
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · สมัยใหม่
112 Chs

Chapter 111

When we left the Qiankun Fengshui Company, Leng Wei shouted angrily, "Who the hell will have a date with you!" To confine him at home for a month, for a dandy who sings every night, this is simply a shame. Killed him.

Leng Fengyang looked at his incompetent son and lamented in his heart. Leng Wei was far inferior to Liu Dalie's apprentices in terms of momentum and city mansion. It seemed that he was too indulgent and formed this incompetent character.

Incompetence is actually not terrible, what is terrible is that you don't know your incompetence, and you take yourself too seriously. This will cause you a big loss in society, and you must discipline this unfilial son well!

"Bastard, it's all caused by you! You don't use your brain before you do it? Li Xiangjun is also something you can covet, and you even want to get her into bed! Don't think that being surrounded by those Yingyingyanyan women all day is enough. You really take yourself seriously, who among those vulgar fans doesn't like the money in your hand?"

The more Leng Fengyang talked, the more angry he felt that it was time to teach his son a good lesson, "Without money, you are nothing in the eyes of those whores! What kind of saddle does a horse match? How can you control a woman like Li Xiangjun?" , your brain is flooded! Go back to me today and reflect on yourself!" My glamorous wife 111

Leng Wei dared not speak out, snorted, and went back to his office in displeasure. Up to now, he has no intention of repenting, but only resents Xu Zhaobin and Ye Qiu.

When I took the two of them downstairs, I learned their names. The one who beat them was called Chu Biao. He was 1.8 meters tall and covered in fat. hand.The other is Cao Kaida, although he didn't hit anyone, but he is also an accomplice. He is half a head shorter than Chu Biao and thinner. Judging from the way he walks, he should be good at martial arts, and he is more than a little stronger than Chu Biao.

I stared at the two of them closely. Master and wife went to the garage to pick up the car. I want these two bastards to go to the hospital to apologize to Qin Lan and the two of them face to face.

"Why do you beat people?" I asked in a cold voice. I still can't figure it out. It's not so shameless for a fucking gangster to hit a woman casually. He was merciless with his hands.

An imperceptible look of contempt flashed in Chu Biao's eyes, obviously he felt that I was not qualified to ask such questions in front of him.

Cao Kaida had some shame on his face, blushed slightly, and said after a pause, "I'm sorry!"

He actually took the initiative to apologize to me, so it seems that this Cao Kaida has not lost his sense of shame, and he was not the one who did it, so the disgust towards him suddenly eased a lot.

After a while, my wife drove the car over, and the master sat in the co-pilot, and I watched the two go to the hospital together from behind.

After arriving at the hospital, master and wife went to visit Qin Lan first, Guo Meimei and Liu Yan were also there, and they came out after chatting for more than ten minutes in the ward. I have been waiting outside the ward with Chu Biao and Cao Kaida, so as not to go in spoiled the atmosphere.

"Xiaoqiu, I'll leave this place to you!" After the teacher came out, she patted my shoulder and said, "Let's go back first!"

"Well, master and wife, don't worry, I will take care of it!" I nodded to master and wife, got up and sent them out of the aisle before returning.

"Go in!" I raised my chin and said to Chu Biao and Cao Kaida.

Cao Kaida walked straight into the ward without saying anything, Chu Biao hesitated but followed in.

"Boss Ye!" Qin Lan, Guo Meimei, and Liu Yan greeted me in surprise when they saw me bringing the two murderers over. They probably didn't expect that I would be so efficient in handling things in one afternoon. coming.

I nodded towards the three of them, pointed at Chu Biao and asked Qin Lan who was on the hospital bed: "Is he the one who beat you?"

Qin Lan looked at Chu Biao with a little fear in his eyes, obviously there was still some shadow in his heart, and finally nodded silently.

"Well, it's good that the person didn't catch it wrong!" I nodded, walked to Chu Biao's side, and slapped his face fiercely with my right hand, and there was a loud bang in the ward.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and no one expected that I would fight as soon as I said it!

Chu Biao's eyes were about to burst into flames, and he looked at me angrily, his teeth gnashing loudly, perhaps he was holding back for reasons.But my punishment is not over yet, this is just the beginning.My Beautiful Mistress 111

"I slapped Qin Lan for this slap!" I said coldly, "Is it uncomfortable? Then when you slapped her, did you ever think about the feelings of other girls? Show me clearly, you two, here The three girls here belong to Xuantian Fengshui Company and I, Ye Qiu, if anyone dares to touch a hair of them in the future, I will make his life worse than death!"

Chu Biao and Cao Kaida shuddered involuntarily, but the three girls were so touched that their blood burned!

"Kneel down and apologize!" I took a deep breath and said, "I don't want to make things difficult for others. After apologizing, I will take out medical expenses, nutrition expenses, lost work expenses, etc., and this matter will be over!"

Chu Biao's chest rose and fell violently, and he said, "Mr. Ye, stay a little bit of a lifeline so that we can meet each other in the future. Don't overdo it!"

"Hehe..." I sneered and said, "I don't plan to meet you in the future. It's not my decision to do it, but your behavior has violated my bottom line. You don't have to follow me." Do what you say, but you may not be able to bear the consequences!"