
Genma, Brother of Goku

There have been plenty of What if scenarios; What if Goku went Super Saiyan at the World Tournament as a kid What if he remembered his Saiyan conditioning as a baby But this one is going to hopefully be a decent spin on it, someone who is the Joseph Joestar to Goku's Jonathan, Someone who lacks Goku's raw power but has a greater control of his power Because if Son Genma can't be stronger then Goku, then he can definitely be more smarter

GhostPilgrim · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Saiyan vs Saiyan

Time ticked ever downward as both Genma and Goku moved faster then they could ever believe; with the training they had gone through on King Kai's planet, they felt like they were running on air as miles upon miles of Snake Way vanished underneath them by the second.

"Hey! Hey, Genma!" Goku would ask as he was in a full sprint along the path with his brother; "You think we can make it in time? I know King Kai said it'd be a couple of days but I'm still worried."

"We can only go as fast as we can…but with the Saiyans on the way in two days, we can't afford to do anything but book it!" Genma remarked, keeping his head forward; "If we had Nimbus with us here then we could get back to Yemma in no time!" Genma thought to himself before turning to Goku; "Alright, on three…we spring off and fly at full tilt! Use short bursts so we don't tire out in one go!" Genma came up with a plan as Goku nodded.

"One! Two! Three!"

The two yelled out as they made a leap into the air before erupting into a pair of white-blue coloured fireballs that started to rise and bounce off of the curves of Snake Way; streaming across the afterlife's sky as they reached their peak. 

True to what King Kai had theorised, their training was more then sufficient to have them moving like shooting stars but the time still continued to move forward and as they pumped all their energy to keep moving, the Heavenly Check In Station was in sight and Genma could see Kami standing at the gates with King Yemma watching intently; "Hurry you two! We can get you back to Earth!" Kami yelled as he held out both hands for the Brothers before they vanished from the Afterlife and back to Earth in the living world.

—On the Lookout—

"Alright you two, this could be it…Are you sure that you two are ready?" Kami asked them as Genma stretched himself out.

"You don't need the answer to that, Kami…We're gonna do our best regardless, but we should stop by Korin first to get Senzu beans for the others." Goku would mention as he then saw Genma near the edge of the lookout and looking rather serious. "You can feel their power, can't you?"

"Yeah…Goku, once we get going…We need to put in every ounce of effort that we can into stopping them." Genma said as he jumped off the edge and floated downwards towards Korin's with Goku following after.

"Hey! You two, take these with you!" Korin yelled from the tower and threw a pair of Senzu beans as the two brothers caught them. "The crop only had this much left, but if anyone can pull this off then you two can!" Korin declared his support as they zoomed off like a rocket towards the rocky outskirts where the remnants of the Z-Fighters were standing against Nappa and Vegeta.

Genma started to look troubled as they got closer and closer; "We need to hurry…I can feel the others dropping in power with the more we aren't there." Genma said while trying to keep his mind calm.

"I can feel it too, but we're gonna help them, Genma…No matter what." Goku assured him as they both sped up but Goku swooped in to save Gohan before Nappa could crush him.

"So…These are the precious friends that you've been holding out for?" The shorter one would drawl as he took notice of Genma and Goku while Nappa merely smirked in anticipation.

"GUYS/DAD, Uncle Genma!" Krillin and Gohan would be more surprised and happy to see the two back to life and standing in front of them.

Goku would break his Senzu Bean in half and fed it to the both of them so they could at least recover a little. "We tried getting here as fast as we could."

Genma on the other hand was floored; while Goku tended to the others, the other brother would see the bodies of Yamcha, Piccolo and Tenshinhan laying lifeless on the ground: "So…You two are the Saiyans that Raditz told us about?"

"That's right, but what you don't understand is just how out of your league you are, I'm an elite soldier and THIS is Prince Vegeta…So if you want to earn yourself the right to live, then feel free to prostrate yourself and we might feel generous." Nappa gloated as he crossed his arms while looking at this seemingly unimposing Saiyan.

"I think I'd rather just hit you until you say you're sorry." Genma retorted, the fact that this giant man was most likely responsible for this had put him in no mood for sassy retorts or quips.

