
Glamorous Mistress

In an Urban world where there are Taoists and Monsters. A heavy duty was laid upon the shoulders of a young boy who has a Taoist for a father and a Fox monster for a mother.

Overlord04 · Urban
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112 Chs

Chapter 110

"Master and wife, let's go to the hospital first. Don't know if someone dies. If there is any accident, you can come back and arrest him!" It's useless to talk at this point. If they don't hand over the person tomorrow, I will beat you up. De Leng Fengyang's precious son didn't even recognize his mother, so he used some psychological tactics to scare these idiots.

Leng Fengyang began to feel confused, and he didn't know how the two bastards ordered by his son beat him up. If a lawsuit involving human life was involved, it would be difficult to follow the rules of the Tao. After all, today is not ancient times but In a society ruled by law, the police will definitely be involved in the homicide case.

It was the first time in his history that he wanted to smoke this ineffective son. He did more than succeed in failure. Seeing Li Xiangjun, he wanted to be so blatant and outrageous. He also secretly blamed himself for being careless and underestimated the enemy. What nonsense to say that Liu Dalie is vulnerable.

It was after receiving Xu Zhaobin's news that he acquiesced to his son's behavior.

If Liu Dalie can be brought down, the benefits he will get are much greater than the risks he bears. First, he can fulfill his son, so that he will not be obsessed with that woman Li Xiangjun all day long. After all, the popularity of the Maoshan School is much greater than that of the Danding School in today's society.My Beautiful Mistress 110

It's a pity that one wrong step and one wrong step, and now everything is lost.

Leng Wei also became afraid, relying on his father to do his best, all the juniors around him also supported him and let him go, plus how much money the family had, played with many women, and trampled on many Men, so their self-confidence is extremely inflated and they feel good about themselves.

Once I accidentally saw Li Xiangjun and was attracted by her beauty, I wished I could press her down and fuck her hard, and then sent someone to follow up and investigate Li Xiangjun, and learned that she was the general manager of Xuantian Fengshui Company, so I planned it all by myself. over this matter.

In the past, using this trick has always been smooth sailing. Some women even offered to sacrifice themselves after knowing that he was rich, but this time they hit the iron plate.

Xu Zhaobin wished he could slap himself a few times. He had known Liu Dalie for more than three years, and always thought he was incompetent so he kept a low profile, but he was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. It seems that low-key people are sometimes more terrifying than high-key people.

Leng Fengyang suppressed the anger in his heart, and said to Leng Wei angrily: "You hand over those two unsatisfactory things immediately, draw a clear line from now on, and start confinement at home for a month from tomorrow, if you dare to go out, I will break your dog legs!" This is undoubtedly a way to protect his son, although face is lost, but face is nothing compared to his son.

Leng Fengyang knew that even if he handed over those two people, once I found out that his son Leng Wei was behind the scenes, he would definitely not let him go easily, so he had no choice but to let his son stay at home.

Leng Wei knew that his father was really angry this time, so he gave Xu Zhaobin a stern look, and then cast the same look at me. He held grudges against Xu Zhaobin and me, just when we were about to leave the gate of Qiankun Company At that moment, Leng Wei reluctantly shouted: "Wait!"

The three of us, Master and Wife, had the same smiles on our faces, and then we all turned around.

Leng Wei sneered and said: "I can leave it to you, but I declare in advance that this matter has nothing to do with me. It was Xu Zhaobin who fell in love with Master Liu's wife, and he was behind everything." It's too bad, don't even think about it, Leng Wei put this big shit bowl on Xu Zhaobin.

Xu Zhaobin's face was pale and paralyzed with fright, and if the matter was revealed, you would put a shit bowl on me if you were a fucking idiot, fuck you, Xu Zhaobin cursed secretly for a while, and hurriedly defended: "Brother Liu, you must not believe me. What he said, I didn't know about this incident at all, and it was all because of my blinded eyes that I joined this vicious and insidious villain. Today, I, Xu Zhaobin, have nothing to do with the Danding Sect!"

After Xu Zhaobin finished speaking, he left in a hurry. Once his own interests were involved, it would be no wonder that this kind of nonsense didn't run away.

Leng Wei went back to his office and told the two troublemakers that they insisted that Xu Zhaobin ordered them to do that.The two were disappointed for a while, Leng Wei had repeatedly assured them that nothing would happen to them in advance, and now he confessed the two of them, but he nodded when he thought about what would happen in the future.

Leng Wei walked out with the two murderers, and kept cursing: "You bastard, these two bastards actually conspired with Xu Zhaobin and me to do such shameless things behind my back!"

Leng Fengyang was also very good at borrowing the donkey from the slope, and said with a smile: "Brother Liu, it seems that this is really a misunderstanding. These two beasts are now handed over to you, and you can deal with them as you want. From today onwards, they are no longer I am a member of the Danding sect!"

They think that this little trick can wash away their sins, that's really ridiculous!

Master ignored Leng Fengyang, and said to me: "Xiaoqiu, you have full power to investigate this matter, and who is the mastermind must be found out!"

"Yes, Master!"

I walked over and glanced at the two beating people. They were the ones captured by the company's surveillance cameras, and I knew them when they turned into ashes.

"Farewell! There will be a date later!" With the two of us leaving Qiankun Company, I turned around and sneered at Leng Fengyang and his son.