
Genma, Brother of Goku

There have been plenty of What if scenarios; What if Goku went Super Saiyan at the World Tournament as a kid What if he remembered his Saiyan conditioning as a baby But this one is going to hopefully be a decent spin on it, someone who is the Joseph Joestar to Goku's Jonathan, Someone who lacks Goku's raw power but has a greater control of his power Because if Son Genma can't be stronger then Goku, then he can definitely be more smarter

GhostPilgrim · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

The Battle to Rescue Gohan

"Damn it….DAMN IT!" Goku would wheeze as he caught his breath and rolled onto his knees to steady himself, still trying to cope with the literal onslaught of information surrounding him and Genma. Bulma went to help Goku up while Krillin and Roshi got Genma to his feet; "This is…That was unreal…." Goku muttered to himself as he realised the kind of distance that Raditz had over them.


"Now this is just sad." a new voice was heard from the air as Goku and Genma's old enemy from their past came into view, the being who both swore vengeance against them and threatened to come back with the intent to wholly kill them and the one who begrudgingly helped them stop Garlic Jr….Piccolo.


Genma wiped the blood from his nose as he narrowed his eyes at the sight of the big, green man; "And you're still impeccable with timing." he snarked back at Piccolo as he watched curiously for any attempt on them both, "What exactly do you want, Piccolo…in case you haven't noticed; we're dealing with something more important then your petty grudge."


"You're more arrogant than last time if you think that I'm here solely for you and that halfwit brother of your's." Piccolo sniped; "I was following that guy's energy here and just missed him, I don't suppose you know where he got to?" he asked though considering the state that Genma and Goku were in answered that all for him.


"He stole my son….and I'm gonna get him back, somehow…..if you're looking for that guy too then why don't we team up?" Goku would ask, shocking not just Piccolo but everyone else on the island.


"Goku…You can't really be serious….this guy's swore he'd kill us the first chance he'd get!" Krillin pointed out to Goku, even though he was absolutely right; Piccolo simply shrugged his shoulders like it was nothing.


"Don't forget; he still helped us with taking on Garlic Jr and helped Kami." Goku pointed out as he remembered that Piccolo showed up around the time that the small immortal was ready to get payback against Kami.


"Look, you guys can discuss this later….right now Gohan needs his dad and uncle to save him." Bulma would remind the arguing trio as Goku climbed on Nimbus while Piccolo started to fly off.


Genma meanwhile pulled out a capsule from his shirt pocket and ran into the house briefly, there was a loud "POMF" and the sound of rustling clothes from behind one of the locked doors. When Genma came back out, he was dressed for a fight; he wore a combat gi similar to Goku's however this one was a deep red and had the Turtle School emblem on the left breast, he had a black belt tied around his waist with similar wristbands and had just tied the blue boots on.


"Man, that really brings back memories from the tournament, how long exactly were you holding on to that gi?" Roshi would ask as he watched Genma run out to the beach.


"It's a comfortable suit….plus I use it to keep up my training in Mt Paozu when I wasn't studying." Genma explained with his usual smile but then became serious; "I really don't want to have to do this but stay here for a little where it's safe, if this Raditz guy was strong enough to tag me and Goku like that…then it'd be dangerous if you were around…especially since he figured out you guys are close with us."


"Don't count me out! Sure, I might not be as strong as you two but I can still put up a good fight." Krillin protested; annoyed at being sidelined but softened a little when he noticed Genma's expression become sad.


"Think about it Krillin! You and Master Roshi already died once because of King Piccolo and his minions….if it happens again during this fight, then Shenron can't bring you two back." Genma retorted, watching Krillin die at the tournament because of Tambourine still hurt him even now and he would have been an idiot if he let it happen again.


"I hate to admit it Krillin, but Genma does make a good point…Just utilise your training and work to your strengths, Genma….Remember what I taught you?" Roshi would ask.


"If you can't overpower your opponent then outsmart them….I got it." Genma would say, giving the others a smile; "I'll bring Goku and Gohan back…don't you guys worry." He promised before flying off into the sky at a rapid pace to catch up with Piccolo and Goku.