"Wait, Genma! We should decide on who we should fight." Goku stepped in, "It's only fair since it's two of us and two of them."

"I admire your confidence, Kakarot but you are far from capable of even standing up to us together. Let alone singularly." Vegeta sneered with a vastly superior look on his face.

"I'll take on the Prince, you can take care of the big guy." Goku mentioned which made Genma turn around.

"No way! You can't just call dibs on an opponent just because you got here first!" Genma argue with a rather annoyed look on his face.

"That's the rules, remember? First one there, picks the opponent." Goku retorted back as he wasn't entirely eager on potentially being sidelined.

"You know, I don't like being ignored…Especially not by the Lower Class." Vegeta dryly snapped at them.

"Alright, fine! We choose it on…." Genma would start to grumble as he looked back to Goku.




Goku thrust his hand forward in a Rock position while Genma had his the same way, "TIE!"

Krillin and Gohan were flabbergasted as the two continued to play Rock Paper Scissors, Krillin moreso figured that the two hadn't lost their competitiveness when it came to a fight and decided to not question it, Nappa meanwhile was outright confused as he watched them debate who to fight over a game.

"PON!" They said with two Papers


"PON!" Two Scissors…

"PON!" Two Rocks again…

"PO-WILL YOU TWO IMBECILES STOP FOOLING AROUND!" The two got interrupted by Vegeta who had gotten progressively more and more irate by the two's antics.

However this time it was Genma who was irritated as getting thrown off by Vegeta's yelling had made him lose with a Scissors to Goku's Rock.

"ALRIGHT! I WIN!" Goku cheered triumphantly before looking to Vegeta; "Since I won, I'll be your opponent…But we should move somewhere else, no one else should have to die." Goku explained to Vegeta, with some resignation and a desire to stop Goku's annoyance; the Saiyan Prince followed after Goku to somewhere that they could fight freely.

"H-HEY! I still wanna fight too!" Nappa complained as he watched Vegeta and Goku zoom off towards the mountains.

"That's because I'M gonna be your opponent for this! Krillin, Gohan…I know it's been a while but you need to get back to the others now." Genma told the surviving two, with a hint of hesitation: they flew off and left Genma and Nappa to fight; "But first I have a question."

"Ha! A question? What is it, Parsna? How you wanna die? Or maybe you wanna know what'll happen when you lose." Nappa taunted Genma as he walked over to him.

"I wanna know which of the two of you was responsible for this…Tenshinhan, Piccolo and the others…Which one of you was it?" Genma asked as he rolled his shoulder.

"Heh, you're looking straight at him…Though I wouldn't get too worked up about it, because they barely put up a challenge for someone like me. Even the Namekian couldn't do a thing while he was shielding the brat!" Nappa explained in detail to Genma, his smile growing wider as he saw that look of anger growing on Genma's face.

Genma narrowed his eyes and cracked his knuckles; "Good, then I know who to pummel into the ground…Because I've got a lot of pent up anger to work through now!" He would warn Nappa as he let his concealed power level start to grow little by little.

"You think talking tough like that's gonna make me fear you? Well, GUESS AGAIN!" Nappa roared as he rushed forward to use a double handed swing downwards to hammer blow Genma into the dirt. However it looked like he had missed and the moment he turned around; Genma had sprang forward and landed an elbow to the bald Saiyan in the back of the head and made him stumble.

"Whoa…I feel so light, and that hit knocked him good…I forgot it's a lower gravity back on Earth…" Genma thought to himself as he watched Nappa crawl back up again; "Time to take this new strength for a test drive."

"You…You got lucky, now I'm not gonna let you pull that one again!" Nappa yelled as he reared his hand back to throw a Bomber DX at Genma; however once the flames started to rise from the now scorched ground…He wasn't there. "The hell? The guy could barely beat Raditz on his own." Nappa thought to himself but he quickly saw Genma rushing down from the air and throwing a solid punch into the larger Saiyan's chest, winding him and staggering him backward.

"You made a big mistake with trying to make me angry, because right now…I'm thinking of a better way to make you pay." Genma remarked as he then got into a stance; "Take your best shot, because I will." 

