
Giratina in Marvel MCU AU

First time writing so constructive criticism is welcome. Cover, marvel, and pokémon are not mine I only own my OC's. If cover owner wants me to take it down I will. A guy is found in the void by the OAA and they make a deal. He is reincarnated as the new and improved Oblivion or Giratina now. How will he interact with his fellow cosmic entities, and what will he do with his favorite mortals?

Spectre_Ouroboros · ภาพยนตร์
39 Chs

Imperceptibility, Judges, and MUD!

[Author Here: I just wanted to point out, that Aldrif can think very efficiently, though she still has a kid's nature.

But mental thoughts wise, she is still a twenty-five-year-old Asgardian who has been taught every day for at least 5 plus years how to communicate by Frigga, Odin, Spectre, and more.

Technically even earlier, as she could think just fine, it is speaking that is the problem.

Just wanted to leave a disclaimer in case someone was confused by her thinking right but talking funny.]


Aldrif POV:

As I walked through the savanna-forest mosaic, I took in the earthy, decaying, and rotting, among other smells of my surroundings.

Then my body started doing what the Vulpimandor does to camouflage its scent.

Using the Matter blessing of Uncle Spectre, along with my own Hunting Divinity, I managed to permanently alter my body to absorb the smells that would go through my body.

Following the absorption, the foreign smells would be analyzed, my own scent would be neutralized, and the foreign smells would then be released in the direction and locations they would have naturally traveled to had my body not been occupying that space.

This whole process is done automatically, and naturally, by my body at all times, thus rendering me completely invisible to anyone and anything that relies on smell.

'I am so awesome literally, THE most formidable Huntress! Or will be, once my tracking level reaches my stealth level, HUMPH!

About stealth level though..., I always found the Sonorosians to be a bit dumb.

Like they can do exactly what the Vulpimandor does with scents, but with sounds, yet do not do it!?

WHY?! That is what I do, and it just WORKS!

They would escape their predators and hunt others much better if they learned to use their powers like that, instead of almost only using sounds to attack and such.

Even both Uncle Logan, AND Uncle Kraven agreed on this, which is a miracle in and of itself, but well, If I meet one maybe I will tell them?

That is an especially fun ability though, he, he, he...

Being able to sneak up on Mama and Papa is so much fun, especially since they cannot hear me at all.

Well, no one can actually hear me, unless I actively speak up.

But moving on, I am here to PLAY TAG with the hellhounds, so I should probably activate my camo.

After all, even if they cannot hear or smell me, it would be awkward if they found me by sight alone.'

Camo is the only one of my camouflage stealth skills, other than distraction, that is actively activated by me.

It was also SUCH A PAIN to master!

Out of the three main senses camouflaging sight was, by far, the most challenging ordeal.

Because, if I messed up, I would not be able to see anything or my eyes would be the only part of my body that could be seen, in the end though, I managed to copy what the Chameliel do to their clothes, to my body.

The Chameliel would still leave an outline of their body while invisible, but their clothes seem to completely disappear.

So, I managed to replicate that with a mix of my blessings, divinities, and a little bit of rune magic, all of which combined not only rendered me completely invisible at will but also changed my perceived temperature, and more so that no matter how one looks in my direction they will only see my surroundings.

The best part is that true rune magic "Blocks all others" according to Uncle Spectre, Mama, Papa, and even Big Brother Thor.

Which is AMAZING, because when I think about it, the only way left to track me down, would be with magic, or magic-based sight powers like True Sight.

But since I also use Rune Magic, unless someone else uses rune magic as well, it would be impossible to find me, and they would still have to break through my other abilities that make me invisible alongside rune magic.

'Now where are those little hellhounds' I thought, as my camo activated, and all the brown stalks and big and small trees could be seen through me, as if I was not even there.

As I trekked through the forest, something really weird happened, both my Hunting and Battle divinities acted up, as well as my other supernatural senses.

'Hm? Someone, is watching me? No, they are watching my general direction, but that should be impossible.

Except for Uncle Spectre, NO ONE can see through my imperceptibility.

Well, apparently there is one being that is mightier than Uncle Spectre, but I do not believe he would spy on me, and when either of them did spy on me, I would not be able to notice anyway, so maybe someone else is being informed of my location and are trying, but failing to find me?'