"Good luck you two….and try to be safe." Bulma would think to herself before remembering that she still had her capsules.


There was a tense silence in the air, once Genma had caught up; "So Goku…if you've got any new moves or tricks up your sleeve for this, now would be a good time to use it."


"Don't bother, he's got nothing…I on the other hand have something of worth to use against this guy….I was honestly saving it to use on the both of you but this will work well as a test." Piccolo would chide in as the three of them flew together while following Raditz's energy signature.


"I've got a thing or two but don't think that this team up means that anything's changed." Genma would warn Piccolo; "Goku might be willing to trust you on this but I'm not…" Genma remarked with a glowering stare.


"Heh, you know if you were stronger, that might actually make me worry a little." Piccolo mocked him; they were muting their power levels for now until they could get close enough to Raditz, but Piccolo wasn't blind to the fact that while Goku COULD beat him….Genma still had enough potential power and skill to fight Piccolo to a stalemate.


——Meanwhile at Raditz's ship——


Raditz had thrown Gohan into the confines of his pod to stifle the sounds of the child's incessant crying while he waited for the two to show up; whether it was to change their minds about joining him or fight back, he felt confident that he could take them considering what he read on his scouter.


"So which will it be…submission or defiance? Kakarot could be a good use as a patsy for when Vegeta and Nappa get back into contact….Parsna on the other hand could have potential as a scout….or at the very least a human shield." Raditz mused while watching the clouds roll by before he heard the sounds of the Scouter warning him of his foes approach; "Looks like it's time to find out." he would say as he watched Goku flipping out of a cloud and landing between Genma and Piccolo.


"So, you've finally arrived….I'm guessing you've made your decisions?" Raditz asked with a superior look on his face, scanning the two other Saiyans for any signs of a weakness.


"Where's Gohan….." Genma would say, narrowing his eyes at the taller saiyan; "I'm giving you one chance to hand him back over or we're going to take him back."


Raising an eyebrow at the sudden show of bravado, Raditz laughed a little before fully breaking into loud and raucous laughter in their faces; "Oh, I'm sorry but you sound so delusional that you think you'll be walking away from this alive….in case you've forgotten, I knocked you both on your ass faster then you even blinked." He mentioned with a smirk before watching in curiosity as he saw Goku, Genma and Piccolo start stripping down their weighted clothing.


Goku threw off his gi top and undershirt along with his boots, Piccolo discarded his turban and his cape while Genma stripped off his weighted undershirt and his wristbands.


The scouter on Raditz's head beeped as it picked up their new readings on his opponent;






"I see, so that clothing hid your true potential…though it's still nothing impressive against the Great Raditz." Raditz would gloat as all three got into position for a fight; Goku looked to Genma and Piccolo with a wordless agreement before rushing forward in a flash of speed.


Goku sprang into the air with a spin kick downwards while Genma swiped low to kick upwards at Raditz's head, Piccolo took the central approach, thinking that the Saiyan would be too distracted trying to fight off the brothers to block the flying knee that he was attempting.


Raditz managed to use an upward block and a lower block to stop Goku and Genma's assault and with a lazy swing of his leg; he managed to swipe away at Piccolo's attack, sending the knee strike into Goku's stomach and pushing off of the other two simultaneously.


"Honestly, you are such a disgrace Kakarot…to me AND to the Saiyans…where the hell is your pride? siding with a weakling like Parsna and a Namekian!" Raditz continued to berate Goku as both Genma and his brother started getting to their feet.


"I keep telling you, my name is Goku and as far as I'm concerned, Genma is my brother….not you!" Goku would fight back as Genma rushed up to attack Raditz once more.


Genma realised that blindly rushing Raditz was never going to work, he had to be smart…..with a quick swipe upwards at Raditz's head, he pushed himself low and used both of his own legs to try tripping Raditz.


However it looked like Raditz had anticipated it as he ducked away from the swipe and used a Ki Blast to knock Genma backwards; "Here I thought you were smart….turns out you're just as idiotic as he is." Raditz snipped away at Genma as he saw Goku and Piccolo rush in for a joint assault.


