
Chap 6: Plan ahead. The Blue-sky planet of the seven realms

"We pay respect to our mother!" was the first thing, the five legends said when they were fully born as they bow to me. I was pleased like never. I created the universe, even if he was a michevious little brat. And after that I created the basic of practically all legends story in fantasy novels. If I said at that moment I wasn't proud, it will have be the biggest lie in the world.

I was then watching my new babies (At: I think he forgot that Universe help like a lot...) already fully grown up with expectations.

Mother Elve was the one of the five that I modelled with the most carfulness. She was beautiful beyond belief with her green long and curly hairs and long pointed ears. Her body was well balance with the smoothest skin in the world. And she seems to be in the middle of her twenties. With her long hairs, and the fact that she was currently bowing, I couldn't see her entire nude body, and I was strangely relieved because it was already painful for me to see a part and be a planet.

And even if it was a torture for not being human, I could hardly arvert my eyes from her for a while. But after a painful effort I succeed to face my second , Ancient Dragon emperor. At first I thought about doing the Azure dragon, but I reject the idea the moment I thought about the Ancient dragon.

Contrary to the Azure dragon, the Ancient was the most scariest dragon, because in history, the number of Ancient Dragon King being (not just simples dragon King) beaten by a hand other than the Death himself from old age was so rarely seen that it could be count on one hand, not say that this one was an emperor.

But because I gave him the magic of [Darkness and Light], he will become both black and white, but this wasn't the case at all. He got somehow cristals like scales that brightened with every colours of the rainbow. But even with that fairy like skin, he still look like the end of your life had come with his aura. Witch was in total contradiction with his sisters, like Ancient Phoenix who with her bright red wings and feathers was the most magnificent bird born and here to bring peace and Harmony. His brother on the other hand was the calm bring in a disastrous environment. With his blue eyes, white fur zebra in black and his long wings bigger than twice himself, Winged Tiger Emperor who will become the emperor of all beasts and beast kinds was the incarnation of a true leader and also my favourite mythological Beast.

It said in many stories that if some human heroes didn't become friend with the Winged Tiger King so he didn't seek power, or killed him before he mature, he would be the srtongest. But in those story, it never happened a day where the ancient dragon king and the Winged Tiger king met, so I'm not that sure of who is the most powerful between those two.

At the end, I put my thought in a corner of my head to face my last daughter, Spirit of Fairies. She was on pair with her sister in term of beauty, Mother Elve, but didn't appeal to much because of her shyness. Contrary to the usual fairies, she didn't have the same four rond wings, but more like crystal feather of a fallen angel wings.

And also because I was now technically an adult, and she seems twelve, I didn't have that kind of thought toward her.

'' .... Wait that mean I do have that kinds of thought with Mother Evles?!?!! '' I thought but it couldn't help it geez...

After staring at them for a while, I suddenly realised that they where waiting for my commend to stand up. So I said with a cool voice.

"My child, please rise" I always dream to said that one day.

"Thank you mother" they said in unisson while standing up. But then I interrupted them, or more like corrected them "Stoooop I'm your father!! Don't act like that stupid Uni"

They all looked confused and stared at each other, and finally, Mother Elves took her courage and spoke "But mothe....I.. I mean father, hum... Hum... You are a female, right...? So why..." "Mother Elve, put some clothes first!!" I shout to her as I shut down my eyesight sensor. It was to painful to watch that. And it gave me urge to become a human right away. But, now that I thought about it, I technically could! If I absorbed the right atoms, and after that transfer all my spirit in that part of my body alone and then, I dispersed the rest, I could being a human again! But wait, no no this isn't the right thing to do now because I had to live for a millennium, and with a human body, this will be impossible. So I have to wait first.

After Uni with magic atoms powered by ABSOLUM created clothes for the two girls with humanoid forms and they put them on so I could relax a little, I started to gave all of them real names.

Starting by order, there was Moel, Andrem, Phoan, Witiem and Fasp. I didn't want to think to much so I just took the first letters of their name.

I look at them with a smug face and then said "OK, let's get to work! You all and your descendents will become the pillar of this world, understood?" they all replied a yes like obedient child. Damn this was so weird to see the five legends behaving like that, that I froze for a moment not believing what I was seeing.

