
Gain of strength

These past few years have been very productive in raising my strength.Going down to the arena and spending days there gaining respect and battle experience was a big help with refining my skills and techniques. I also spent a lot of my time in the palace library going over the books on illusions and trickry to help give me an edge in battle for the stronger foes.

From my time in the library these past years I've read all the books not just on illusions but on anything there is to offer like history and battling techniques.By doing this I can see even more the supremacy over other races the asgardians have, through these books alone I can see that they've went out of there way and destroyed many civilisations and got them to bow down to Asgard, but in the books it trys portraying the asgardians as doing a good thing like eliminating a threat, even when some of the races were harmless.

Although this disgusts me ive only been in this world for a total of 30 years now, and although I can go toe to toe with some of the high ranking agrarians in the arena , the real warriors in the battle field that are generals of the army still have more strength that me, not to mention odin. Theres nothing stopping him from saying the I can't influence Asgard as I'm not a true asgardian or something like that, although he's been kind to me thus far I can never know his true intention.

getting back to the library, all the books on illusions i've read I have been putting to practical use, and have even made great progress with me even being able to change the way high ranking asgardians can view the world around them. Although I have managed to do this, it was very difficult, I had to do hundreds of trial and errors each day just to get it right. And not to mention the risk of accidentally giving someone brain damage or making them blind, it was very difficult.

Another thing that made all the learning take so long was because I was training my own body, in the movies loki had a very weak body and wasn't as strong as people like Thor and such, so to remove this problem I have been using magic to help myself out. At first I had to think of ways to make my body stronger without looking to big, I just don't like the look of a brute that only uses his muscles to think. But I also had to figure out how was going to go about cultivating my strength without impeding my other learnings, so I came up with the idea I have seen in other novels back in my previous life, and that was to create weights that will always be attached to me, increasing my body strength and refining my muscles at the same time.

so I quickly got to work enchanting clothes with asgardian runes to make things heavier, increasing the weight of the object, I had to learn how to do runes and change a few things so that I wouldn't just increase the weight of that object but the entire limb connected to said object.

having that out of the way and starting of with a three times increase in weight compared to earths natural pull, these objects can also be changed going up to being heavier than earths pull by thousands of times.After achieving the goal of gaining strength I started to think of ways to increase my flexibility so that my body can make the most of its full strength. Looking through the library I found a couple of stretching exercise that can increase flexibility, so adding them to my training and doing them along with the weight training made my muscles more compact and lean while giving me a more varied range of movement.

So after thirty years with me defeating more and more high ranking warriors in the arena and increasing the weight on my clothes up to 20 times earths, and that weight isn't only when I train but 24/7. I haven't told anyone about the weights and I try to use minimum strength needed to defeat my opponents, not only will it give away my cards incase something happens, but I also don't know how odin will react when he knows I'm nearly as strong and some of his generals who are thousands of years old and I'm only 30. But after I told him about me defeating high ranking warriors in the arena he finally granted me permission to use the bifrost and go to war, after asking where I am being stationed he told me that the asgardian troops are engaging in a battle with the dark elfs and he wants me to go down there and follow command of the leading general.