
Giratina in Marvel MCU AU

First time writing so constructive criticism is welcome. Cover, marvel, and pokémon are not mine I only own my OC's. If cover owner wants me to take it down I will. A guy is found in the void by the OAA and they make a deal. He is reincarnated as the new and improved Oblivion or Giratina now. How will he interact with his fellow cosmic entities, and what will he do with his favorite mortals?

Spectre_Ouroboros · ภาพยนตร์
39 Chs

Clone, APM, Changes 1/2

Spectre POV:

Exiting the dark mist-like portal to the Realm of Death. I take on my human form, and walk towards my sibling's castle having sensed her, Freyja, and Aldrif's presence there.

Reaching the gates of the castle, the guards open the gates for me as I nod at them in appreciation, and they nod back while closing said gates.

Finally making it to the Throne Room, I see my sibling Lady Death, a silver-haired woman with the presence and aura of Freyja, and Aldrif who is being carried in the arms of the silver-haired woman.

"Hello sis, how have you been?"

Lady Death smirked my way and answered, "Brother dearest, I have been well, better than well actually, and it is all thanks to Frigga here."

The now confirmed Frigga, turned to me, and to my intrigue, she had true runes etched on her forehead, and eyes or well, etched on her forehead, yet her eyes seemed to have transformed into the runes themselves, or the combination of runes she had on them.

"Is that really you Frigga?"

She spoke to me saying, "Greetings Lord Spectre, it is indeed I, Freyja Freyrdottir. It seems the ants have learned their lesson, I presume."

"They have indeed learned their lesson, they and many more, but moving on to more important matters. When and how did you learn True Rune Magic?"

At my question both, Lady Death and Frigga looked at each other, smiled, and turned to look back at me before Frigga started explaining.

"Well, my Lord, this all started within 48 hours of your leaving to teach those ants the consequences of their actions. After ample preparation and some planning, we appeared at the roots of Yggdrasil, to complete your order to rid Asgard of the parasitic Norns.

Having taken care of the Loom of the Fates, Those Who Sit Above In Shadow summoned me to their realm to try to force my hand, sadly for them I was blessed by you two esteemed Abstract Lords. Having restrained them, I appeared before Lady Death seeking to sacrifice their souls to her so that they might not be able to interfere in the mortal realms ever again.

In return for the sacrifice, I gained Lady Death's favor and a reward. The reward I asked for happened to be all the rune magic knowledge I could withstand. As such she sent me to seek the Infinity Well.

Having found the Infinity Well, I jumped in and quite literally bathed in all the knowledge it possessed on True Rune Magic. When I had gone out of the Infinity Well, my forehead, and eyes were runed, my hair was silver, and my skin as you can appreciate it currently. Not to mention I now possess all the knowledge the Infinity Well possessed concerning True Rune Magic.

Afterward, I purified the Norns, returning them to their original kind, protective selves; and recruited them as Asgard's three new Royal Advisors, much like how I presume the Vishanti work for yourself, my Lord.

After sending the new Norns back to Asgard, I helped my husband with his sacrifice, causing as much pain as possible, yet thanks to said sacrifice he was allowed rune magic knowledge as well. Though to a much lesser degree.

I then returned to the Asgardian Royal Palace, and in my personal chambers, I proceeded to make a doppelganger or clone, as the oracle you provided me refers to them. I proceeded to let my clone stay and take care of things in my stead as I raise my daughter away from Odin, and Asgard, as you have asked of us."

'Being totally honest to myself, I feel sucker punched.' I was becoming increasingly proud of Frigga the more she spoke, but when she reached her final statement, I felt like I got punched in the face. I was naive, very naive about the way the universe and timeline would go and change.

'Yes, the events will be similar to the MCU, but with the changes to the timeline I have made, and even Odin himself and Frigga now, most if not all of the Asgardian timeline was completely derailed. Why separate them anymore? They will literally live millions of years before the rest of Odin's children are born, so why be so strict with not letting him see, and raise his daughter?

Who even gave me the right to separate a father from his daughter? Why did I think this was the right thing to do? Why did Odin himself seem to be so okay with not being there for the first and most important 500 years of his firstborn's life?!

