
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

OneMoreScore · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

Dealing with DiVinci



"Ugh…. My head…. Where?" I say as I grip my head as I look around and notice I'm no longer at the bar as I'm in…. I dunno where, a workshop maybe? I see as I look around.

I'm laying on a couch that was surrounded by papers with very small writing that I didn't feel like reading.

There were also a bunch of schematics as well as many half made prototype kind weapons and other random things around the place.

Cluttered is the word I would say about the place, but the question remained.

"Where the hell am I?" But as soon as I said that a door leading further into another room opened up as a rather beautiful woman walked through.

"Ahh good! Your finally awake!" She said with a gentle smile on her face as she came over to me before moving a bunch of clutter off a chair before sitting down nearby me.

"Ohh…. You…." I say as I look at her before I turn around and go back to sleep, all I feel from her is trouble.

"Umm…." She said while sounding polite, she was a bit irritated that she was being ignored.

"Haaa…. What?" I say as I look at her over my shoulder as I could guess what she wants to ask, "You wanna ask about me or something?"

"Well, you are an oddity here in Chaldea Asura-san, your a completely unknown servant who is also now the primary master for all the servants here in Chaldea, just who, or what are you?" She said with a sparkle in her eyes.

I just rolled my eyes, which are normal again, before turning away, "Is there any reason or is it even worth it to me to answer your annoying questions?"

"Well, you will be with us for the forceable future, so at least learning a bit about you as well as learning a bit about your servants as you live alongside us."

"Hmph, and let me guess, you already know a bunch of things about me without me needing to tell you, do I?" I could guess since she is the smart type, it's not a hard guess that she would look at any info she needs.

"Well yes, but I would prefer to hear it from you personally." She said with a gentle smile.

"…. Your gonna keep bothering me until I tell you something right? Fine but I choose what I answer and don't answer." I say as I concede a little.

"Well that's good enough for me, now then, may I ask what servant class you are to start off as?"

"…. Avenger." Since it wasn't something too important to me I let her know that, though I don't know what a Grand Avenger is, saying I'm an Avenger isn't wrong.

"Avenger I see, that's only given to those that seek vengeance for something in there past that they have been slighted for, so what happened to you-"

"Pass." I cut her off mid sentence.

"…. Okay, then what is Mantra?"

"…. Like mana but fueled by human prayers and human souls, or following your own personal mantra to empower one's self."

"And what is your Mantra?"


"What fuels your Wrath?"


"What are you? Your not human but something else-"


"Do you have a family?"

"Yes." But by this time I was done sobering up, and honestly I didn't want to keep talking so I got up, "I'm done answering questions, so if you don't need anything else." I say as I get up and begin to head out of here.

And with that I left her workshop leaving her to her devices, now I need to fight something since I'm pissed off.


After he had left, DiVinci went and took out a notepad, one that was brand new with several pages written down in small handwriting that only she could read.

"Asura an Avenger class servant, where he is from and who he is isn't truly known, he is strengthened from his Wrath and is able to take others rage to fuel his own strength as well." She says to herself as she writes so more about Asura.

"He has a family, or more likely he had a family once due to him being a servant he must have passed on to appear here in our world, although it is odd as that he also has a true physical body instead of what us servants have, that being we have spiritual bodies where we can become ethereal to allow us to recover and use less of our masters energy." She says as she writes more.

"As an Avenger he must have been severely slighted in his time for himself to manifest as one, in my hypothesis he must have been betrayed and possibly lost someone close and dear to him to pursue his path towards vengeance, it is unknown if he completed his goal, but based upon his gruff demeanor but otherwise calm side it is to be assumed he had just completed his goal before appearing here in our world."

"He has ability's that would make one assume that he is related to Hindu religions with his abilities to summon multiple arms to fight with, his weapons are his fists as well as being able to fire out his Wrath energy like projectiles at enemies at a distance from himself."

"He also has told me that his Wrath is powered by his Mantra, which is similar to Mana from what he has told me, and that it seems his is limitless so long as his anger and wrath is fueling him, and him being an avenger, anger and wrath is something that Avengers constantly release so his Mantra would be near limitless in battle."

"Also with his personality, I found it rather intriguing about how he treated Olga Marie a bit differently than anyone else, from my observations and what was told to me about what happens from Mash that he acted like an older brother or something akin to a stern father figure to Olga while they traveled together, and seemed saddened by her 'death' but this has yet to be completely verified." She says before she puts away her notepad.

"Speaking of Olga…." She says before heading off to her second room of her workshop, specifically the room with several copies of her body with varying types of styles for her looks, from what one would call very motherly to very childish bodies, and all in between.

But now she was working on her next work of art was recreating Olga Marie Animusphere, though obviously she was making it to perfection.

As an artist she needs to make her perfectly while also recreating her body to a near perfect replica of her former self, what she was more or less perfecting was the internal magic circuits and even recreating her familys crest as well.

Her circuits when she was alive were the best of the best, but the problem was that she didn't have that many which made it impossible for her to become a Master herself in her life, "But with the worlds greatest scientist, inventor and Artist at play, this will be child's play to give her a body she truly deserves, and in a weeks time, with the help of the creator of modern medicine Asclepius himself and his power over saving lives by bringing them back from the dead, she will be a brand new woman, and another notch under my belt I would proudly say that I'm the best!" She said with a bright smile with some stars sparkling in her eyes.

And with a grin she began to get back to work on making the new and improved body of Olga Marie.