
Gods legacy

A god being bored cause a human to reach an unimaginable strength. —————————————————— This is my second fanfic. I know that the synopsis is rubbish but just have a read to see if you like it and feel free to give any ideas especially about the different worlds my mc should go to

Golden_Silver_King · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

Ben was back in his room. He had just finished reading some of the books but he decided that he would do that later. So he laid in his bed, eyes closed, as he remembered the abilities of Time Lords he has seen from watching the TV show in his previous life.

As a Time Lord, Ben has a respiratory bypass system, which allowed them to hold their breath for an extended period of time, in order to survive strangulation or suffocation, and to avoid drowning. Ben also has a binary vascular system, with two hearts. Though Ben can have trouble with just one heart, his second heart could be resuscitated again, to restore full health, so long as one heartbeat remained. Like many Time Lords, Ben can communicate by telepathy, and can link to minds to share information through physical contact. Due to the unique structure of their biology, Ben has the ability to regenerate, to "cheat death" by healing him at a moment when he might die but in doing so it changes his appearance.

'Hopefully, I would be able to make it so that I don't have to regenerate until at least I get my Tardis."

Now as a Time Lord, Ben can live for an extremely long time up to about of 15000 years through regeneration and only dying of a old body. This is without any powers or energies that Ben might have in the future that could live for even longer. The average life span of a wizard is about 138 years which a lot higher than the 80 years life expectancy of a normal muggle. So just having magic will also raise his life span by a few thousand more years. Gaining more regenerations can also increase the theoretical maximum life span of Ben. It should also be noted that it is only the theoretical maximum because he might die young in one of his regenerations.


Just a quick chapter to explain some of Bens abilities as a Time Lord so that everyone is aware.