That was not only out of character for Odin, but for a father as well. To my knowledge Odin was actually not so bad a first parent, ignoring how his firstborn was kidnapped from his palace, while he and his wife were in a war; but in his defense, there is no way Asgard was defenseless when that happened.

Anyway, to my knowledge he only gave up on Aldrif, after seeing her get stabbed and thinking her dead, then in a blind rage he cut off the realm of Heven from Yggdrasil as vengeance for her.

So, what if his weaponizing of Hela was actually him coping? Trying to make her not need to rely on anybody to protect herself, and then he got carried away and started treating her more, and more as a weapon until he had no choice but to seal her away, or so he would like us to believe.

That does not change the fact he became a bad father, nor does it excuse him, but he HAS NOT DONE THAT YET! And originally did not seem to be a bad dad, so what gives?!'

Lady Death with her eons of experience saw through my inner turmoil instantly and acted just as fast. "Frigga, darling. Would you be so kind as to leave me and my brother alone for a moment? He seems so surprised and excited with your progress that he is barely holding himself together, and it would be shameful to show such an emotional side as an Abstract to a mortal. We will call you back when we are ready."

Frigga responded with a bright smile and said. "Thank you so much, Lord Spectre, I understand Lady Death, please accept my gratitude, I will take my leave for now."

After closing the gates, and being left alone with my sister, she locked eyes with me and said. "It seems you finally noticed, how Frigga and Odin, are not exactly as they should be, are they?" She finished with a grin.

I asked her "Do you know why that is?"

To which she responded, "I have a pretty good idea, but you will need to understand some things first. Namely your concepts, and secondly how they interact with each other."

Furrowing my brow in confusion, and thought I respond. "I admit, I do not completely know all of the uses my concepts have, yet I do not comprehend what the interaction part has to do with anything.

Especially since I was specifically blessed by Him, to have absolute personal mastery, precisely to avert any situation in which I might subconsciously harm reality by existing."

Lady Death's eyes widened to saucers for a second, before immediately returning to normal. "I did not know you were blessed by Him, but it makes sense now that I think about it, a lot makes sense now. However, you do not seem to understand what that ability does."

Arching my right eyebrow, I respond. "I do not? Fine, what do I not understand about it?"

Smirking at me, she says. "We will get to that soon enough, but first you need to learn more about your concepts before the ability makes sense to you. Why don't you look around my realm and I mean REALLY look? Tell me what you see, what you feel, and what it is made out of. Lastly, tell me the true meaning of Death." She finished talking with her face stoic, and her gaze piercing through me.

Taking her advice to heart, I close my eyes and sense my surroundings, then I begin to speak. "I can see buildings, earth, dirt, rocks, soil, metals, plastic, just about anything I can see on Earth-" Speaking in a near stern manner she says, "Good, now look beyond that, what do you see?" "I see, people? Spirits of people, aliens, and more.-"

"Great now how do they feel to you?" ... "They feel familiar, somewhat, as if we had a connection, but they are spirits, we should not have a connection.-" I could feel the slightest curve the corner of her lips got while she said. "I would not be too sure about that..." Confused I question. "What do you mean? I know Death comes from Oblivion or Nothingness, but I do not have dominion over it, so I should not feel this connection. Unless...-"

The curve on her lips became more pronounced as she said. "Unless what?~"

"Unless it is not my concept of Nothingness that is triggering this connection, but my concept of matter." A half circle made itself known in her smile as she said. "Really~ I never would have guessed~ Oh but do feel free to look at my realm again, specifically through the lens of your matter embodiment.~"

Doing as told, I look through my matter embodiment, and see a whole new world! She asked me. "What do you see now?" "I see spirits of people, aliens, and the like, but they are beautiful!"

Opening my eyes I can see a bright smile, a real smile instead of a grin on her face, as I continue my description. "It is all matter but matter so fine and pure it is invisible to what we consider normal matter. It looks so radiant and mesmerizing that it makes Asgard in its prime look like a garbage dump. It feels like a real paradise, a true heaven, like I could stay in peace, and will be protected here by you until it is time to resurrect or in some cases reincarnate.