"Damn it….Even without our weighted gear, it's no use. If a straightforward attack isn't going to work then maybe….wait….THAT'S IT!" Genma mused to himself as he charged up a ball of energy that grew to the size of his torso but then wavered and shrank itself back down again to the size of a baseball, "Alright, now or never...Fastball Special!" Genma reared his hand up with the energy ball that crackled in his hand before getting into a pitcher's stance and lobbing the energy ball towards Raditz's chest.


Raditz quickly knocked Piccolo aside with a wide kick and then delivered a hammerblow straight down on Goku's head; sending the two careening into the dirt; "Worthless….I think I'll start wi-" Raditz started to gloat but then saw heard the high pitched whine of energy heading towards him; Raditz turned and was ready to defend but he saw a small energy ball zooming towards him and laughed condescendingly as he waited for it to get close enough to bat it away.


Genma smirked however as he aimed towards Raditz; "Gotcha." He would say quietly as he made a flicking gesture with his two pointer fingers, the orb quickly shot forward like a bullet with a blinding speed. Raditz could barely track it as his hand moved too slowly to deflect the energy ball and as a result…it dug itself into Raditz, the bad news was that the Saiyan had stumbled with surprise and it ended up hitting a non vital spot in his abdomen but the good news came in the form of seeing a furry appendage shake as Raditz staggered backward in pain.


"Gh…That one actually hurt a little….I think I'll start with you if you're just going to keep hitting me with pot shots like a Space Bee!" Raditz yelled at Genma.


"The hell's a Space Bee?" Genma would have a thought before Raditz immediately closed the gap between them and then slammed his fist deep into Genma's abdomen; knocking out every square inch of air from the less powerful Son Brother and making him hit the floor with a less than ceremonious wheeze for air.


"You know, I actually thought you were smarter than this Parsna….a more rational weakling would have turned tail but you still have that Saiyan instinct to desire a fight…but that is all that links you with my brother." Raditz would comment and snark as he pressed his boot down on Genma's chest. "You keep calling Kakarot your brother but you have no idea what kind of delusion that you are stuck in…the only thing that makes the two of you related is the fact that you were born on the same day and kept in the same batch of incubation pods." Raditz sneered, his sadistic side really wanted to twist the knife more while Genma was down.


"It….It doesn't matter what you think….because I've got Goku's back just like he's got mine…." Genma retorted with a voice made hoarse by the sudden lurch of air, smirking up at Raditz; "Which is more then I can say for some heartless bastard like you!"


Raditz was about to aim a Ki blast right at Genma's head but he was suddenly bounced off of him as Piccolo AND Goku landed a direct flying kick into his back.


"Genma, you okay?!" Goku would ask as Genma staggered to his feet; holding a thumbs up as he did.


"Y-Yeah, I'm good….This got the blood pumping more then my usual training." Genma joked as he looked to Goku; "Besides, I have a plan….if he's anything like us, then that wrap around his waist is his tail…if we can grab it and give it a good squeeze then we can catch him off long enough to land a good hit on him." he explained.


"I don't suppose you have anything good for that, do you?" Goku asked him quizzically, "Because I can grab it but I don't think I've got any new techniques."


"I've got something…" Piccolo would mention as he watched Raditz get up; "In all honesty I WAS going to save it for later….but I don't suppose I have much of a choice in the matter, if you two can distract him for long enough then I should be able to get him."


"That's not exactly good….but fine, if you think it can work than me and Genma can buy you some time." Goku would agree as he looked to Genma before focusing his stance; "You ready?"


Genma got into his stance as well before sighing deeply; "I'm not happy about putting faith in Piccolo but sure….let's do this." he would admit as the two rushed off towards Raditz who was getting more annoyed at their persistence while Piccolo began to focus his energy for his newest move.


"This brat better be worth it if I have to put up with you two!" Raditz would say but blinked in surprise when he watched Goku and Genma move fluidly around each other; Genma went for a low leg sweep as Goku used his shoulders as a springboard to deliver a double footed kick straight towards Raditz's face.


Blocking Goku's high kick meant that he stumbled on his back foot a little from Genma's low kick; Raditz then decided to swing his leg up to try kicking them both.


