
God of Thunder thor with system

I should have listened to my brother's that were last thoughts. But next, I see hammer right side of my bed.. What is this thing?. ..hmmm It looks familiar.... It's...... It's Mjolnir.... I shouted. Next, I heard a long voice in my ear. { universe traveling system activation } Whatttttttt... .... . ...... .. Mc can travel to different universes, { solo leveling DC Naruto One piece One punch man Murim login Cultivation world and many others }

preet_dhaliwal8077 · ภาพยนตร์
29 Chs

Chapter 5 .Meeting with president

Then Thomas with 400 hunters arrived at six star hotel, I'll be really costly I thought but in this country  , Thomas is king and maybe he also owns this mansion. 

Next, we arrived at main hall, there's chairs and tables for everyone and  gorgeous waitress started to serve us. Every types of dishes are available so Hunters start to drink wine with meat. They began to talk about events of today and me. But for me that's all boring, there's something more boring than it as well 

As the time passed the powerful people from politics began to appear. 

Ahhh that's the same old-fashioned mind games. 

We'll It's not that they have anyway. The balance of power shifted as the new strongest hunter appeared. 

Unlike in novels that I read, No one dared to underestimate me as that beast single-handedly trampled the all powerhouses of humanity. 

Then I called Thomas Andre " hey I  don't don't want to deal with these two-headed snakes so make sure only disturb me when there's someone with the highest position " 

Don't worry brother said Thomas. 

So Thomas stopped many politics and other guild leaders from approaching me, I could see their unsightly expressions but they didn't dare to show their dissatisfaction against the giant Andre. 

We'll It's great to have friends I thought.

Then I began to enjoy music and parties. The girls of America is really beautiful but the food is more delicious I thought and began to t.

After 30 minute , a middle aged man come to me. 

Hello, I'm president of America, he offered me a handshake. 

  I accepted it, nice to meet you I'm thor, I said with a smile on my face. 

The intense expression of the president shattered  after seeing my friendly side. 

" I know it's sudden and you want to rest, after such an intense battle but I really wanted to meet the hero who saved this world, without you I don't even imagine how many more hunter had dead"  he said with a smile. 

We'll, it's  my responsibility as a human being but I love to live in private I said emotionlessly. 

That's good but I also wants to reward the savior of mankind, then he passed a black  box toward  me. I think it's fiting gift for someone like you. 


I accepted the gift and placed at a corner of table without paying at any heed. The eyebrows of president slightly raised as I put that precious box to side without paying any heed to it. But he controlled them as he's professional in this field. 

Then he continued, we also wants to give you your own home, land and stocks of some companies as a thanks to save us.

Ohh I really appreciate it, I said while holding president home. The smile of president face grow wider and then he said, I don't want to interrupt your fun any further so we'll meet again. 

Then he turned back and said,  there's also one more gift for you mister thor. 

I smiled back, I'm looking forward to it sir. 

Then I again get indulge in enjoying the atmosphere of party. 

  Hmm, no one asked about my identity and how I get powers as they didn't want to offend me. 

No one in their right mind will do it. 


{ remaining time -2 months , 28 days................} 

Hmmm , I should just enjoy myself, how much time I have in this world. 

But there's many portals in this world so I can enjoy myself. 

Then I sifted my attention toward the box. 

I think there's really something interesting in it. I smiled , I can feel great magic from it. 

, then I saw a gorgeous girl, finally something delicious ,  but who was she, she was wearing a red dress  it was a tight one. I never read about her in the novel of solo leveling. 

Then I called Thomas and asked  who's that girl?. 

Hmmm, he looked at me and winked. 

I taken a back 

She's daughter of the president and she's 20 years old but he's just A rank hunter he said. 

Okay, do me a favor and introduce me to her he said. 

  Why not he replied. 

Then he run like a light, after few seconds he come with a girl. 

Hello, my name is thor. 

I introduce myself first with a handsake. 

Ehh, I'm ella, she said it's a beautiful name, would you mind to accompany me. 

I'll be my honor she said. 

Then we began to talk about normal things, after finishing our meal. The whole time she was looking at me, not she was starving at me like I'm meal. 

It's not her fault I'm thor maybe one of the most handsome men,,ummm I mean god. 

Then I make my way toward the restroom, I think today night will be colorful. 

I said while looking at her, she looked in my eyes for a moment and then looked away. 

She truly love up to his status. The daughter of president .







We'll we finally reached our goal.. 

There's no female in the solo leveling series to make harem.  Sighhhhh