
Good intentions of James Diwans

My name is Leila Cally Davidson love can hurt makes you happy be challenging and complicated But with James Diwans love is safe caring protective affection it comes with good intentions But when family comes in between with millions at risk can love wins money in this free world with a cost on everything Love only is never enough sometimes you have to fight for what you want This is Leila and James ‘s story fighting against the world

Azahizi · สมัยใหม่
30 Chs

Chapter seven

We were all silent Palma was slowly crying I was processing all this 

" so what is going to happen did you talk to the doctor what can we do " I ask 

"it's expensive Leila we can't I don't want to leave you in depth when I know that am going to die anyway "

"Mom we are not going to let you die like that " Palma said 

" we can't do anything about it " now mom was crying also " Anyway am planning to resign at the end of this month " she informed us I was still in shock I don't know even what to do 

I just stood up whispering a good night going to bed to sleep off my problems I just wish I was dreaming 

In in the morning I wake up got ready for my internship and goes to the hospital 

" good morning Mr Luca " I greater him and he gives me the task to do 

I didn't talk much the whole day when I was going home I said goodbye to Luca I can tell that he knew I wasn't doing fine but we ain't that close for him to ask me anything or he just didn't care I really don't know but he was good during the day really 

I first pass to the health center for my appointment with a phycologist 

" congratulations you are pregnant " she was an old lady I already knew but I wanted a doctor to confirm I just sigh 

" you are not happy with the news " she said staring at me I shake my head " it's just the wrong timing " I said 

" you know there are options " she suggested I just sigh 

" I can't am definitely keeping the baby I need to be strong for my baby" I was determined to keep it 

" okay good am sure you can make it come back next month for the next appointment " she gives me papers to sign and I went home 

Mom was cooking in the kitchen plama was silent sitting next to her on her phone 

" good evening " I greeted them 

"How are you doing sweet " mom answered cutting vegetables 

" doing just fine I think " I took a sit next to Palma 

We keep on talking how our days were trying to make the conversation 

After having dinner together we all went to bed I was laying on my bed facing the other side trying to sleep until I had Palma whispering " Leila good night " I whispered back a good night and we sleep off

I woke up in the middle of the night needing some water I went to the kitchen to drink some water I was passing going back to my room when I heard some moans in mom's room I first thought I heard things until I heard something falling off I quickly opened the door 

"Mom" I enter the room finds her on the floor trying not to make a sound but she is in a lot of pain 

"Mom"I run to her hold her in my arms she closes her eyes tight she was sweeting alot I tried to find my phone run to my room took my phone and call for the ambulance I dress mom woke up Palma but all she did was crying the ambulance arrived and we all go to the hospital 

Me and Palma we were in the waiting room Palma was sitting on a chair bitting on her nails she was nervous and scared but she was trying to hold it in trying to be a big girl but can you blame her she is a young woman who needs her mom 

After like four hours Doctor came out followed by the nurses 

"Doctor how is my mom " I asked him as soon as he was near 

" it looks bad " he sighs " we will try our best but only God has the power " he tapped on my shoulder and left Palma busted into tears I hugged her tight 

In the afternoon that's when they allowed us to see her she was in a lot of tubes she couldn't even talk only face us she holds my hands tight tears were falling on my cheeks now I don't know what to do I run out of the room goes to the garden for some fresh air 

"I can tell life is biting you up" a man said behind me 

" I don't want to talk leave me alone" I tried not to be rude 

"Tomorrow my doctor told me that I don't have a year to live maximum is five months " he said and laughed at himself how can he laugh at something like that 

"And what's so fun about that" I asked him 

"Need to spend my last days happy at least I will have something to remember I don't know where am going may be they don't even laugh " he shrugged I just stare at him he is shaved all hair sitting in a wheelchair he knows he is dying but laughs

" you are unbelievable " i sigh relaxed my shoulders lost in my own thoughts 

I went back inside mom was asleep the nurse was filling up on her meds 

" you know you don't have to spend the night right??" She asked me I nodded taking a sit on the chair in front of the bed she finished what she was doing going out living me with my mom only

I take my phone from my pocket calling Palma 

"Hello" she answered in a low voice i got up step outside trying not to wake up mom

" where are you " 

"At home sleeping "

"Okay stay there am coming okay don't do anything stupid " I warned her she just hummed on the phone