
God´s Eyes

Losing his parent early on, he had to survive in a world he couldn't even see... Blind and left alone, he was seen as a parasite by the social hierarchy of the new ages filled with martial arts and soulbonds Forced to mature early his train of thought was different from his peers as he didn´t mind derogatory reviews about him. The day he awoke his soul was the day he cried in desperation while God played tricks with him as his soul-awakening was a blessing in disguise. Nobody would have ever imagined that he was neither blind nor a parasite until the final moment, he opened his golden eyes that flickered brightly, eagerly waiting to devour everyone daring to obstruct his path towards the summit. Follow Jason on his adventurous journey throughout the vast universe filled with miraculous sceneries and mysterious beings. Some readers might not like information, but I do! ------ Discord-server= https://discord.gg/EdsDgFVWwZ *This is my first novel, please bear that in mind. I appreciate all kinds of sincere advice and comments* ------

HideousGrain · สมัยใหม่
1115 Chs

First purification

The first week of school passed though Mr. Greil did not teach any martial arts to his students.

Instead, he focused on improving the mana absorbing aptitude of everyone slowly, which brought them many benefits, as almost everyone's speed increased to a certain extent.

Jason was the most astonishing student of the small-batch, as he picked the best spot with the thickest mana flow every time they were supposed to gather mana, thereby increasing his already astonishing mana absorbing speed even more.

Because he was still growing accustomed to the mana flow inside Cyro-city that was extremely dense, Jason had some problems continuously absorbing mana.

It was taxing for him to focus on gathering mana, circling it through his mana channels, and absorbing it into his mana core at the same time for over two hours straight.

While the others were doing it slowly and steadily, Jason was growing more and more greedy.