
God Of The Omniverse

This story follows the rise of a regular small time criminal who had the odds against him his entire life. Just when things looked like they were about to come to an end for him, he received the power to turn his life around. Ambitious, Cruel, Manipulative, Cunning and now...Powerful. Follow his story as he makes a name for himself and grows as both a being and an organization by any means necessary, the likes of which the universe has never seen. Update Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. ....................................................................................................................................................................... Read ahead on patreon: patreon.com/GodOfBrutality Join the Discord server: https://discord.gg/U29paHWKEN *Disclaimer*: This fanfiction is a non-commercial work of art created solely for entertainment purposes. The characters, settings, and other intellectual property from the dc universe, marvel universe, and others referenced herein belong to their respective owners and creators. I do not claim any ownership over them nor am I affiliated with the studios or authors who created them. This fanfiction is not officially endorsed by any of the original creators or the studios that produced the original works. All rights to the respective characters and worlds are acknowledged and respected. This work is intended to pay homage to the original creations and to share a new story with other fans. No infringement is intended. All original characters and plots within this fanfiction are the property of the author. Please support the official releases and the talented individuals who create the original works.

God_Of_Brutality · ภาพยนตร์
304 Chs

Chapter 161: The Culprit Part 1

After his brief run in with Black Canary and Robin, Arias returned to his plane, but found he was followed by the same trio.

Black Canary just couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss and chose to keep a close eye on Arias.

"Am I under arrest?" Arias paused and asked flatly just as he reached the steps to his plane. Both Mercy and Terra looked ready to fight but Black Canary shook her head at the question.

Instead claiming, "No, I'm just here to ensure the your safety and that of the princess of course."

It was clear she just wanted to keep an eye on Arias and was suspect of him but he didn't refuse. "You're welcome aboard then. But I think your efforts are better spent on the royal palace, it's complete chaos there." He replied while walking up the steps.

Black Canary paused and looked toward Robin and Miss Martian, the words from Arias still lingering on her mind. "You two go ahead and provide support at the royal palace, Batman and the others should be there soon too."

Miss Martian just nodded in agreement but Robin furrowed his brows and looked up the stairs toward Arias's figure before warning Black Canary. "Be careful, he's not as simple as he may seem."

Canary though just smiled at the warning. "Don't worry kid, this isn't my first rodeo. Now hurry up."

Robin nodded but still looked worried as he and Miss Martian left. Canary watched them do so before also ascending the steps and entering the plane.

Upon entering, she ran into Mercy who was lingering by the door with her gun in hand. Arias could be seen seated comfortably with Terra on the seat opposite of his.

Canary said nothing and just entered before slouching near the entrance to that cabin.

She watched his actions and demeanor carefully but couldn't really get a read on what he was thinking or planning.

From looks alone, he too seemed like a victim, but with the way events were transpiring, it was hard to not suspect him of at least being knowledgeable.

"You say you're here to protect us but the way you look at us says otherwise." Arias commented, causing Terra to look at Black Canary with a frown before commenting herself. "It's what the so called heroes do. If they really cared, I wouldn't have had to rot in a trafficking camp for two years. Yet when they hear an enemy of their government is present, they rush to the scene and act like what they do is right."

Terra's harsh words were her own. In her mind, if Arias trusted her enough to let her know that he was planning to take over the country, he would have also let her know that this was his doing.

Her anger stemmed from how hypocritical the heroes of the world were, often oblivious to real world problems or just acting as a temporary solution to them.

The words were especially harsh to Black Canary who felt like she was doing the right thing. But Terra's rant didn't stop there.

"Now my only family, one I barely remember, is likely getting assassinated but you'd want that wouldn't you? So your government can come in and place a proxy of a leader that meets their interests. You people disgust me." She said boldly and with clear resentment in her eyes.

This was a first for Canary, feeling like she was the bad person. Terra's words and look were genuine, and so were her words, making them all the more hard to bear.

Canary didn't reply, she didn't know how to. She couldn't deny that she was there mainly to keep an eye on Arias, but he himself seemed to have his mind on other matters.

He instead calmed Terra down and placed a hand on her shoulder while shaking his head. "It's not worth getting angry about. In this world, if your actions don't align with those of the rich and powerful, then they will find a way to get rid of you, be it through lies or schemes. The only thing we can do is resist. After all, their pawns will always think what they are doing is right, ignorant of the cold facts before them."