That is what you wanted me to learn, right? Everything even the Spirits are matter, just finer, and purer. That is the meaning of Death, your meaning is the state of the finest and purest matter, separated from its container.

By the end of my statement, her smile was so bright, it literally glowed. Before she answered. "Yes, that is right, Death is the temporary separation of the purest matter from its container.

Why else do you think I despise and loathe necromancers, undead, and the like so much? It is because they take this beautiful, fine pure thing, taint it, corrupt it, deny it the joy of true death, and reunite said pure matter, with an impure and usually not correct container before their time.

But that is enough about me. What did that teach you about yourself?"

"Well, I AM Antimatter, and Matter as well as Nothingness, and Nonexistence. So, my APM ability or absolute personal mastery lets me control everything about myself including things related to me. It was set from the beginning to not affect anything or anyone outside my universe without actively trying, or permission.

So, only things inside my universe would get affected by me, however, that is why I have the ability to stop that from happening.-"

Lady Death interrupted me saying. "I will stop you right there. YOU said, and I quote 'I was specifically blessed by Him, to have absolute personal mastery, PRECISELY to AVERT any situation in which I might subconsciously HARM reality BY existing.' What does that mean?

It means that if it does not actively cause harm to reality, your APM will not oversee it unless told to. Add to that your newborn status, and all the knowledge I presume you gained from your concepts, about the multiverse and beyond, and we somehow get a human-like man-child Abstract Lord, with a superiority complex.

Take into consideration, that type of ability affects EVERYTHING about you, including your psyche, personality, etc. Add to that your nothingness concept removing inhibitions against erasure, and matter concept affecting the spirits of targets directly or indirectly; and you my brother gained a passive brainwashing ability, which works almost like a localized person warping power.

Now listen, I am going to open up here okay brother, but I only accepted your sacrifices for three reasons. Number 1, you are just a newborn and do not know better. Number 2, you actually treat me like family instead of just another member of the end spectrum of the multiverse. And number 3, You have the final decision in your universe.

Why do I say this brother, well. I despise cruelty and seek balance, sure I DO try to scheme against life, and Thanos, to get more souls, but if you look at the grand scheme of things the multiverse is still balanced even with those deaths.

It is the senseless killing of galaxies, and beyond that I despise. Now unlike Walker, you only sacrificed one race. However, like Thanos, a replacement was found, given he leaves half, you just had another race take over instead, but please no more spontaneous world-plus-level genocides, WHICH DO NOT KEEP BALANCE IN MIND!

Now that my balance over gain rant is over, take your time to process how you have been changed, and how you will change from now on. Remember you have THE cheat ability of change. You want a personality, a trait, etc. APM and now you have it. So, think carefully about you, and your universe." She proceeds to almost whisper to me, "And change."

Closing my eyes, I think. 'I want to not automatically think myself as superior to others and arbitrarily choose what I want for them, without proper measures, considerations, and consent taken, kind of like a pact, yes, I want to be pact-driven in my actions with individuals, and not driven by arbitrary whims. I want to be humorous, but serious when needed. I want to be proper and elegant naturally. I want to crave relationships, yet not lose myself to that desire.

I want to be the new me an Abstract Lord, who was once human, and understands he is not perfect, but can change upon learning of a weakness or bad trait. Though some must be kept, or life would just be boring. And the hardest one, I want to not be tied down to balance, as that might limit my actions, when a change or remedy could fix the issue caused by it, unless absolutely necessary, like in the case of a racial genocide.

I want all my subconscious or indirect manipulations to not affect my universe or anyone else other than the ones I am actively trying to manipulate, control, attack, etc.'

Opening my glowing red eyes once more, they start to die down, until they return to normal...


[Author Here: Update]

Today was very sad, as I was typing this amazing chapter, about halfway through everything got erased!!! AND I HAD TO START OVER AGAIN!!! Sad boi hours!

I forgot what I was going to ask or say...AHA!

Someone told me that long chapters were for info dumps so here it is. I hope it wasn't boring and you all enjoyed it though...

What did you think of my portrayal of Death?

What about the changes to the MC's personality?

How did you take the plot twist of his subconscious affecting individuals within his universe?

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