
A night in a royal castle

Twelve hours passed by and it became 2am. Dennis and Nidializ were still awake doing their own stuff. Nidializ was still drawing while Dennis was reading on the book that Stalker gave him. But they both got bored. Dennis called out his weapon and made a hole in the wall that was right next to Nidializ on the bed. She quickly got off the bed.

[Nidializ] "Bro!! Be more careful next time!!"

[Dennis] "Sorry about that. I couldn't help myself at the moment."

With all the commotion, it ended up alerting the guards and went to the dorm chambers. At the very end of it. The guards were standing in front of two doors. The first guard knocked on the left door while the second guard just opened the door to the right.

As the second guard entered. He saw Dennis's bottom half body on the bed and was hanging on to a hole in the wall.

[Guard #2] "Captain, is that you?"

Dennis heard the second guard loud and clearly. He got out of his hole and payed attention to the guard.

[Dennis] "Oh? I thought no one else would recognize me. What brings you here?"

[Guard #2] "We heard something loud at this direction on our patrol captain!"

[Dennis] "That might have been me, I was doing some renovation to talk to my friend in the other room."

[Guard #2] "I see... We shall head back to our patrol duties. If you excuse us..."

The second guard closed the door to Dennis's room and stopped the first guard to force his way in to the room that Nidializ was staying. Once both guard where gone, they both sigh in relief.

[Dennis] "I'm going to place a sound barrier here, if you need something or want to ask something just knock twice."

Nidializ nodded after hearing Dennis. Once he placed the barrier, everything went silent. Dennis was kept reading the book he got from Stalker. He got stuck on the first page since he was seeing it blank. Then he triggered his left eye to glow and could see what they wrote inside.

[Dennis] "Laws of a menace... This will show you what laws you can break and follow, to understand it you must find your inner self..."

Dennis immediately closed the book and sat down on the floor in the center of his room. He got in position to mediate with his legs crossed as he was sitting down on the floor, Dennis ended up putting his hand as he was trying to pray. As he took one deep breath, his body stopped moving and entered deep in his mind.

Inside Dennis's mind. Dennis found himself standing on a squared platform as the rest of the area was a crystal lake that was reflecting a clear blue sky.

[Dennis] "So this is how my mind looks like... I must say, this place seems familiar..."

Dennis said to himself. As soon as he took one step, Obliviona appeared right in front of him without having to call it out by its name. Dennis tried to touch his weapon, but it started to shine as bright as the sun that made him not see what was going on. But as soon as he could regain eyesight. He saw that his weapon turned into a person.

Dennis got into a defensive position as soon as he saw that this person was a woman that almost resembled him. He saw that the woman was dressed almost as a maid and had a black hoody on.

[Dennis] "Obliviona...?"

Dennis had to ask since it was the only thing that came to his mind. He then lowered his guard to make the situation easier.

[Obliviona] "You took at least one month to try talking to me... Do you know how long I was waiting to talk to you Dennis?!?"

[Dennis] "I'd says about a week or two since I made it this far. But more importantly, why are you dressed like that?"

[Obliviona] "Well, you are standing in my room..."

Dennis was confused and started to look around. He didn't quite understand on how his mind is his weapon's room but he let it slide for the time being. While at the same time, he felt as he already meet Obliviona a long time ago. Dennis began to walk towards to Obliviona with open arms.

[Obliviona] "Dennis? What are you doing?"

[Dennis] "You see... you kind of making me remember the old days... And I wanted to welcome you back after such a long time since we haven't seen each other face to face since a few years."

Obliviona suddenly blushed when she heard Dennis. She was trying to avoid eye contact since it was embarrassing for her at this moment, but at last, she went to Dennis and hugged him while smiling for a moment.

[Obliviona] "Now that we have this small reunion. Do you need my help with something?"

[Dennis] "Yea, I want you to help me train for this few days. Me and my friends are fighting the ns and we seem to be involved in a war soon in a few months."

Obliviona gave it some thoughts and decided to help out Dennis with his training, but first he needed to agree to something.

[Obliviona] "Only if you promise me to go have some fun later."

[Dennis] "You have my word."

Obliviona then laughed and gave Dennis a kiss on his cheek. Dennis had a blank stare while Obliviona let him go and waved at him as it sent him back to reality. When Dennis got back, he found himself in his bed alongside Nidializ that was passed out near the barrier that he made.

[Dennis] "I guess I made her worry..."

Dennis got out of the bed and carried Nidializ to her room for her to sleep in peace. He then went back to his room and went to sleep since it was getting late. As Dennis fell a sleep. He found himself back inside his mind and continued meditation until his body wakes up later during the day.