
Gods legacy

A god being bored cause a human to reach an unimaginable strength. —————————————————— This is my second fanfic. I know that the synopsis is rubbish but just have a read to see if you like it and feel free to give any ideas especially about the different worlds my mc should go to

Golden_Silver_King · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
12 Chs

Chaper 8





After thinking about his abilities as a Time Lord, Ben began to think about his new magic powers. In the Harry Potter universe, wizards just tend to cast spells that they have knowledge on but it must have some sort of limit, right? So Ben began to think 'Is there an organ that produces magic? No it can't be. Could it be, perhaps, a magic core that exists in a body. Maybe. It could be part biological and part meta-physical like it is past through the genes and if the right genes of parents are acquired in a child then that child will get a magic core that is meta-physical which explains why some children can have it and some can't like Lily and Petunia. But for something can exist, there must be a method to 'see' the magic core. Let's try with meditation first and go from there'

Sat on his bed, Ben closes his eyes and meditates, trying to detect his magic core and after a few minutes he 'sees' his magic core. I mean, what do expect from a genius like him. Anyway, he notices that his magic core is slowly but surely increasing in size. Ben theorises that this is because of his gift of assimilating energy, he is constantly absorbing the magic energy and in doing so, increasing the capacity of his magic core. He quickly ends his meditation.

'Now that I'm a Time Lord, I'm going to need a alias like The Doctor, The Master etc. but what should it be… 'The Mage'… No that's assuming I will only use magic… 'The Scientist' is like 'The Mage' but for science… err… how about 'The Collector' that sounds nice. To live up to that name, I shall collect all the information discovered about magic in this universe and collect other stuff from other universes when I get my Tardis when I'm 20.'

'I wonder if there is any type of information storage magic. I suppose I should go and ask that clerk at Flourish and Blotts tomorrow as it seemed that the few minutes for me to find my magic core actually told a few hours' And soon he drifted asleep, concluding a busy first day in the Harry Potter universe.

After waking up in the morning, Ben, now also known as The Collector, left his room and went towards Diagon Alley. Once he set foot there, he dashed through the morning crowd and went straight to Flourish and Blotts.

Stepping inside, Ben was relieved to see that there wasn't many people in there. So he went straight up to the store clerk.

'Hello again sir, I was wondering if you had books on magic where I can store information'

'Hello, we do have a book for something like that. It's called Archive magic. I'm sure this is what you are looking for. But be warned it is very difficult to use and it requires a constant supply of magic which not everyone can provide. There has only one recorded wizard who has successfully used this magic, Merlin. That is one of the reasons he is so popular. Of course many people have tried to give it a go but have failed but the Ministry try and get people to use it but no one can. So are you sure you want to buy it?"

" Yes, I'm sure"

"Ok that would be 45 galleons. Normally it would be way more expensive but the ministry told me to lower the price so more people can afford it."

"Here you go" said Ben handing over the 45 galleons.

"Let me go get it for you" said the clerk who disappeared for a minute before coming back with a book in his hand.

"Be careful with this book. A second one would not be as cheap. Oh and I forgot to mention that Merlin is actually the author of this book as he was the only one able to use it so you respect it as well.

And just like that, Ben got a really useful book. So he decided to go back to the Leaky cauldron to read the book on Archive magic and start practicing it. But as soon he got in there he hear his name being shouted.

"Oi Ben, go and do the chores. There is a list of chores here that you can do"

And so Ben spent the next few hours completing the chores making the current time about midday before he ran back to his room to started reading the new book.

This Magic allows the caster to convert information into magical data, which can be stored, enabling the user to gain access to previously stored information, such as other types of Magic. It takes on a form that is familiar to the caster such as a book.

After that brief introduction, Ben spent the rest of the day learning the different spells for Archive magic such as the spell to record information.


The Archive magic is based of the one from Fairy Tale but it has my own elements and is missing some elements that was originally there such as using it for attacking or protecting.