

Anime & Comics
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  • 12 ตอน
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  • NO.200+


อ่านนิยาย GOLDEN KING GILGAMESH : OMNI-TRAVELER (INDONESIA) โดย ผู้เขียน TOKISAKI_BISMARCK ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.Ini berkisah tentang seorang yang mati ketabrak mobil yang sedang rem blong saat sedang menyelamatkan seorang gadis yang sedang menyebrang. Saat dia membuka mata nya kembali, dia melihat sekeliling. D...


Ini berkisah tentang seorang yang mati ketabrak mobil yang sedang rem blong saat sedang menyelamatkan seorang gadis yang sedang menyebrang. Saat dia membuka mata nya kembali, dia melihat sekeliling. Dia melihat bahwa dia berada di tempat yang tidak di kenal. Dan di depan nya ada seorang kakek-kakek yang sedang meminum teh "Kamu siapa? Ini dimana?" "Maaf kan atas kelancangan ku, aku adalah dewa, dan kamu berada di dalam ruangan ku" "K-kamu adalah dewa!!! B-berarti aku sudah mati!?" "Ya aku adalah dewa. Dan ya kamu sudah mati" "M-maaf kan diri ku ini dewa!" Ucap nya sambil membungkuk "Tidak-tidak, seharusnya aku yang bilang seperti itu" "Maksud nya?" "Kamu itu telah menyelamatkan putri semata wayang ku dari tabrakan itu" "D-dia adalah putri anda?" "Ya saya adalah putri nya, dan saya minta maaf karena diri ku kamu jadi meninggal sebelum waktu nya" Ucap seorang gadis yang datang dari arah belakang dewa "Sebagai permintaan maaf, aku akan mereinkarnasikan diri mu dengan beberapa permintaan" "hah?? Kau benar benar yakin. Jika memang seperti itu, maka aku akan dengan senang hati menerimanya" "Ya saya sangat yakin" Penasaran gimana kelanjutan nya? Ayo... Ikutin jalan crita nya... STATUS CRITA : ON-GOING UP CRITA : SETIAP UP 1 CH INI CRITA FANFIC MURNI DARI PEMIKIRAN KU SENDIRI... MASALAH DXD DAN YANG LAIN-LAIN ITU AKU HANYA MINJAM SAJA...

10 แท็ก

The Walking Dead, Outcast

Marco, 18, a Mexican American kid from king county and I'm your friendly neighborhood Quiet guy that nobody noticed really, I hung out with people in high school sure but I was the kid that just listened I did talk when needed though and whenever someone talks to me but I don't go out of my way to do it. I even played on the sports teams so i was a Fit 5'11 195 Lbs. but some how my position in the hierarchy still remained simply because i was Quiet, I learned a lot about people that way and how to read them almost accurately the girl who hurt me could attest to that, but that's a story I don't feel like talking about. I didn't have any true friends from high school so I decided I would change my ways in college so I got a haircut changed the way I dressed and started forcing myself into trying to talk to people at the gym since i was there daily and with good success especially with this girl I worked out with everyday. The first day of college is soon but first I have to get surgery to get my tonsils removed today not looking forward to it. Woah they just brought in a police officer he got shot in the back they had to reschedule my surgery to a couple weeks from now since its a small town they don't have many surgeons and its a relatively minor surgery. Marco closed his notebook and massaged his neck hoping it would alleviate some pain while he was walking out all he heard was screeching tires and he saw an Ambulance before he was out like a light...

JustaFox · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์

Anna and her four knights

" Princess, hurry they will come ..we hold them " Semen held Carla's hand and run from there. Carla look behind from far , her three knights tired to stop the enemies. Blood licks from their bodies , the swords stab inside their's skin.....they fall down one by one..... After Come far from them , Semen fall down on the ground. Carla hold him , She saw Blood in her hand , which possibly from his back. " When you get stab...why you not told me " Carla cried hard. " Princess....my time is Come. I hope my next lifetime I protect you. And I love......." Semen died in Carla's arm. " No...please.." Carla cups his checks. Tears troll down from her eyes. From little distance she can hear the enemies footsteps. But before they get her , she take a knife inside from her clothes and stab her self. In her dead time she curse them..... " If fate give.... a chance, this....... time I will born your...... family and destroyed..... your empire. " .................................................................................. One stormy nights It is still raining.....A women carrying a new born child with her, walk alone in the road. She look out for some thing...She find a small church infront of her. " I am sorry my daughter...please stay safe " Tears troll down from her eyes. She kiss in forehead of her child and leave her infront of the Church gate. She knock the door few time and leave from there. Anna is a very bright and positive girl. All people in hill town know her for her sweetness and kindness. Anna works in flower shop now and happy life. She is a orphan...and brought up by the people of the Hill town church. But little did she know...Her life is not ordinary. When past will reveal her identity, Darkness trying to attack her and try to snatch her pure soul. But that time The Four knights!!!! who destined to protect her will appeare again to fight for her. But are they late this time like previous life. Let's see the journey of Anna and her four nights. There is No misunderstanding, No CEO, no rape,

hfdte · วัยรุ่น
5 Chs


  • เรตติ้งเฉลี่ย
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความสม่ำเสมอในการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • โลก

Топ топ топ го проду ну там ты тооко долго расписывать способности а там норм и глава маленй как а там все норм тоаттоа. Гтрьиьпьилплмлвлвлвлалалаосоаовоаоаоаоаоаоалалалалалалалалалала



No One 17 and Under Admittedmature rating