" Well... We will start simply. Uni, create four planet as big as half of the biggest galaxy in the universe. I want them at the four cardinal point and if you don't k ow what is it, just look through my memories" <<Okey, but if it's for them, they'll be one without>> "the last one will be in the center. Because You are a giant sphere in perpetual expansion, I want you to fix their positions to your expansion so they will always be at equall distance. And for the specifications of their planet, just do along with their magic attributes " I replied casually.

Surprisingly, it took us a hundred year make all five of them, because we needed me to create magic atoms so the planet will already be field with the specific sub magic naturally. In the mean time at the same time, they all started to give birth of many children without me giving them a part of spirit because they will be at the same level at the five. But I couldn't let Uni take atoms of their planet to form the cells of their first children, because those were so concentrate in magic, that they will still almost be in par with their parents, so with Uni help, we started to create specific magic atoms for kinds and other for planets and atmosphere.

At the same time, we started to have to create new species for fun like demons, spaces-worms, monsters (because it was a must) and so on. There was some time, didn't even have magic or was with for example from water attribute but we send him in a lava planet. And if at start Uni didn't understand what was the fun of creating living beings because just didn't work like he expected them to behave, he now enjoy far too much creating new species to now how this one will do in this galaxy.

And so this was how a hundred year pass. After the five planets were constructed for good with their people, I summoned the five again with Uni. "Because, if it's keep going on, when humans come there will be no practically no war, After the millennium pass, I want all of you to watch without interfering in the world except when a hero, and only a hero with the magic absolum appeared, then you will have the right to interfere. But not to much, you won't have the right to come personally. And if every ten million years you want, you can go out and do whatever you want for a ten year only and then exclude yourselves again got it? " As I assumed that they will obey me, I continue without giving them the time to respond " And so, about the topic from the war, the reason I want all of you to retire, will be because I want Uni to put one sixth of his knowledge in the five cardinal planets. The knowledge of the universe will be wanted. People would want to kill their own parents like that bastard Uni to obtain power'' Uni tried to defend his case <<Come on mom, I'm always kidding>> but I ignore him.

"We can all agree with you mother" respond Andrem with a frown on his face "But do those humans really worth that much attention?"

I started to laugh to his question "Yes it's worth it. You come to understand when they will born that they are to interesting, even among each other they will fight, not like the demons to have the most apt to become the next king or emperor, not like the beast to eat, but sometimes they will do it just because they want to or because they thought it's fun"

What I said shocked them and they couldn't even more understand why would I want such race with psychopaths actions.

"You'll see it will be interesting! In the mean time, I want to create the planet where all legends would be heard. A planet where legends will give birth to heros by the hardship they will come through. And that where the last piece of the universe knowledge will be. And I want this piece of knowledge to leak a bit of it by creating old temple, legendary books, prophecy and so on. But those leaked knowledge have to always be incomplete. So it will incitate the people inside too look after the hole story. I wants them to have dream, to get out from their house and seek the smell of adventure and danger! I want this place to give birth to legends who will be talked in the hole universe during millennia and millennia! So who is him me?"

Just as I finished my speech, Uni responded

<<That sound like the best idea you ever sort until now! It's sound to exiting!>> "Haha, I now right? Ruling the beastmen planet started to annoyed me a little, I'm in mom!" the unusual behaviour of Witiem convinced them and so they give in too because they to, were aching for new things, after all in their point of view they where still kids.

And so, the plan of the creation of legends started.

At first, we were convinced that for such a plan, we had to create the biggest world we ever created until now. But after almost five years to discuss over the matter, we came to the conclusion that the world have to be small. But that was all appearance: we decide that compared to the other planet, it will be small, but big at the same time. We will put inside the old temples, caves, shrines, and so on space Crac or rift to the rest of the world, or isolated world and realms. And with that, it will convince the people that their planet is not the only one with live beings. But we decided to restricte those spaces crac in number, and opening times.

After that, we started to looking for a way to restricted their magic power, but no matter what we couldn't find a way until one day, Moel found the solution.

"We could restricted the amount of magic in the atmosphere of the planet'' was her idea. And it was received well. Like that they won't be at the same level as the people outside before going out of the planet. But because of the knowledge leaking, they will have the opportunity to have more potential to become stronger or something like that.

