

WAIT IF THAT'S NOT DAD THEN WHO IS AND WHERE IS HE?!! i don't know but i will put a case about it. good idea. ( time passes by ) zzzzzz. zzzz. zzzzzzzz. ( hospitable machine starts beeping ) is it morning already. a-ally m-mom your already awake? yes, we wanted to surprise you. well it was a great surprise, but when do i get to go home? we can go now, the doc told us we are free to leave. yay. ( car starts ) Miya you okay back there? yes mom. okay lets go then. ( they go home ) how about you lay on the couch and rest while i go to the police station to make a case. okay mom. ( door closes ) was that our real dad who hurt me? no, he was fake! wait wheres Jimmy? oh he went up stairs. oh okay. wanna watch TV? ya, i need something to distract me so i don't feel the pane of this. okay what show? lets play the live news. okay sure! ( door opens ) hi kids, i put the case but i am also going to message your real dad. okay mom. ( there mom send a text ) okay i sent the text, now we wait. ( door bell rings ) who is at the door? hi miss. oh hi Martha, come in, come in. thank you, i heard on TV that Miya was sent to the hospitable and i wanted to see how she was doing. shes resting on the couch, you can go sit next to her and i will get you a snack. thank you. no problem Martha. Miya how are you doing? i am doing okay, its just someone pretended to be my dad and hurt me with a small knife. WHAT! ya, i just don't get where that person put my real dad. you should also be thinking what that person wants out of this. yes. well i am going to try to find out where your real dad is and ill ask some people to help. okay, but its best if you keep this a secret. okay but ill try to help as much as a can. Martha you really are a true friend. aw thanks. well better get going bye. bye Martha. ( Martha leaves ) i am so glad Martha is our friend ally. me too. wait ally bring me that photo over there. okay Miya. ( ally gives the photo ) here. look here is this our dad? i think so. my neck less its glowing? that's weird, and it looks like you can open the neck less. ( Miya opens the neck less ) huh there is a crumbled paper, it says, the person you have been looking for is where you found your gems first. huh where did we " find gems first"? hmmm, I KNOW, remember when we got teleported to the forest. yes? that's where dad is! but how do we go back there? try holding your neck less and thinking of where you want to go. okay let me try that. ( they get teleported to the forest ) uh, how will we find dad in such a big forest? i don't know. look your neck less is glowing again! open it. okay ( Miya opens neck less ) the paper says, go to where you have been for the 1 gem and go under. huh what do they mean by "under"? i think i get it, it means we have to go underground. okay lets go to the waterfall then. ( they go to waterfall ) look over there, there is a door on the ground. okay lets go inside. ( they go inside ) oh man, that looks hard. yes, but we can do it just jump your way to the end. okay. ( they jump and make it to the end ) we made it. look is that dad? IT IS DAD!! dad. who are you kids? where your children. oh, i never knew. well dad lets go home. ( they teleport back home ) wow, that was amazing! haha, don't tell mom tho. okay, i won't hah. kids you here-? HONEY!! LIZZY!! i am soo glad you are safe. yes, but you adopted kids? yes! i always wanted kids running around in the house!! i am soo happy. me too. hm, Jimmy hasn't came down in a while i hope hes doing okay up there? i will check. okay ally. ( all goes up stairs ) Ji-mmy? JIMMY! ( ally rushes down stairs ) JIMMY IS GONE!! WHAT!! I CHECKED THE ROOMS HE IS GONE! oh no what do we do!!!! we search for him! okay ill go in the car! and ill walk! okay but be careful! okay Miya, stay safe. okay mom. ( door closes ) ally where do you think Jimmy is? wait i think i know. Jimmy i found you. aw man, i liked the drama i was making. well now we are wasting our parents time and we have to wait till they get back. well in till then we can play with my new friend Karen. uh Jimmy where did you meet Karen? she was outside alone, so i let her in to play with us. o-okay. well i need to look after Miya. you go play with Karen. okay. Miya i don't have a good feeling about this Karen. me too, but Jimmy is enjoying himself so it won't hurt if he plays for a bit. ya, i guess its okay. ( door opens ) kids i cant find-. Jimmy? your here i thought he was not in the house. long story, he was hiding. oh, well okay but who is that with Jimmy? that's his new friend Karen. oh, well hi Karen. oh um h-i, whats up with your clothes. what do you mean i wear this dress every week? it looks like a sheep. i think it looks good. well okay, but i am telling you it looks like a sheep.