Nappa didn't hesitate as he lunged for Genma, not having taken into account that the "weaker" Saiyan brother was slowly increasing his power in increments while the bald Saiyan unleashed a volley of mad punches in the hopes of snapping Genma like a twig.

Genma however was able to manoeuvre himself around Nappa's giant fists and then with a swift double kick upwards, he sent Nappa up into the air; "I'll give you a final warning, grab whatever ship you came in on and leave…You AND that pint sized monarch." Genma yelled up to Nappa who was both on the edge of fury and in denial that he couldn't be beaten.

"Get real, once we get those Dragon Balls then we can gain immortality and stand up to the likes of Frieza!" Nappa said with a maniacal laugh and revealed his and Vegeta's plan; "With those pesky runts out of the way then it should be no problem!"

"The Dragon Balls? Good luck with that." Genma laughed as Nappa raised an eyebrow and looked confused.

"He's not even flinching when I said Frieza..and what's with that bravado? He should be shaking when I mentioned the immortality bid!" Nappa thought but then pointed at him; "You know what? I might just let you live if you can show me where they are!" He would follow up with a sadistic smirk.

"Well, they're not exactly…here anymore." Genma pointed out as he noticed that Nappa didn't exactly know how they worked; "I mean, you killed Piccolo…and by extension Kami." He spelled it out for the confused looking man.

"And? How exactly does wiping that weakling impact the….oh….oh shit…..oooooooh noooooooo." Nappa began to put it together as he looked like he was going through: figuring out that he might have made a boo boo, knowingly bragged about it, realising that Vegeta didn't know….And dreading what would happen if he found out.

"Yep, now that you're figuring out what's going on, you've got two choices. The first is that you leave the planet and never come back, because knowing that little guy…he's not gonna be happy when he figures out that his subordinate just screwed up his whole plan." Genma offered his ultimatum to the very clammy looking Saiyan.

"I…You…IF I HAVE TO DIE THEN THEY'LL GO DOWN WITH ME!" Nappa yelled as he turned tail and rocketed towards Krillin and Gohan who were making their way back to Kame House.

"GOHAN!" Genma yelled out as he rushed after Nappa but quickly realised that he was rapidly closing the gap between him and the others. "I can't get there quick enough….Time to try it out." He thought before closing his eyes to focus himself and then in a flash of light, he burst forward.

"I might not be able to get the Dragon Balls, but I can still wipe out the last of you!" Nappa screamed as he reared himself back to use a Mouth Cannon.

"KAIOKEN!" was what Gohan and Krillin could hear, but for Nappa…it was his last chance. The two remaining defenders could see a wine red blur speed forward and then hit Nappa with the strength of a comet.

"Kaio-what?!" was the only thought in Nappa's head before he felt his body crumple under him and fell towards the land.

Genma had slammed himself into Nappa's back; sending him downward and careening for the ground, but Genma was already there and then delivered a spinning kick into the side of Nappa's neck. Letting the vastly bigger Saiyan hit the ground with a very visceral sounding CRACK!

"The second choice is I put you out of your misery before HE does. I gave you a warning…So you only have yourself to blame for this." Genma muttered as he landed to the ground and the energy around him dissipated, unaware that Krillin and Gohan had come back.

"Genma? What was that?!" Krillin was the first one to ask as he barely caught what had happened; "First that big guy was gonna kill us but then he went flying to the ground. The only thing I actually saw was that bright red dot moving."

"Oh that…Well that was actually what me and Goku were training to use in the Afterlife." Genma explained; "It's called the Kaioken, for a brief moment while it is active: I receive a burst of power and depending on how much I boost it, I can become several times stronger with it."

"Whoa…And Dad knows it too?" Gohan asked his Uncle as he was in awe of what he and potentially his father were capable of now.

"Heck yeah…Though in all honesty, I don't think Goku would've needed it against that guy." He mentioned as he gazed down at the broken but somehow still breathing Saiyan. "But it's also dangerous because one wrong move means it's a danger and for Goku, it's a real power hog."

"Still….I can't believe it was that easy for you to take him out like that." Krillin asked with an admittedly disheartened look on his face; "We tried our best to fight him off but all it accomplished was losing everyone in the process."