Goku ended up taking the brunt of the kick as Genma pushed upwards from the floor to headbutt Raditz in the chest; making the stronger Saiyan grunt in pain while Goku took the chance to leap upwards into the air and brought his hands together for an all too familiar technique; "KAAAAAAAME….." He would start the chant as energy built up between his hands.


Genma on the other hand had a separate idea, it wasn't a strong move but all he had to do was catch him with it and it'd stop him long enough; "Alright…focus it….remember to let it flow through you…." Genma thought back as he lowered both hands down to his sides and closed his eyes in focus, the core of his ki began to crackle and form as the palms of his hands started to spark with ki. When he formed his fingers into a claw shape; he made the sparks form and spiral in his hands quicker and more erratically before he finally had two full hands of what looked to be a shining blue lightning before thrusting them outwards;


"MANKOKU KYOUTENSHOU!" Roared Genma as he released a shroud of blue lightning towards Raditz.


"HAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEE!" Goku was still charging up as the ball of energy in his hands was growing bigger and bigger.


Between watching Goku jumping in the air and trying to keep a watchful eye on Piccolo, Raditz was not ready for the blast of lightning hitting him with a blinding flash. The sensation of his body stinging all over was bad enough but Raditz also had the realisation that his body wasn't responding to him as well as it could; the beeping on his scouter alerted him that Goku's power was starting to rise higher and higher; "Hold on….615…740…924?! Come on, move….MOVE!" Raditz would realise the threat considering that his own power was at 1,500 and while not life ending…it would be bad if he got hit dead on.


Raditz decided to rear his own hands back; shaking with the feeling of electricity through his body and moving abysmally slow, he gathered red balls of Ki in his hands before thrusting one up at Goku and another at Genma. "DOUBLE SUNDAY!" Raditz screamed out as he threw all his strength to not just push the crippling hold off of him but also to stop Goku from injuring him.


"HAAAAAAAAAA!" Goku knew this was the only chance he had and thrust both hands forward with a heavy BOOM as the Kamehameha rocketed down towards Raditz; causing the two beams to connect with each other for the briefest of moments, but Raditz's blast seemed to hold it back momentarily as the second beam cracked through the lightning and hit Genma dead on and sent him flying into a nearby rock.


"GENMA!" Goku yelled out but his quick lapse in judgement let Raditz shake off the paralysis and push harder against Goku, letting the full brunt of the blast dissipate Goku's last resort and hit HIM square on before grounding him for good.


Raditz however started to manically laugh as he felt the high of dodging a potential bullet as he sauntered over to Goku and kicked him in the side; "I have to admit Kakarot, you scared me for a second but it looks like that last hurrah of your's failed even with Parsna helping you there…too bad that blast probably blew him to pieces." he would gloat as he glared down at Goku.


"Damn it, this is bad….if neither of those idiots can hold him off then there's no way that I can fire this….He hasn't noticed me yet so perhaps this could be the right chance…." Piccolo was grimacing as he realised how strong Raditz was and with his energy now fully charged, he was ready.


Raditz was ready to start stomping down on Goku when he heard the Scouter blip again and alerted him to Piccolo; "Hold on…that's what he's planning…and his power level rising still….1,330?! I'm not staying for wh-Guh….ah ah!" Raditz was more then ready to move but a sudden jolt froze his body in place; he looked down and saw a badly beaten up Goku clenching on to Raditz's tail as tight as he could.


"Hehe, don't count me out yet….PICCOLO! HIT HIM NOW!" Goku yelled out as Piccolo smirked.


"MAKANKŌSAPPŌ!" Piccolo yelled out as he shot his hand forward, his two pointer fingers aiming directly at Raditz's chest.


Raditz was frozen in place and the pressure held on his tail stopped him from flying away or making Goku stop. However Goku was quickly losing grip as well and it inevitably loosened on Raditz, with a quick tug of his tail out of Goku's hands; Raditz tried to dodge out of the way but the spiralling beam of death was too quick and managed to still hit him square in the shoulder, breaking off his shoulder pad and shaving off part of his arm too.


"N-No!" Piccolo would pant as the energy quickly left him and Raditz was all too eager to not let this happen again as he flew forward and delivered a big boot straight to Piccolo's face.


