
Chapter Two:Cultivation

As Im talking with my new dad, the door to the room opens, and Helen, the maid from before, comes in with another beautiful women.

"Where is my baby?"

The women says as she looks around, frantically searching, until her eyes lock on to me, as she says.

"Son! You are awake!"

After saying that she runs towards me, and before I could dodge, she engulfs me in a hug, and starts to cry, just like my new father did. So, I guess she is my new mother than?

"Hello there, miss? Can you please get off of me?"

Hearing me, she stiffens, and as she turns towards my father, she asks.

"What happened to him? He didn't used to be like this!"

Hearing this, my father sighs deeply, and just as he was about to speak, Helen, the beautiful maid, cuts in, and says.

"Madame, we think that the battle three years ago that put him in the coma, not only destroyed the entirety of his cultivation, but also made him lose his memories."

Hearing this, my mothers face goes pale. My father, seeing his wifes face, decides that he has had enough, as he gets up and walks over to me, and hands me a scroll, while saying.

"Son, here, this is the Fu clan cultivation technique, it can get you all the way up to the peak of body tempering stage, which is stage twelve. It also has information on the next two realms after body tempering. Helen will help you find your way to your room so you don't get lost. Now remember what I am about to say, as it is very important. One year from now, the entire Fu clan will be having a competition, and seeing as you are my son, you will most likely have to participate, so make sure you use your time to cultivate diligently."

"Yes, father."

After getting sent off, Helen takes me by the arm again and pulls me through the maze like hallway, all the way back to my room.

"Thank you, Helen."

"It's my pleasure, young master!"

After waiting for a few minutes to make sure that Helen is gone, I get up to look at myself in the mirror, seeing as how I don't know what I look like, and what I see shocks me, a handsome young man that could make any type of women turn their head.

After a few more minutes of appreciating my good looks, I walk over to my bed and sit down. Picking up the Fu clan cultivation technique my father gave me, I start to read it.

After reading for a few minutes, I sit in the middle of my bed, cross legged, and start following the breathing technique that I learned from the book, One long breathe and three short breathes. After cultivating for awhile, I start to feel a burning sensation build up in the place where my dantian should be, before it releases, and scatters all through out my body, me, thinking that what I did worked, kept cultivating. A few minutes after, I start to feel nauseous, and just as I was about to stop cultivating, I black out.

After an unknown amount of time, I wake up and look around, only to see an expansive sea of green grass for as far as my eyes could see. After wandering around for what seemed like 5 hours, I come across a small tree sapling with a book next to it.

As I pick up the book, I see what something that might be the title. World Tree Cultivation Technique. After looking through the book a few times, I come to the conclusion that, yes, this is connected to the painting, and that the tiny tree sapling is actually a sapling from the World Tree. It also said in the book that if I let the sapling absorb nature energy or magical herbs, then it will grow faster, and might grow fruits that could boost things like cultivation, comprehension ability, and talent, but they can't be given to other people. The cultivation book also is of the divine grade, and even though I don't know how good that is in this world, from all of the light novels I've read on earth, usually it is pretty good. It also says that breakingthrough will be easier, because when I absorb magical herbs to help the World Tree grow, everything of the herb will be purified and used, which is better than making them into pills because apparently around 5 percent of the herb essence gets burned of during pill creation.

After looking around for about 5 more hours for anything else, I start to feel a pulling sensation, and a few seconds later, I wake up on my bed, exactly where I was when I blacked out earlier.

Shu Clan, a few hours after I woke up from the coma, a plump 40 year old man could be seen running through multiple hallways and doors, before stopping at a giant golden plated door with the carving of a tiger on it. After gathering himself, he gently knocks on the door.

"Come in."

An Icy gravely voice calls out, which cause the plump man to shiver a little bit, before he gently opens the large door. Inside, a large burly man with ripped sleaves going all the way up to his shoulders could be seen practiticing martial arts on a two meter thick piece of steel, with each punch and kick causing large dents to appear, until it snaps, and gets sent buzzing right past the head of the plump man, causing a dent in the wall.

By now, the mans legs could be seen shaking, and right as he was about to speak, the gravely voiced man said.

"Speak, I don't have all day, and if it's not important, than I'll send your daughter off to the whore house."

Thinking about his daughters well being, he quickly gathers himself, trying to stop his shaking as much as he could, and said.

"S-sir! The boys awake! The one from the Fu clan! The genius from three years ago that killed your son!"

The burly man paused, clearly shocked, as he sits down on at his desk, with his head down. After a few seconds, he lifts his head up and looks at the man, with an absolutely livid look on his face, as he yells towards him.

"What! How is that possible! It shouldn't be! He ate the Infinite Sleep pill! He should not be able to wake up!"

The plump mans facade of trying to hide his terror fully breaks, as he falls on his knees and starts to kowtow until his head starts bleading, as he says.

"Lord Shu! This lowly one doesn't know!This lowly one doesn't know! This lowly only knows that he woke up but does not remember anything! Thats all this lowly one knows!"

Seeing the man kowtowing towards him, he smiles in disdain, as he says.

"leave me at once! I want you to bring me the alchemist that made the Infinite Sleep pill!"

Quickly getting up, the plump man stumbles a bit, before he finally makes it out the door, and runs towards the alchemist center of the Shu clan, clearly still shaken.