Genma sighed as he then looked to Krillin; "You did your best to ensure that everyone could have a fighting chance, besides…The last time I fought a Saiyan before this, Me and Goku weren't exactly any better." He remarked as a joke which managed to get Krillin to laugh a little; "In any case…I truthfully didn't want to eliminate him, but I gave him the chance to leave and he used it to try taking you two out."

"So, what exactly do we do….now?" Krillin asked but noticed both Gohan and Genma looking pale and off into the distance where Vegeta and Goku had taken their fight. 

Genma could feel it and once he noticed the look on Gohan's face, he could tell that he did too; "This is…Something's going on out there, I don't know if it's Goku showing off or that Prince getting angry but I can feel power swelling like a balloon…But what will pop?" Genma was starting to worry; sure Goku was strong but that rise in power was more then a little concerning.

"G-GOHAN!" Krillin yelled out as he watched the smaller Saiyan dash off and speed towards the fight; "G-Genma, we gotta…Genma?"

"I'm going after him, if I let him go alone, Goku and Chi chi wouldn't forgive me!" Genma responded as he sped off after his nephew.

"HOLD ON! Let's stop and think about all o-Aw the hell with it, WAIT UP!" Krillin resigned himself as he tried to catch up with Gohan and Genma, the fact that he barely survived against Nappa was enough reason for him to run but with the two brothers back and Gohan…He couldn't just leave them.

—Meanwhile in the Mountains—

Goku was screaming out in pain as Vegeta was crushing him in between his hands; throughout Genma's fight with Nappa, Goku and Vegeta were fighting with no witnesses which meant that the Saiyan Prince could easily transform himself into the Oozaru thanks to his fake moon. "Alright Kakarot, you had the gall to think you had the chance to beat me alone but this is all that you can do!" Vegeta's beastly voice growled out as he gripped the smaller Saiyan; intent on breaking him for driving him to this.

"Get your hands off my dad, you giant simian!" Gohan yelled as he stared up at Vegeta, getting both of their attention.

"G-Gohan? I thought you left…" Goku croaked out through his squeezed body. "Gohan! Run!" He yelled out before feeling Vegeta's vice like grip closing on him again.

"Go on and run away, little brat…Your father is too broken and weak to protect you. The mere presence of a Saiyan elite should frighten you and in this form, I am ten times stronger then I was before!" The giant Vegeta gloated before noticing Genma landing alongside Gohan.

"What. The…A giant ape?" Genma was taken aback as he then saw Goku in his grip; "Whatever the hell you are…put him down!" He yelled out as he got into his stance, not taking any chances with a monster that was the size of a building.

Vegeta responded with a very loud and cruel laugh; "What do you think you can do as you are, Parsna? You're barely as strong as Nappa and I am many times stronger…Your only hope to survive is to beg for mercy!" Vegeta taunted him as he kept squeezing Goku in his hands.

"And just like that; I've run out of patience with you…" Genma narrowed his eyes as he focused his thoughts and readied himself; "Sorry King Kai…But I'm probably going to overdo this…

Vegeta would callously drop Goku to the ground and turned to entertain himself with Genma as he reared a hand up to swipe down on him like an insect; only to find that Genma was gone from his position and that familiar red aura was surrounding him as he rose higher into the sky.

"Very clever of you to double down on your sibling's trump card but I am already well aware of your technique." Vegeta gloated as he then shot several Mouth Bullets at Genma, watching the Saiyan dodge and weave under each one before swinging his tail into him.

Genma felt his body erupt in pain as the effects of the Kaioken still hit him like a truck; the fact that his almost prodigious Ki Control was able to limit the energy drain hadn't done anything to soften the physical impact that the technique had on him. "So you know about the Kaioken…" Genma wheezed as he staggered to his feet, "Well, unlike Goku…I expand on what I learned." Genma clutched his chest, that last hit knocked the wind out of him but he wasn't going to stop now.

Getting into a new stance, Genma brought his left hand back in a fist and his right hand forward with his palm outstretched like a Ni-Oh Stance; "Budōken!" Genma would yell out as even Vegeta could feel the Ki explode from his body and the energy from the Kaioken that covered Genma's started to change in colour, turning from a wine red into a deeper and more darker shade of blue which made him look like he was coated in sapphire flame.