"You…You're all full of surprises but I must admit, this novelty is wearing thin….." Raditz would mutter as he gazed down at the fallen Piccolo; "Namekian or not, you still remain an annoyance…." Raditz would say, ready to finish him off.


"Stop it...STOP BEATING UP MY DADDY AND UNCLE!" Was one thing that Raditz would hear before he felt his stomach explode and propel him backward, said cause was Gohan after getting riled up enough to rocket through Raditz's pod.


"Can….Can you fire off another one, Piccolo?" Goku would ask, still in shock from Gohan's outburst; prompting a nod from the Namekian and started to charge up again.


"We need to make it work this time….." a weaker voice could be heard as Genma staggered back into the fray; taking that blast without moving had damaged him a lot: the entire top half of his clothing had been burned away and his body was covered in wounds, burns and dirt…not counting the internal injuries from hitting solid rock. "Goku….I can help hold him off but I think we're all running on empty right now…."


"I'm done….I'm not going to mess around anymore!" Raditz would yell out to the three as he got himself to his feet and rushed forward to take out Gohan.


Goku was able to jump in time and elbowed Raditz in the shoulder; causing him to yell out in pain and Genma began to join in, the two kept trying to keep Raditz focused on them.


Piccolo was pushing on all cylinders to make sure he could fire again, while holding on to the slim hope that the two could hold him back.


Raditz however wasn't willing to test that as he returned the favour for Genma's headbutt by delivering a double chop to the smarter Saiyan's ribs; letting an audible CRACK! get heard and made Genma double over in blinding pain.


"Hehe….Too bad you won't live to see me finish the others off…NOW DIE!" Raditz roared as he reared a point blank energy blast on Genma but was taken out of it by getting caught in Goku's Full Nelson.


Piccolo decided to try something sudden and hoped it'd work; without any warning or any care for the others, he fired off the Makankōsappō once more, skewering both Raditz and Goku with flawless precision.


Genma jolted himself awake as that sudden smash on his now broken ribcage made him black out briefly; though the sight when he woke up was not a nice one: he saw Goku and Raditz hit the ground with two sets of holes in their chests. "GOKU!" Genma cried out as he rushed over as quickly as he could to try helping his brother. "GOKU! Hold on, I can rush to the Tower and get some Senzu Beans!" Genma assured Goku as he held on but quickly felt his stomach tighten and burn like a fire pit when he heard Piccolo's malicious chuckling.


"It's done now….That Saiyan dirtbag is dead and on the plus side, I took out the strongest in the process….It's a shame that you didn't get hit by this but 50% isn't bad." Piccolo cruelly mocked Genma as the wounded Son brother stood up and rounded on Piccolo to focus on him.


"You….You wanted this to happen….you bet on this happening! DIDN'T YOU?!" Genma yelled at Piccolo; struggling to form a cohesive thought out of the grief and anger he was feeling at the time; "I should have known you would pull this!" Genma lashed out in a shaky tone


"You're letting yourself get too focused on this….with that Saiyan gone, you can still wish that brother of your's back with the Dragon Balls….Then again you're going to be too busy trying to console his wailing brat to do that, aren't you?" Piccolo sneered with every intent to push Genma further.


"If it wouldn't ruin the chances of that….I'd kill you right now." Genma would snarl darkly at Piccolo, but before the Namekian could retort; Genma felt his body grow hot and then cold just as quickly as he felt something hit him, he glanced down and saw his injured body had a gaping hole in it too, he was going to say something but he could only spit up blood as he fell to the ground with a dull thud.


Raditz had his hand lifted up like a smoking gun and was chuckling to himself as he revelled in his last efforts; "I….I may not have been able to kill you too, Namekian….but I can still take these two down with me to Hell!" Raditz taunted Piccolo in between his spits of blood; "And I'm sure my comrades will be happy to hear about these Dragon Balls of your's…." Raditz smirked as he started laughing weakly before Piccolo finally ended Raditz himself.


"Go….Go…han…." Genma would rasp out as his vision grew blurry and weaker by the second, his body heaving with each wilting breath before he too left the mortal coil along with his brother.