
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

OneMoreScore · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

Roland & Jeanne D’Arc

"Let's hope these people don't attack us on sight." Archer says as we make our way towards the fortified town nearby.

Though looking at us we did look like a ragtag group, Mash, Gareth and Arthuria look like knights and soldiers at least, Archer well, I guess looks like an archer? Though not of this time at least, Chulainn looks like a Mage at least, Hassan isn't something to worry about since he will be in the shadows for the most part, it's mostly me, Medusa and Salome will stand out, a buff shirtless guy with pure white glowing eyes covered in markings, Medusa with her black miniskirt outfit and Salome dressed as a belly dancer, yeah we stick out like a sore thumb out of the rest of us.

Though when we approached the walled off town it was pretty obvious that this town was attacked with plenty of the buildings in town were wrecked with only the walls being mostly intact.

"This is…. Terrible…" Mash said as she saw the sight of the ruined town.

"Based upon what we know now, must have been the work of the Wyverns, and the wounds that I can tell are claw, bite and even burn marks on them." (Archer)

Though when we got to the gate we were instantly stopped by the guards at the gate, "Stop right there! Who are you?! State your business!" One of the main guards shouted out to us.

Mash went and took the lead for us, "Ehh, Bonjour. We are travelers. So can you please put down your weapons, monsieur?" She said in a mixed French and English.

(A/N for future reference everyone, no matter the singularity, are speaking English, or a mix as well.)

"Your…. Just traveling?" The guard asked questioningly because well… we definitely look like a ragtag group like I thought earlier.

But none of us had our weapons on hand, though some of us did look like soldiers, but clearly we weren't with those monsters.

"Let them in, I feel that they are no enemy of ours!" A blonde haired man wearing a nobles outfit/armor as he jumps down from the ramparts in front of us with a bright smile on his face.


"I am Roland! A French Paladin who has come to help France in it's time of need!" He said introducing himself still with a bright smile on his face.

'Master, this man seems to be a servant from what I can tell…' Hassan said to me through telepathy while he still hides in the shadows.

"Roland? As in the Roland of the 12 Paladins of Charlemagne? What are you doing here in this time period" Mash asks skeptically since he died well over 600-700 years ago during King Charlemagne's reign.

(A/N yes some of the things in this singularity have changed, but most of the things plot wise still stay the same for this singularity, but the 2nd one onwards will be different.)

"The one and only! But I have come back in Frances time of need as monsters have begun there pillaging of my homeland, so please come inside ladies and gentlemen as any help we can get is a great help to the people of France." He says with a bright smile as he lead us inside.

"Any idea what's going on Roland?" I desired to get to the point of the problem since there has to be a leader of these monsters.

Hearing that he just sighed and shook his head, "Jeanne D'Arc, the saint of Orleans, she has returned from the grave, her unjust death was such a shame that I can't believe such a king of this time wouldn't go out of his way to save her that she was burned at the stake, but she has come back, and come back with a vengeance for what has been done to her, she has summoned these beasts turning into what everyone has dubbed her as the 'Dragon Witch'" Roland says with a sad look.

"Jeanne D'Arc is the cause of all of this?! That's impossible!" Olga Marie cuts in from over our connection to Chaldea from hearing that.

"Hmmm? Is there another lovely lady nearby? But I don't see her…." Roland says looking around.

"Don't mind her, she's talking from long distance so you can't see her." Chulainn decided a to chime in.

"Ahh, what a pity I would-" but he's cut off as a soldier runs up to him.

"Sir Roland! Dragons have been spotted! There heading our way!" Hearing this the soldiers all go into high alert as they head to the ramparts.

"Our talk can continue later! Now we got to deal with these beasts that endanger my homeland!" Roland says as he rush's off towards the entrance with us following suit.

'Master' Hassan chimes in from our connection.


'I sense another servants presence in the fort as well, they seemed to be very weak, not dying but clearly weakened as a result of something.'

'Hmmm, go find out who it is, if they feel like an enemy kill them, if not then help them.' I say before jumping along with the rest of us onto the ramparts to see a horde of Wyverns heading our way.

'Understood' he said before cutting the connection between us.

"Archer, Caster, focus on long distance attacks, Mash, defend the fort and keep any that get past us at bay, Lancer, Saber, Rider with me, Berserker…. Do whatever you want just don't kill any soldiers." I say relaying my commands which they all understood, good thing I was somewhat of a general in my past life so I know how to lead if I need to.

They all nodded in understanding, though I obviously called them by there classes for the time being since we don't know if there are any enemies nearby listening in.

"We got 10 Wyverns incoming!" Archer shouted out as he saw the number of them flying at us from a distance.

I then crack my neck and my knuckles before summoning my extra arms as the lines on my body began to light up, "Let's finish them off!" I say as I dash off with a burst of speed towards the oncoming Wyverns with Medusa on my heels with Gareth, Arthuria, and Salome not so far behind.


Meanwhile as we were heading off into battle Hassan finally came upon the weakened servant who was laying in a pile of hay in one of the dungeon cells.

Though he was still cloaked from his presence concealment, the servant opened her eyes and using her Lance like banner pulled herself up, "Ugh…. I know that your there Assassin Servant, even weakened as I am…."

Hearing this Hassan was moderately surprised as his presence concealment should easily work on weakened servants like her, but she saw right through it, but he also felt no threat from her, but as a precaution he kept his distance before revealing himself to her.

"Hmm, the question remains, who might you be miss?" Hassan decides to ask the woman before him.

She just smiled sadly at the thought before she gave a slight smile at the Assassin before her.

"I am or was Jeanne D'Arc, the one the people of France called the Saint of Orleans, now I'm more like a Ghost of my former self…"