 I thought as I made it to the center of the hellhound's territory, and found two adorable doggos, that do not look like demonic dogs AT ALL!!!

Judges POV:

(Aegis Ironhide of the Cerberus Line, and Serana Shadowstalk of the Garmr Line)

[A/N: AI: = Aegis talking; SS: = Serana talking]

AI: "So..., apparently she made it to the pups..." I said with furrowed brows, and incredulity just oozing off my every word, eyes, and very expression.

SS: "Apparently so..., when they said she would have unlimited potential, is only a twenty-five-year-old Asgardian infant, and already perfectly mastered imperceptibility in such a way it cannot be broken even with magic, and mystical senses like Reina's true sight, they were not kidding, were they." I said with clear disbelief in my tone.

AI: "It seemed they were not. Well, let's see how Reina and her little brother react to a target they cannot traditionally see, hear, or smell."

And so, we watched on...

Aldrif POV:

Turning my camo off I squeal in cuteness overload. "YOU ALE SO CUTE!!!!!"

The bigger brown one immediately looked in my direction, with wide bright amber eyes, and then as if understanding me, she lowered her head at an angle, narrowed her eyes a little, and smirked a bit, or maybe that was a smile?

Anyway, she looked even more adorable..., was she posing?!


HEY! DO YOU WANNA PLAY TAG?" I asked and she immediately nodded, so I activated my camo again, and once more her eyes widened but quickly narrowed as she looked at where I was.

Making it right next to her I turned the camo off and said. "Tag, you ale it!" and activated camo once more, as I ran away.

Surprisingly, she seemed very excited, and also somehow chasing in my general direction.

It seems she is a smart doggo and is chasing after the tracks I am purposely leaving behind.

And so started our mighty game of tag!




'This is so thrilling!' I thought, as I stabbed the tree I was climbing.

Because, she could not hear, smell me, or even see me, I had to improvise by purposely leaving tracks or the game would be no fun..., but the brown doggo seemed to be having the most fun out of the two.

With its eyes that sparkled with glee, its tongue waving out the side of its mouth, as it rushes through the forests, and trees after me.

Her fur rippled in the wind, appearing as if she were flying, and if her tail, which looked like that mechanic bird Uncle Logan calls a helicopter, is any indication she is having as much fun as I am!

The smaller one was also having fun with us, but it was slower and seemed to only be following the bigger one.

'Let's see if you can follow this?'

As I left smaller tracks and went even deeper into the forest, the ground became softer and marshy.

Recognizing the beginnings of a mud swamp nearby and noticing we had been playing for most of the day, I decided to end it with a muddy cannonball!

"Tag me if you can!" I singsonged while smiling in their direction.

As I climbed another tree right before the swamp, I shouted at the doggos. "You will nevel get me alive! ha, ha, ha!" I said while chuckling crazily.

And the big brown one with a bark of excitement, and a furiously wagging tail, jumped at the place between branches I was standing on, which were just above the mud swamp.

Hugging her, we both fell down together into the mud and got completely covered in it.

Chuckling loudly, I shouted to the air. "MUD! Ha, ha!" I said while throwing small bits of mud at the Brown one that was happily barking next to me, and also using her paws to splash mud at me too.

"Woof, woof…" The small one stayed outside of the mud and just laid down though, it seemed we tired him out.

 The brown one and I continued playing in the mud, until my trainers, and who I presume are the doggos' parents, finally showed up to pick us up...


[Author Here:

Sorry I took so long; I cannot believe it took me a week to write this chapter!?

Seriously, I knew all the scenes, all the happenings, etc., but once I reached certain points in the chapter, my brain just did not want to brain anymore.

It felt like the scenes in my head just did not want to be written, which was pretty frustrating.

At least the next three arcs are all thought out, the next chapter though, is also half thought out.

By the end, I was getting desperate and used "Ha, Ha, Ha" So much, that it made me want to cringe.

Seriously I should probably change them for chuckled..., you know what that is exactly what I will do, BRB.

Anyway, sorry for the long absence and please have patience with the following Aldrif Chapters, once we exit this arc, the next few should flow like a breeze.

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