As Gohan and Krillin caught up, they had to brace when they felt Genma's power rising higher and higher then they had ever seen from him before; "That's…Genma?" Krillin asked himself as he then rushed over to the injured Goku.

"Gohan, go help your Uncle with keeping…whatever that thing is distracted, I'll go help your dad!" Krillin addressed Gohan while the Half Saiyan started taking shots at Vegeta.

"Budoken? I don't know what you're planning but it's not going to work against a Saiyan Elite!" Vegeta growled at Genma as he swatted away Gohan's blasts and readied to swipe down Genma again only to see he had vanished.

"This time, it's different!" Genma yelled out as that burning blue aura coated his fist and he sent it hurtling into the giant ape's face, knocking Vegeta off balance and clutching his face.

"That…That hurt? it was like a Space Bee sting but it hurt! Now I'm really going to kill you!" Vegeta roared as Genma flew back for distance.

He landed on a rocky pillar and clutched the shaking arm he used to punch Vegeta; "Gh…That was a lot harder then I thought…I need to be careful otherwise I could end up dead…" Genma thought to himself but had to snap out of it as Vegeta was already on top of him again, the giant monkey was stomping down towards him and making Genma continuously jump backwards and get a wider berth.

"This is the truth of all you are capable of, Parsna! Nothing more then just running away and pot shots against someone like me." Vegeta continued to gloat but winced as he felt the volley of ki blasts hitting the back of his head like they were merely bug bites. "Gh! Annoying little pests!" 

Genma was readying himself for a second burst when he saw Vegeta turn to lash out on Gohan and Krillin but stopped when he heard a voice in his head; "Genma!"

"Goku?! Don't worry, we'll get through this! I just need to double up on the Budōken and then I ca-"

"Don't! King Kai said if you use it too much then you'll end up breaking your body worse then the Kaioken…I got some energy stored up, I can pass it on to Krillin but right now…The only way we can take him down is with the Spirit Bomb!"

Genma thought on it and nodded as he raised his hands up into the air to start gathering up whatever energy he could and tried to focus it into a singular point on the palms of his hands; "Come on…Come on….Just a little can help!" He muttered to himself. Feeling the energy that lingered from other people on Earth and channeling what little he could into a more physical form though what he could muster was not enough.

"Damn it! All I can get isn't enough for a full Spirit Bomb…But maybe I can get creative with something else…" Genma mused as he drew the hand holding the Spirit Energy in it and cupped it in a similar pose; "Ka-Me….."

Vegeta however turned back towards Genma and noticed the energy gathering; "No you don't!" He roared and shot off another Mouth Cannon at Genma, wise to Goku's previous attempt and instead of blasting away his footing like he did with Goku; he succeeded in hitting Genma head on. Knocking the other Saiyan off of the rock and crashing to the ground in a smouldering heap.

Genma had a lot of things on his mind as he crashed to the ground; the fact that Vegeta was pretty strong as a giant lumbering monster on top of being able to move and react this fast, the revelation that the giant monkey monster from his dreams was real but also the dread that both he AND Goku were not enough to take on Vegeta like this…But the one consolation was that he knew he was still alive as his heart pounded in his ears with adrenaline and raw emotion.

Krillin finally pulled Goku away once Vegeta was distracted by Genma sudden attack but then he noticed something that gave him a really bad feeling; "Is that…Oh no…" Krillin began getting flashbacks to the tournament that the two fought in as kids with Goku vs Jackie Chun; the memory was vivid as the moon was out at that one one evening…Genma had a brown, furry tail sticking out of the hole in his gi much like Goku did too which left Krillin with a question that he was afraid to answer. "If Goku was able to cause so much damage as a kid…what's a full grown Genma gonna do with this?!

Genma was twitching and convulsing on the ground as his body began to grow and sprout fur all over his body; his eyes rolled back into red and his growls of pain quickly turned into guttural roars of feral rage as his size grew bigger and bigger until finally he matched Vegeta's size.

Genma had become a Great Ape right before their eyes, but could it change a thing against the Prince?