
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

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23 Chs

Strengthening the Servants Pt. 1

When Palingenesis is implemented, it will automatically unlock there full potential, i.e unlocking there max level cap of 120.


After leaving DiVinci, and being sufficiently pissed, it was time I blew off some steam, and I remembered something that was mentioned.

There's a place a 'Control Singularity' that can strengthen all servants, and maybe it will make me stronger as well.

But more than anything it will help me blow off steam at least, but I didn't feel like doing it alone, so maybe I'll get some of the others to come along.

Though I realize I hear very slight footsteps, but for some reason coming out from the airducts above me, so I look up and notice a skull mask peering through it, "Hassan?"

As soon as I say that Hassan opens up the air vent and jumps down before kneeling before me, "Master, I was going through the air ventilation system to see if there are any ways for people to sneak into the facility, luckily the outer ones leading outside are air tight, but plenty of the interior ones are vulnerable to intrusion, also there are maintenance tunnels that could be used to access several important areas to the facility that aren't that well guarded."

"Hmmm…. I see, well I would say continue what your doing, but I was thinking about improving the strengths of the other servants, so do you have an idea where the others are at?"

"Yes actually I do, here this is where there located at." He says as he pulls out a notepad that he keeps on him before handing it over to me with everyone's locations.

Arthuria & Hercules- Combat Room

Archer- Kitchen

Gareth- Cafeteria

Ibuki- Arcade

Cu Chulainn- Bar

Medusa- Library

Asclepius- Infirmary

DiVinci- Her Lab

Mash- Her Room

Roman- Control Room

A normal person would find this a bit creepy, but Hassan is just doing things assassins normally do which is information gathering really.

"Hmm, well come along with me, we're gonna go and make every one a bit stronger by doing those controlled singularity's that's they mentioned yesterday." It had been about a day since we had all returned from Fuyuki.

"I see, if you wish I'll come along, or I'll go and see which servants want to go get stronger with us." He suggested.

"Hmm…. Go around and ask, but I think Arthuria and Heracles will want to go, but ask the others if they want to as well." I give my commands to him which he nods.

"Of course master." He says with a bow before he starts to walk away, before he uses his presence concealment and disappears out of sight.

With that I go to the control room to find Roman relaxing while drinking coffee as he's listening to some music through a headset.

Rather loudly at that, to the point he didn't realize I was there as he was humming along to the song, I could barely make out the lyrics but….

"Princess princess Chan Chan?" Is all I said, but not really caring what he was listening to I pulled off his headset which freaked him out and made him fall over.

"W-What the hell?!… Oh Asura, it's you, what do you need?" He said as he turned off his song and brushed himself off.

"I want to use the controlled singularity's to make everyone a bit stronger before we go onto the next singularity."

"Oh? Well I mean I guess we can send you there along with the rest who want to go right now, although there are only certain ones that are available once a week though."

"What do you mean?"

"It takes energy to maintain connection to those singularity's so we like to keep to a minimum which ones are available at a time, the ones available are the Caster, Lancer and Berserker combination ember gathering spots, though I should note that Berserker embers can be found in every ember gathering singularity."

"Hmmmm I guess I know who should come along I guess." I then contact Hassan.


'Yes Master?'

'How many have you told so far?'

'I've told both Arthuria and Heracles so far.'

'Don't worry about the rest, I'll call the others over to see if they are willing to come, resume what you were doing before.'

'Certainly master.' And with that we cut the connection between us.

I then connect with Medusa, 'Medusa, do you wish to help increase your strength?'

'Master, are you talking about the controlled Singularity's?'

'Yes, I plan on bringing you, Arthuria, Heracles and Ibuki since you four are the best fit for this task.'

'Hmmm…. Very well if that is your wish…. Although I'm surprised you wish for me to join you…. With me being who I am….'

'Medusa, I don't care who you are or once were, all that matters is your there to help me out, mind you I'm not forcing you, but you are one of the best people I have for the job, so your help would be most appreciated.' I don't force people to do my deeds, and usually I would just do it myself, but if others want to get stronger alongside me or at least fight with me, the more the merrier.

'…. I see, well thank you for saying that, and I would love to join you along with the others on this endeavor.'

'Good, come to the control room, we will all meet up there.' I say before I cut off the connection and then ask Ibuki, who seemed excited since she would be getting stronger, and if she gets strong enough she says she will be able to show off her true adult self.

And so not long later, Arthuria, Heracles, Medusa and Ibuki all gathered together in the control room.

"Is this everyone joining for the Singularity?"

"I believe us five will be good enough for this." I say looking over all of us.

"Alright then, please step into the Rayshift room, and I'll send you all on your way." He says as he gets back to work on setting up the singularity coordinates.

Soon enough the 5 of us went into our personal Rayshift coffins where the glass lids closed on us.

"I have to ask, you absolutely sure that you want to go to the Hellfire mode?" Roman asked questioningly over the intercom.

I just press my button in my coffin to respond back, "The harder it is, the more strength we will gain right? So just do it."

"Well…. Alright, commencing Rayshift in-"







The Three Calvary Classes of the Rider, Caster and Assassin.

The Calvary classes just like the Knight classes also follow the same counter triangle with the Rider over powering the Caster, the Caster beats the Assassin, and the Assassin beats the Rider.

Riders take down the Casters due to the reason being that the Riders are the fastest of all the classes, Casters need time to cast there attacks and the riders speed is for the most part too fast for the Caster to keep up.

As I mentioned before Casters beat Assassins due to them having a area around them that makes it impossible for a Assassin to sneak up on them due to their area under their control.

Assassins have an easy time for dealing with Riders for the most part due to the fact that most Riders are rather straightforward and to the point with what they do, they don't really pay to much attention to there surroundings so they are considered easy targets for Assassins to deal with, it also doesn't help that some riders were also assassinated in their days while still alive either, thus giving more precedence to the fact of Assassins having an easier time to deal with Riders.

Note that this is very situational as a powerful Rider, Caster or Assassin can deal with a weaker counter to themselves, though when facing one that is a counter but stronger than themselves is debatable, even with the help of their Noble Phantasms.