
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · สมัยใหม่
60 Chs

Bryan falls ill

Hannah walked into the house. She went to the dinning table. Her mind went back to Aurtur. She remembered how he ate with her. Played with Bryan. And be a bit angry.

Hannah smiled as tears gathered on her eyes. She felt it. The pain. The emptiness. She left the dinning room and went to the sitting room. She remembered how he smiled when he played with Bryan. How happy he was playing with her son. She left the sitting room and went to her room. When she got into the room. She immediately broke down in tears.

She remembers how he would act like a child and she will have to tell him to go to bed. How he will just smile. She cried out.

'You deserve death Aurtur. Kaise you did this. I will kill you. I... I hate you '. Hannah shouted. As tears came out of eyes some more.

The cry of a child made her stop crying.

'Bryan'. Hannah said to her self. She had completely forgotten him at home. She immediately ran to his room. The baby was crying as his body was turning pale. Hannah stiffened. She immediately took him and ran downstairs. She immediately got to her car and zoomed off.

Her car stopped at a hospital. She ran into the hospital. Bryan was still crying. She took him to a doctor. Who immediately took him to a room. Hannah was told to wait outside while the child is being taken care of. Hannah cried. Her son.

'Bryan'. Hannah cried out. Her body tensed up as she felt scared of what was happening inside the room.

Meanwhile inside the room. Bryan was attended to by doctors. They all focused on the kid. He was given an injection to make him sleep. As the doctors ran several test on him. And found several negatives. A doctor asked.

'Is this not the baby whose father is seen in the news to have died'.

'Yes he is '. Another doctor answered.

The doctor shock his head and spoke his mates.

'No matter what happens we must make sure this child does not die. We must save this child. He must not die'. He said and everyone nodded in agreement.

After a few hours. The doctor came out of the room.

Hannah immediately sat up.

'Doctor, please where is my son'. Hannah asked.

'He is fine mam.'. The doctor replied.

Hannah felt happy.

'May see him now'. She asked.

'Yes, but please I want to have a word with you. If you will permit me'. He said to her.

'Sure doctor'. Hannah replied.

'Come this way'. The doctor leid her to his office. Hannah sat on the chair across him.

'I want to be brief as possible. Mam, your child is not sick medically. But he is sick'. The doctor paused.

'What do you mean doctor'. Hannah asked looked suprised.

'Your son has an emotional problem '.

'Doctor may I just remind you that you are talking about a year old boy. What emotional problems could he be facing '. Hannah asked.

'He may be small. But he has. Now let me explain. Maybe there is something he realy likes that he wants to see or eat again'.

Immediately the doctor said this, a tear down from her eyes.

'Doctor, may I go now'. Hannah asked.

'Mam, am sorry if I said something disrupting but its about your child now. He needs that thing again. He seems to be attached to whatever it was. And if he keeps crying like this he will fall sick. Please do something'. The doctor suggested.

'Thank you doctor '. Hannah said and left. She walked into

Bryan's hospital room. She sat on a chair close by.

'you Know I get it. Daddy I'd dead. I guess you can sense it. He will no longer play with you again. Or dress you like a doll again. You will never be able to call him daddy. Son am sorry. Mummy couldn't protect your favourite person in the world. Am sorry'. Hannah cried. Her tears kept flowing. As she sat there. She wished all this had not happen. She wished Aurtur and Greg were still with her.

'Bryan son. Please know that mummy is here, I will play with you and do everything Aurtur did for you. I know I will nevor nevor replace him but I will try my best and I will make all who killed him pay for not letting you grow to call him father. I promise that to you son'.


Hannah went to the doctor office again. The doctor who was busy, saw her and gave a warming smile. Hannah smiled back.

'May I talk to you, sir'. Hannah said to the doctor.

'Yes, sure'. The doctor replied.

Hannah smiled and sat down. She then sighed.

The doctor looked at her waiting for a word from her. When nothing came, he had to be the one to make the first move.

'Now, what is this you wanted to say'.

Hannah sighed and answered.

'Yes sir, well I want to ask of I can be allowed to employ a maid, sorry nurse for my son. And also if you can refer me to a doctor who can be my family doctor. Please I don't want my son crying now to turn into a major sickness'.

The doctor smiled.

'I thought you will say that, so I already made some arrangements prepared for you'. The doctor said to her.

Hannah smiled.

'May I hear your suggestions

'Well, I have a name. Kaitlyn Gribbs. She is a specialised nurse. She has handled a few children with such cases before. And then a doctor. I have a name as well. William DJ. He is a professional doctor and surgeon. So what do you say. If you don't like this choices, have got more'.

'Well, I love to see the nurse and the doctor for my self. If I may'.

'Sure, come any day. But call first'.

'Sure, thanks doctor '. Hannah smiled.