
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

OneMoreScore · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

Return to Chaldea

If anyone can get some gifs and put them in areas where servants use there noble phantasm's that would be great since I have a hard time uploading gifs on this site for some reason

Also as a heads up this will be the first book as this story will be focusing on the Human eradication incident, where as the 2nd one will focus on the Lostbelts and everything after that, though I will say for a fact that some characters from Lostbelts will be showing up earlier than when they canonically show up in FGO so don't worry about it.

Though some won't until the 2nd one specifically because of that they will only be summonable after there stories due to very specific catalysts

There will also be versions of servants never seen before in the fate series or just haven't yet, like Mandricardo(Rider) being summoned in his supposed Saber form, or Minamoto-no-Raikou's Saber form that hasn't been seen before, as well as ones that have been mentioned or have only been seen in said form once before, things like that.



A man I leaning on his marble throne surrounded by those that worship him and call him their king.

He then slowly opened his eyes as he looked upon his servants.

"…. Flauros is dead…. Permanently…" saying that he could see and feel the shock and fear from his subjects.

"…. A new variable has come into play…. For now we watch what happens in Orleans….. when we have a better grasp on it will change things as we see fit when the time is right…."he says as he lifts up his hand and waves.

"Now go…." And with that his servants scatter and go to complete his orders.

"Hmmm…." Is all he says before he closes his eyes once more, a small bump in the road won't stop his plans for humanity's eradication, but it's not wrong to be cautious of the unknown as a plan several thousands of years in the making can't be stopped so easily.

Nothing will get in the way of his goals.



"Ugh…. I feel like shit…." I say as I slowly pick myself out of this…. Coffin thing as I look around.

"Senpai! You made it back!" Mash says all excitedly as she comes over to me, she is back in her old outfit that I first met her wearing.

"Oh Good your finally up! I was worried for a bit with you entering through the Rayshift late, but it all worked out." Roman says as he comes over to see me as I pull myself out of the Coffin.

"Was I out long?" I didn't feel like it was that much time had passed.

"About 30 minutes or so, next time when I open the Rayshift you both go in at the same time alright?"

"Okay Dr. Roman."


"Well then, mind explaining what happened with the chief between the last time I was in contact with you guys?" He said with a rather worried look as the chief wasn't there at all.

"Haaaa…. This is gonna be a pain in the ass but I'll explain…." But before I could get into it.

"Hold everything!" I could hear the shout of a woman's voice as she runs from somewhere in Chaldea towards the Rayshift Room before coming in while breathing heavily.

She then walks straight up to me with a sparkle in her eye as she looks me over like I'm the most interesting thing in the world to her.

"Uhh…. Who is this?" I say looking at Roman, but she decides to introduce herself.

"Who am I? Why I'm the greatest scientist, inventor and artist that the world ever did see, Leonardo Di Vinci, at your service! But with that out of the way, I want to know more about you my white eyed friend." She said getting all up in my face, making me use my finger on her forehead to push her away.

"And I don't feel like divulging that information to you, we have more pressing manners at hand, right Roman?" I say clearly ignoring the pout on this rather beautiful woman's face.

I won't lie as I will say is that DiVinci looked like the perfect woman in the physical department at least.

"Right, such as what became of Olga Marie." He ask as all eyes are on me, all I could do is sigh before explaining what happened in detail all the way up until getting back here.



"…. And that's what happened." I say wrapping up everything that's needed to be said.

"I see…. This makes things… complicated…" Roman says as he takes a seat, as we have moved over to the control room for the time being.

"Things just keep getting worse, Lev caused the explosions that wrecked a good portion of Chaldea, and from the reports we have been getting with our scanners outside the whole planet has been scorched completely with no signs of life outside of Chaldea it's self due to him and his 'King' messing with the human order of history as a whole, and the chief is in a semi-dead state in your pocket dimension thing, all the other masters that could help us are in critical condition and are in cryostasis for now, and if we want to save the world we're gonna have to travel through time and fix the many mistakes to Human History so that the world will be alive once more." He says all that before looking down at the floor.

"And worst of all, we have a time limit, because of the damage to the core we had to turn off all nonessential functions to Chaldea, but even with that and all the technicians at work, the Core that keeps everything running, especially what keeps us breathing will run out of energy in a year and will all die from suffocation due to a lack of oxygen…."

Everyone seemed down from hearing all of this, and I would be too, if I was human but since I'm not I technically don't need air to breathe, but this world reminds me of Gaea, and I protected it to the bitter end, I'm not just gonna let it die under my watch.

"If we ever need it, I can use my Mantra reactor to power the core externally, this will give us more time, but not much as I'll have to head off into singularity's after all." Though DiVinci just had a sparkle in her eye as she kept writing down notes, notes about me most likely.

Roman kept looking down for a bit, before he nodded his head as he lifted it up and smacked his cheeks as a look of determination took over his face.

"Alright! No time to keep moping around! So long as we go at this will be able to get this done before the deadline, and stop this King and save Humanity as well!"

"Good, well as much as I would love to pick at your brain Mr. Asura, with how things are I should go prepare a new body for Ms. Olga Marie, and hopefully we can summon someone in the future that can help put her soul back into her body." DiVinci says as she puts her notepad away and into her bag before promptly taking her leave.

"Well then with all plans ready for the future, are you ready to summon some servants to aid us?"

"Sure let's get this over with, let's go Mash." I say exiting the control room as I and Mash follow Roman to the summoning room.