
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
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60 Chs

Illegal dealers

Everyone sat around the table. They all faced a particular man. They were all serious. The room was not having an inviting aura. It was so quiet. With only the rise and fall of breathing heard. Finally a sound finally came. Someone spoke.

' so judge, you here suddenly. What happened. Why did you change your mind so suddenly'. Ronald asked.

'I told you I will be come around today'. Judge answered.

'Yes you did, but you were a bit uncertain. And secondly your grandma just died, shouldn't you be there. Moaning. Why are you here. Why the police are trying to figure out the killer who killed your grandma'. Ronald asked.

'I don't need to investigate who is behind it. They say a prey knows his predators'. Judge replied.

'Oh. So who is your predator'. Ronald asked.

'Mr lucas Royal '. Judge replied.

'What, I know lucas is a killer, but he is a big man. Rich and influential. What business will have with you. That he had to go so far as killing your grandma'. Ronald asked.

'Its nothing that important '.

'Am sorry, judge we need to know, I have a son. I want to know. And I want to see what I can do. If it has anything to do with my husbands death'. Hannah spoke up.

'I guess we are in the same place now. We are both moaning'. Judge said sarcastically

'I guess so. So please speak, it's better you say it and we listen. So we can put our ideas on it. Remember a problem said is a problem half solved.'. Hannah responded.

Judge bent his head. He the looked at everyone.

'Aurtur left the company. And no other person could take his place. So lucas gave me his position in the company. I worked hard to prove my self. But it wasn't easy with ken always giving me work. Tuesday 21th of January, ken wasn't at the office. So I had a peaceful day

Working with my team and preparing a proposal. We were called into the board room. And we did a very good presentation. Lucas smiled at me. He takes me to his office. He tells me that I remind him of Aurtur. In his own words, you work and have the brains just like my son Aurtur. Keep up the good work. He then gave me a job to go through some of the files in his office. I did it immediately. Didn't waste a minute. I went into it. While searching the files I saw a file and I opened it. It contained all the works of Royal beauty. It was a file of all the illegal deeds of Royal beauty-

'Illegal things like what'. Tracey asked. Judge frowned.

'Like Royal beauty engagement with drug traffickers, Arms dealers and even body parts selling'. Judge said.

'You mean organ trafficking'. Dude said.

'Yes'. Judge said and Tracey and Dude shouted.

'Jesus. Oh my God. Royal beauty is engage in organ trafficking. The royals are wicked'.

'Exactly, so judge what happened'. Hannah asked Judge.

'Saturday 3 of February. I returned the file back. I pretended that I never saw that file. I knew if Lucas finds out that I know about the file. He will kill me, so I didn't act as if I knew what anything. I made sure I didn't act suspiciously. I knew lucas will ask if I saw any file containing Royal beauty engagements. And when he did i answered no. And I stayed careful. I never wanted trouble. So i tried staying away. I don't know how lucas found out. Someone must have told him. Someone who saw me when I saw the file. I don't know. And yesterday lucas killed my grandma. He killed her. She was innocent. I never wanted any of this'. Judge said as tears rolled down his face.

'Sorry. You know what the Roylas can't keep controlling life. Our life. Telling us how it ends. We can no longer do it. We must make them pay'. Tracey said.

'So tell me judge, now that you are here what do you want to do to the Royals. '. Ronald asked Judge.

'I want them to pay. For every gun shot wound fired at my grandma. Every pain she felt. I want them to pay. I want to revenge. So I want to join your team. In taking down the Royals. In making them pay for the deaths they caused including my grandma'. Judge spoke.

'Okay,judge you in. Sorry for your grandma'. Ronald said.

'Its alright'. Judge smiled.

'So I guess. Our plan will start from now'. Hannah said.

'Yes'. They all smiled.

Next chapter will be posted on friday/Saturday. Thank you. Clyenemo

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