
Chapter 14

' Even though I saved them, we still are in Night City, where death is behind every corner, and if those two keep living as they are they won't last long, maybe Gloria won't follow my instruction, but considering David's personality, he will be excited at the idea I am brining.' I thought while climbing the stairs leading to David and Gloria's house, my helmet still on so she could recognize me.

When I arrived in front of the door, before I could even knock Gloria had already opened the door and pointed a gun at me.

" What the fuck do you want?" The poison in her voice could have scared most people, but I wasn't them, and I had no ill intentions.

" Miss. Gloria, I know you have something Maine wants, but I have a proposition."

Her hand didn't move away, but she nodded, telling me to continue.

" Give the Sandevistan to me, and if everything goes as planned, David will become chromed in less than a week."

" You want my son to live in that world? Never."

" No, what I want is for your son to not be weak, if today one of you two even had a singular good cyberwar I wouldn't have needed to come and save your ass, you don't want to give to David? Use it yourself, my point is, give it to me, and see what happens."


Persuasion attempt successful


She didn't say anything, instead, she went inside while closing the door, and a few seconds later she came outside handing me a bag.

" If something goes wrong and David gets hurt, you will wish I had died today."

" I would never wish such a fate for a beautiful woman," I said while doing a small bow and then turning around, the first plan going smother than I had hoped thanks to the Persuasion skill coming in clutch.

Before going through I turned once again and asked her a very important question.

" Do you perhaps know where Lucy lives?"




' I think I am having a deja vu.' I thought while climbing the stairs of another very important woman.

While I had come here I also used Observe on the Sandevistan out of curiosity, and this was the result.


Militech "Apogee" Sandevistan

Quality: Great

Effects: Allows you to slow down your perception of time to 0.25, while also improving your speed to be able to move normally

Duration: 10 seconds

Costs: Every time you use the Sandevistan you have a (100-(End+Vit)) chance of receiving 50 HP of Damage, for every consecutive use the chance will grow by 1%.

Requirements: Above 20 End, Above 20 Dex, Above 20 Vit, Above 10 Con, Above 20 Int


The thing is a beast, being able to move at that speed would make most of your opponents a cakewalk, but those requirements and the cost made it a double-edged sword, 50 HP is a third of my health, I don't know how David was able to use it as much as he did in the anime, plot armour I guess.

But Plor Armor aside, I arrived where I wanted, checking the time I was sure she would be home, the usual schedule for Arasaka workers had already made them go home, so she had no one to steal from.

After knocking on the door I had to immediately protect myself from someone trying to hack me, barely able to do so by knocking harder on the door and saying:" I have to want Maine wants." While showing her the bad in my right hand.

The hacking stopped and her front door was opened, she was on the other side of the room, a gun easily visible on her hand.

" Where is Gloria?"

" She was in an accident this morning and after saving her I decided to help by doing this commission for her."

" And why should I believe you?"

" You don't that's why I am letting you call Maine and the others," I said while removing the bike helmet I had kept on to this moment and sitting down on one of the couches.

" I didn't say you could come inside."

" You didn't"

She continued staring at me, her eyes every few seconds sparkling, trying to hack me but less intensively since I was now in front of her, thankfully I could protect myself this time, actually I gained 5 whole levels by doing so.

15 minutes later the door of Lucy's house opened and 3 people came rushing, weapons out ready to make me into Swiss cheese.

Scanning everyone, we had Pilar, Maine, and Dorio, not that I needed to, but I wanted to know their level, it is in the 40-50 range.

" Why don't you sit down so we can talk," I said while pointing at the other couch.

" Why don't you give me what I want and I don't shoot your brains out?" Maine "asked" me while pointing his cannon arm at my head.

" Because that would ruin her couch, and because I simply want to talk, I will give this to you, Gloria and his son are fine, and you might gain something out of this."

" Oh, y-" Before Maine could try to scare me once again Dorio interrupted him.

" Let's just hear him, it's 4 against one after all."

At those words Maine calmed down, I could already see small signs of Cyberpsychosis on him, mood change, irritability, and his hand shaking every few seconds, he seriously needs to remove some of those implants if he doesn't want to die.

After hearing her, they all sat down on the couch, the two gorillas nearly crashing Pillar.

" Now that we are all calm and relaxed, let me explain why I shoulden't give you the Sandevistan."