Terra gave one final glare to Canary and just looked away, still visibly bothered. While Arias just glanced at her with pity, before giving a warning.

"Just so you know, I plan on leaving once my daughter's security is ensured. If that at that time you try to stop me, I won't hesitate to kill you, the same way your leader wants to kill me." He warned, before going silent once again.

Left to digest the onslaught of words, Canary remained silent with her arms crossed.

Meanwhile, back at the palace. The once chaotic scene had finally gained some semblance of control as Robin, Miss Martian and Green Arrow delt with the attackers.

Their supply of ammunition wasn't infinite and the lack of meta humans on their side made it impossible for them to gain the upper hand after backup arrived for Green Arrow.

One by one they were either knocked unconscious or restrained. And 10 minutes later, Batman's Jet arrived on the scene, with Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter joining in the situation too.

After their arrival, it only took a few minutes to completely pacify the situation. It was only then that Batman walked over to Green Arrow, who stood in central courtyard of the palace alongside Robin.

Seeing Batman walking over, Green Arrow immediately knew that the situation was under control now and sighed, "Nice of you to finally join us. Why didn't you tell Superman to just come ahead? He could've stopped this whole fiasco quickly."

Batman looked around while approaching Green Arrow and Robin before finally forming an answer when he got close. "He is here, but he was busy disposing of the attackers in the city. I've tried questioning the attackers but they won't talk, so J'onn is going to try and go through their memories. Hopefully that gives us some clarity on the matter."

After looking around, a bit more, Batman frowned and asked. "Where's Arias Markovic?"

Green Arrow was so absorbed into dealing with the actual attackers that he hadn't even asked Robin much on this, only being told that Canary told them to go ahead.

So the both he and Batman turned to Robin to for answers. He then quickly summarized what went on at the airport, not leaving out his suspicions towards Arias and thus Black Canary's staying behind.

Having a bad feeling in concerns to this, Batman turned to leave, stating, "I'll go and see if everything is alright. If Arias does choose to act, Black Canary will be in trouble." He voiced.

But just at that moment, Black Canary walked through the main gate's leading to the central courtyard. "Gee, I'm glad to see you have so much confidence in me." She remarked while bearing an unamused expression.

Before Batman could reply, Terra and Mercy walked behind her and soon Arias appeared as well.

The scene now became a bit awkward with no one knowing what to say. It was then that Terra spoke. "Now that you're done keeping us safe as you claim, so you mind leaving us be?" She angrily asked.

Batman was the one to answer this time, saying, "We're only here to help. If we leave now then it's unlikely we will get any answers as to whose behind this, do you want that?"

Those words only seemed to make Terra angrier but at that moment, Frank Delamb, her uncle, arrived on the scene, his face in a panic as he rushed over to Terra with a lot of guards in toll.

"Thank goodness you're alright, as of now you're the only direct descendant left. These bastards… my nephews… my sister, all murdered in cold blood!" He yelled in fury before turning toward Batman and other league members.

"Leave our country now, your presence is not needed here. Perhaps without it, this wouldn't have happened." He voiced, anger lacing his words.

It was then that Arias stepped in to inquire. "Do you know who did this? And why?" he asked, his own voice carrying a hint of anger, which could be seen as understandable considering he was almost killed.

Fredrick Delamb looked at Arias with caution and then asked Terra. "Do you trust him?"

To which she answered. "He saved my life and made it possible for me to see my family again, I trust him fully… uncle, tell us what you know."

Fredrick Delamb nodded in understanding before looking toward Batman and his group before asking again. "And them?"

This time Terra shook her head. "They are just here to look good, only saving others after disaster strikes instead of preventing it, I'd sooner trust my captors from three years ago, at least they were honest with their intentions." She harshly remarked.

At that moment, Frederick Delamb turned to Batman and spoke. "By right her right as princess of Markovia, I ask that you all leave our country at once or I shall declare this a national incident, with your country and president to blame." He warned in a heavy Markovian accent.

Batman frowned but didn't argue, instead looking over at Arias to try and read his body language, which proved to be impossible because in that moment, he too looked rather displeased by what was going on and even looked to be seeking revenge.

Reluctantly, Batman turned to the other members and gave a nod, "Let's leave."

A/N: It's Saturday, give me your stones and go do something fun. Take me for example, I wrote this while drinking rum. No I'm not a ship, I think. Anyway, my neighbor is having a party and his girlfriend invited me, if this isn't a sign then I don't know what is. Enjoy~ and wish me luck…