" When Dante said everyone lowered their gaze as if pondering over the matter.

" Besides, even if I said something that doesn't mean that Claude and Elise can't disagree on it. I have already told this matter to Claude. He wants time to even think about it and even if he agrees he won't even think about it until he graduates." Dante explained the matter.

After a small silence everyone returned back to eating their food as if nothing happened. Liala and even Sia were staring at Claude with predatory eyes. Claude found this act disgusting as he quickly finished his dinner and went out of the dining room.

He was moving towards his room when suddenly he felt someone grab his shoulder. Claude was not a least bit surprised as he had already sensed a certain someone approaching him. When Claude looked around he saw a milf-ish woman which was Laila. Claude already knew her intentions but he still smiled charismatically and asked :-

" Do you require me for something, Lady Laila."

" I wanted to talk to you regarding something, little Claude." Laila said while returning the smile.

' Hah!!Now that you know that I have a bright future you really have something important to talk about, if it was before you wouldn't even have glanced at me or worse you would have looked down upon me.' Claude thought while smirking inwardly.

Normal people will probably find this behaviour but Claude knew nothing, even respect doesn't come for free. You can simply say this is a sort of price for his talent, hard work which resulted in his power and abilities.

Laila led Claude to a balcony where a small table was set up along with a maid who was waiting for them. Claude didn't know how she managed to set this up so fast or this was always set up like this.

" How about after dinner herbal tea?" Laila asked and Claude simply nodded.

She gestured to the maid to prepare their tea for them and the maid complied with Laila's orders. Until the tea was preparing both Claude and Laila stared at the scenery outside. When the tea was finally prepared Claude and Laila both took a sip and Laila started talking :-

" Listen Claude, what do you think about my daughter instead of that girl ?" When Laila said that Claude didn't reply or anything as he was inwardly disgusted by the fact that Laila was not even willing to say the name of Elise. Mistaking Claude's silence Laila continued :-

" See marrying my daughter instead of her is a benefit as you will be married into the family of a noble household like Orsini. Do you know a fact about the North ?" Liala asked but Claude remained silent as he knew that the question she asked was not answerable.

" Here once you graduate from any magic you can't stay here if you are above tier 5 or tier 6. Even though it is not an official rule the Duke's family never allows anyone to have greater strength than themselves. They try to get rid of them one way or the other." She said,

Claude pondered for a bit but he found her explanation reasonable and acceptable. After all, just because Ares became a sword sage he had to leave the North.

" And you also might know that but the North is a heaven for magic users as well as rankers." Laila said with a mischievous smile.

What she said was true: the north can only be called as heaven for both rankers and magic users due to the numbers of metal and crystal mines along with countless dungeons. Just by dungeon hunting alone you will be able to earn enough money that your next three generations will live in luxury.

" And the biggest reason why you shouldn't marry that wench is because just like her mother she is also a seductress. Do you know that her mother even after becoming a concubine seduced some knights and enjoyed her filthy knights with them." While Laila said that she had a ugly expression full of contempt and disgust.

Claude was not saying anything as he was holding back his inner thoughts. These inner thoughts were like his instincts telling him to do something. Claude never stopped his inner instincts because they never reacted to anyone who was close to him and he didn't give a damn about any stranger. Surprisingly, he was just not holding back that instinct he was also trying to surpass who was screaming at him : KILL!!

Claude even though had not met Elise more than a single day he was somehow attached to her. It was not an attachment he had for his brother because in future he might even kill him because they were rivals. If he didn't grow stronger to survive from Claude then the only thing waiting for him will be death.

" Please don't worry, Lady Laila." Claude said with a charismatic smile.

" I already have someone in my mind to think of anyone else." When Claude said that both Laila and the maid flinched.

" As I already have someone in my mind, even thinking about someone else was cheating according to me." Claude lied through his teeth with the most innocent smile.