
Chapter 2

The next morning.

The men started getting ready.

The chief was also getting dressed next to his wife.

His daughter helped him.

"How does your father look?" He asked with a light smile.

"Handsome as always," she answered him with a soft voice.

The atmosphere seemed light.

Suddenly screams resounded outside the tent.

Everyone's hearts shook as they stared at each other in confusion.

A man approached the chieftain's tent, screaming, "CHIEF! CHIEF! THEY ARE HERE!"

"Ah-" as if he was silenced before speaking anymore.

Akshan paused at the light garment of his tent that made the door. As if he could feel something pressing on his throat.

"Get out." Spoke a harsh voice of a man outside the tenth.

Akshan woke up from his daze. He looked back at his family with a smile trying to reassure them.

He walked up, opening the tent for the sun to blind his eyes for a moment.

All of his men were on the ground, tied up, including the one screaming so close to him.

Men wearing light black armor held them, surrounding the entire gypsies but their swords were still sheathed.

Askhan looked ahead, where he saw a man who had a different kind of black thawb with red lines ahead of him.

He seemed to be their leader.

"You are taking too long." Spoke the man with his coarse voice.

"I am sorry. But may I know first, who am I dealing with?" Answered Akshan.

"The army of the first prince of the Khorrast kingdom. I am General Ahmed."

Akshan's eyes widened. "Kingdom?"

He never knew this part of the desert where only legends filled it was part of a kingdom. Especially since any traveler who made it here never came back.

"I believe we were inviting, letting you use our territory for the night."

"Oh yes, yes, thank you. But, why then..." He wanted to ask about the sudden rough treatment.

"Are you fucking with me?" Ahmed growled as he turned, throwing two huge sacks.

Akshan trembled when he saw, the heads of the people he sent yesterday.

"I believe the messenger yesterday told you what happened. NO?" Spoke the General as he turned to the messenger tied on the ground next to his foot, who nodded in fear while his nose was running.

Akshan clenched his teeth. "I understand. But that is still their crime. Why are we to be treated like this?"

The General walked forward, looking rather irritated. He closed one of his eyes as he massaged his neck. "Oy,"

His other eye grew cold and murderous, "I think I asked you. Are you? Fucking. With. Me."

Akshan's eyes looked down in a hurry.

"Think yesterday we told you to come to speak. Why the fuck didn't you come?"

He stood in front of Akshan, being much taller than him. "Till morning? Staying for another night while we hold your people? Who in the fuck do you think you are to make us wait?"

"I, I-I,"

"Ah leave it." Getting back to his irritated mood. "Take them all away to his majesty."

He turned to the chief, tilting his head. "And for you to know. You will become slaves for as long as he wishes. You better get on his good side," he said as if he was amused.

He looked at the army. "You know the drill."

Akshan looked down angrily but in his heart he seemed to know of his mistake, taking this too lightly.

"Can you at least let the women dress and get ready?"


And when the women covered up everyone start marching towards the nearby town.

Akshan stared at each of the army's movements.

Some of them even helped the weak women and elderly, letting them ride their horses. While some played with the kids.

For his mistake he made everyone suffer. Even for the crime of those two as their chieftain, he thought they were lucky they didn't blame his whole tribe for it and took it as a war.

Being slaves for some time, he guessed it is gonna be for labor or something of the sort. After all, seeing how the army treated them, he had a little bit of hope.


In the few hours to the city, they were fed and taken care of.

Reaching it they all had their eyes open.

It was, beautiful.

Even when the messenger spoke for hours telling them about it, his words were unworthy of such beauty.

In all of their travels, this was the most beautiful building they saw, including the green vegetation and the lakes running through it.

Ahmed expected their reactions.

"It wasn't like this before we came here." He said proudly.

Akshan and his men just nodded at his words, still fixated on the city as they made their way to it.

The walls that looked small before were so big they strained their necks.

Entering the town, their eyes couldn't stay still. Even the way the people dressed here was so beautiful and divine.

It was like a city of gods. Everything was drawn out of a painting. No, it was even more breathtaking.

Everyone was dressed elegantly.

Jewelry was on everyone's necks, and hands.

The smiles of the people struck Akshan deeply.

General Ahmed was walking by his side. "This city is ruled by the first prince. Even residents of the kingdom may not enter it easily. With the internal strife. We can say the prince took this city as the kingdom of its own."

He wondered what kind of person he was as he nodded at the words of the General.

They marched towards a tremendous palace.

Akshan swallowed his breath.

His people were too stunned to speak.

It was magnificent.

They were placed in a cell but taken care of properly.

And soon enough came a second man who wore the same as General Ahmed.

Spoke with him a few words and then left.

Ahmed came to the chieftain.

"His majesty is coming. Raise, and be respectful." He spoke to everyone in the cell.

Soon came men making way, opening the cell.

And that's when everyone could hear footsteps. Heavy footsteps weighed on their hearts. A huge beast was approaching.

Everyone stared at the stairway anxiously.

The sound of the guards gently hitting the ground and bowing on their knees resonated through the hall.

A black thawb covered the man's legs, but couldn't cover his small waist, or his broad shoulders.

His black shemagh covered his face. His skin was of an almond tone. His sharp and huge eyebrows were black, as were his eyes that reflected no light from the torches beside him, contoured by kohl darkening them even more.

He was a bit taller than his men.

A man of huge build. The type of person whose mere presence commanded the entire room. Mighty even when he stood with no sword.

He lowered his head a bit to walk into the cell.

He raised his eyes, staring at the gypsies.

"Welcome travelers." His voice was deep and commanding, weighing on the room like a mountain.

The chieftain kneeled with the guards.

Everyone else followed suit.