
Chapter 1

In the middle of the golden and endless desert.

A group of gypsies was making their way along with their camels. Some of them were used to transport their caravan, tied together with their cargo.

The harsh sunlight, the howling wind, and the smell of arid air englobed them. But they seemed used to it. Rather all of the travelers had joyful faces as they were discovering a new part of the desert, filled with legends and mysteries.

The men walked in front and behind. The women were on camels that didn't hold but a few items on their back, those with children had them sat behind them.

Their eyes widened happily as they fell on an oasis ahead.

They screamed in joy letting those in the back know of their discovery.

The shemagh of a woman danced with the wind as her beautiful, captivating, hazel eyes fell on The giant trees up front.

Her honey-toned skin, her fairy hands, and her long fingers held the ropes of the camel at the front, surrounded by the men. And her father walked beside her on foot. A man who seemed too proud of his daughter.

The men around all seemed too shy of her presence.

But one spoke with her father normally. He seemed close to them. But more than enough times did he steal glances at her almond-shaped eyes.


It took them the rest of the day to reach the oasis.

They unloaded their cargos and sat after building their tents.

The men ate delicacies alongside their women.

They all decided to stay here for a while after consulting that woman's father. Referring to him as their chieftain.

They all went ahead and enjoyed the rest of the night, singing and dancing to their music.


The figure of a man running appeared on top of the dunes in the stary night.

"There they are, your majesty." Spoke the man panting, pointing with his finger towards the gypsies.

Another figure of a man showed up, covered entirely in a black thawb, as he rode a growling horse.

His deep dark eyes reflected no light. Slowly behind him immersed the shadow of a huge army.

He waved with his hand. With his sign, everyone left.

Turning to leave he stood for a moment, threw a glance at the joyful people, and followed the army.


The next morning.

The travelers were up early. They also sent some of their men to discover their surroundings. Looking for the nearby town.

The chieftain and the man close to him were all laughing with the others.

But the man's eyes were always somewhere else, not leaving the chieftain's daughter, surrounded by women as they took care of the kids playing outside.

Her father of course noticed and teased the man.

"Salman. Soon, I will call you my son." He whispered to him as he threw his hand over his shoulder holding him tightly.

Salman smiled and stared at her while he sipped his drink.

"Yes, chieftain Akshan, or father?"

"Brat!" They laughed.

In the middle of the day, a messenger came from the men they sent in the morning.

"We found the town nearby," he said proudly to the chieftain. "A big city. Beautiful women, drinks more delicious than ours, refined jewelry. Truly a city blessed by the gods. The two other men stayed there to get more familiar."

"Familiar. Why are these two always like this? Well, I hope they don't create problems with the city people as we are 'unfamiliar' with this area."

The other men around laughed. "They are just getting familiar with the women of the area don't worry chief."

He listened to their words with a smile, but something throbbed in his heart. A bad premonition.

He suddenly turned his head in the direction the messenger came from. The dune was high. There was nothing there but he felt himself being watched.

The bad feeling pressured his heart more.

He just sighed and drank a bit to shake off the feeling.

"Ready some men to follow me tomorrow to that city. We should pay our respects if there is a ruler."

The other men nodded and stuffed the food in their faces.

He turned to the messenger.

"Leave again to the city. let the others know they shouldn't play too much."

"Alright, sir." He took a chicken leg with a drink as he left.


The sun set.

The atmosphere was still filled with laughter and fun.

Suddenly as they partied. They heard the cries of help from the messenger sent in the morning.


The chieftain felt his heart tremble. Was it his premonition?

"Speak, what happened?"

"Those two. They fucked up. They got too drunk and spoke to some women working thinking they were prostitutes. And-And even when the women said they weren't they kept forcing it and almost raped them if they weren't caught by the guards."

The chief's heart eased a bit. "Okey, at least they were caught before doing anything bad."

The messenger was still shaking in fear.

The chief noticed. "What? What else?!"

"They were, castrated on the spot..."

"What!" Jumped one of the men.

"SIT!" roared the chief. He turned to face the messenger again. "Is that all?"

"They said that they would like to speak to, you."

The chieftain breathed a heavy sigh. "Alright. We are lucky they didn't kill them. And I want none of you saying a word of this. Their crime is unpardonable. DO YOU HEAR ME!"

"Yes! CHIEF!"

"We shall leave tomorrow as planned. All of you, go rest and be ready early morning."

They all nodded and left. The party was over.

"You too," He spoke as he turned to Salman.

The chieftain left to his tent, finding his wife, daughter, and little son waiting for him.

"Akshan," exclaimed his wife as she saw him.

"It's okay my love, they deserved that. The only thing left is dealing with the ruler of the town tomorrow. It will be okay, don't worry."

She nodded and sat down.

He looked at his daughter. "My beautiful daughter, you will ruin your perfect skin if you stay awake this late."

She looked at her father. He was teasing her, but she knew he was only saying such words trying to run away from his nervousness. "You think so, father? Then I shall head back with Amine to our tent."

She held her little brother's hand. "Goodnight, father. I will be awake early morning to wish you safe travel."

"My daughter is so caring. Alright. Goodnight to both of you."

Amine held his head in confusion and left with his sister.

"She's all grown now," spoke his wife.

"She resembles her father," he jokingly said.

"You think that beauty came from you?" She scoffed at him.

He laid on the bed with her. "of course from my beautiful wife."