And so ten or so years passed until we totally finish the design of the planet we named Blue-sky.

So the knowledge will leak legends from the outside so people would want to adventure and create their own legends, but because they will be to weak due to restrictions on magic atmosphere, the knowledge will give them chances to become stronger by putting some mysterious and greats things, but all of this will be field with danger.

Furthermore the planet will have seven realms himself, and apart for the first one, the other will be where the people live. But, those who will live the closest to the core of the planet will live with an air with less magic than anyone. And so the further you'll go up, the more magics in the air there would be, and to go up to the other realms, you will need special means. And apart from that, those who where born in an upper realm couldn't go down, you have to be born In the second realm of Blue-sky to able to travel everywhere except the first one.

And it was the same for those born outside the planet, they couldn't enter in Blue-sky except if they where at the same level of those in the seven realm, the most powerful one in blue sky. But the second, they would have thought of invading the land or if they exceed the level of the people inside while being inside, they will be driven off.

This would be most of the rule inside, but when I thought of how we will be able to differenciate the average level in the world from the Blue-sky, so we can know the amount we will poured inside, a voice in my head started to talk in the middle of my speech.

<Due to the first being in the world concern, LEVEL will be replaced by CLASS when the people exceed Level 100, HOWEVER the first being in the world will have both due to his special status>

I then check my status to see that.





LV: 5

HP: 1000000000 /1000000000

STR: 10000000000


VIT: 5000

INT: 1999


AGL: 0

DEX: 0

SP: 340.


"RHAAAAAAH!!! Because of YOU the <STATUS> thinks too that I'm a female now!!!"


One third of a millennium later, we finally finished Blue-sky and his galaxy. The planet was at the border of that galaxy, but at the same time always at the border of the universe and just under the FairyCosmo, the planet at the center of the universe. We put in there heads of every single person in the hole universe that this planet was a long time ago my planet where everything was in peace etcetera but it was much bigger than how it is know.

but one day while the Five legends and Universe were there, a dispute broke out while I was sleeping and the five fought against Universe. The fight almost destroyed the hole world etcetera but I woke up in time, and stopped them. And when I saw happened to my home, I decided to become homeless for ever wondering around the hole universe, watching without sleeping again the destiny of the world. Since then, the planet where the battle happen was reduced to that tinny thing and because of the fight, the law where broken here, that's why there's almost no magic there and all those restrictions.

Half of a millennium year since my reincarnation here, I decided to finally created the humanity. I decided to first created them in the Asros Galaxy, where Blue-sky was.

Because of most fantasy novels I read, I know that demons and humans don't get along. This was the very reason I created them near territory of demons, and why in the ADN of both demons and humans, they have more chances than the other to trigger the ABSOLUM magic.

A millennium minus one days since my reincarnation here. "I had done a great good job here! It's finally time for me to become human and retire. I even prepare that normal body with a normal life span so I can enjoy life and death'' I thought happy. " And most of all, while when I first came here, was because I wanted to prove that I wasn't useless, that my life, and life in general worth something, it's obvious that I don't have anything else to prove. I literally created the world'' I suddenly felt a moment of nostalgia as the memories the past millennium with my children were resurfacing when I suddenly started to feel my magic decreased.

"so it's time huh?" I thought in sigh. But just when I wanted to transfer my consciousness in the body, Uni suddenly appeared in front of me frightened.

<<I'm sorry mom, I didn't do it in purpose! It was a mistake, I just wanted to create a new magic living beings on my own without your help, but... But.... I'm sorry! I didn't know it will ended up like this! And now it's heading here, and will exploded! >>

"What's the f**k are you talking about?? What's heading here? What did you do? ''

Just when Uni wanted to respond, he looked at something and whispered with a depressed tone <<It's too late, it's already here>>

And the last thing I remembered, was a pain a hundred times more painful than the overdose of atoms. It was like my soul was tearing apart bit by bit, but not like we where trying to stretched it, but we clawed it piece per piece. And then, I fainted.

Hey everyone! In this chapter there was so much thing to talk about, than without being aware, I already wrote to much and lost times. And don't know why, but suddenly, the story transformed in a xianxia like. I don't know yet if it's a good thing :-P . I hope you'll like this chapter ^^.

Arikawanecreators' thoughts