
Gaming on the Edge

You know, now that I am inside a universe where the least horrible thing that can happen to you is dying, I truly miss my old ordinary life, but I am not there, and this is my new life, so I better live it to the fullest and become a living legend ------- Some things might change from the anime and game, such as making some gangs, or characters stronger than what they were in the game, only to make the story last longer.

DaoistKQnDFL · Video Games
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18 Chs

Chapter 13

Unlike what people may think, aside from quick hacks that cause direct damage or full-body immersions, old-school hacking still exists, it takes longer, it's easier to spot, and you can't do much with it, so it's less expected for people to use it, that's exactly the reason why I used it to steal the information about Gloria Martinez and his son.

It took a while, I had to connect to the connection of the hospital where she worked, wait for one of her coworkers to take the bait on one of the trojan emails I had created based on their needs, and then wait for them to use their passwords to steal the information I needed.

In the end, I received two things from doing all of this, the first was the information I needed, and the second one was my computer getting blown up by one of the Netrunners defending the hospital, I still consider it a victory.

The whole process took me two days, but fortunately seeing how no news about a mother getting killed because of a gang hadn't spread, I still had time, but it was running out.

After getting what I wanted from the hospital, I made sure not to get discovered by their Netrunners and then sent a message to Jackie.

" Choom, I'll need your bike for a job," I told him.

" Yes, I won't nearly destroy like last time... I hope."

" Oh come, you know I was joking."




Smoking a cigarette I waited in front of one of Arasaka's schools, impatiently tapping my foot for what I knew was about to come, I had everything ready, helmet to cover my face, weapons with enough firepower to one shot even Gonks with subdermal protection, and a nanomachine infuser to save someone in case thing went wrong in my plan.

' First part of my plan, if Gloria doesn't die, David's life won't go down the shitter, the problem would then fall on my shoulders to help Maine and the others from dying'

I had thought more than once if I wanted to do this, to mix my life with people I knew would fuck up big enough to anger the Arasaka, but it always came down to one thought, I have lived a life that would be called normal, I thought that was always I wanted, but after living in this world first just two months I realized who I truly am.

I am just like V, Jackie, or any other Edgerunner who deserves to be called as such, I am a druggie for Adrenaline, to be recognized as someone that mattered, and to be remembered as a Legend, but I will do everything in my power to live as a Living Legend.

Finally, my targets came out, a woman and his son, Gloria and David Martinez.

Turning the cigarette off, I put on my helmet and got on my bike, following behind the duo while they drove back home.

With a quick hack, I was also able to the conversation they were having inside their car, waiting for the speech that would start it all.

"... I WANT YOU TO REACH THE TOP OF THE ARASAKA TOWER." A tearful Gloria shouted to her son, trying to stop herself from crying and showing a weak side to her son.

And there it was, the two cars began speeding past Gloria's, the minivan opening the back to the car, about to shoot towards their target and Gloria.

I immediately hacked the three, using Reboot Optics to fuck their aim, while taking control of the car to make it to the other side of the ride, immediately stopping the car.

Gloria and the target stopped, the Minivan having now cut them from moving any further, I had hoped the crash would have been enough to kill them, but just to be sure I had already gotten off the bike and took out my revolver while getting closer to Gloria's car.

The back of the minivan was sent flying by a kick and a man with an LMG was about to shoot in an attempt to kill all of us.


Three shots, three bullets, all coming from my revolver, had caused the previously animal-shaped head of the gunk to turn into minced meat.

Other Animals began coming outside, either with melee weapons or LMG.

Seeing the big horde coming for me, I switched from my revolver to my newest assault rifle which I specifically modified for this moment.


Militech M251s Ajax ( Modded)

Quality: Excellent

Damage: 100* ( Depends on the area)

Effects: Can cause Bleeding

Modded Effect: Bullets will now cause +20% piercing damage

Ammo(Modified): 40/40

Scope: Handyman (+0.5 Additional Zoom, +15% Range, +10% Headshot Crit Chance)

Durability: 400/400


Not waiting for them to group up and begin attacking, I began firing, using the target's car as a cover due to the car being made with bulletproof materials.

The situation started to evolve into a standoff, and I was fine with it, my Ram was regenerating and letting me weaken them Animals with quick hacks, but then one of them got sick of the situation.

" EAT THIS YOU FUCKER." He rose from his hiding spot with a fragmented grenade in his hand.

Only for it to be shot by one of my bullets and exploding on his hand.

' Next, just throw you fucking idiot.'

Now even further weakened by the idiocy of one of them it took 2 more minutes to kill them, I had only used three bullets of my revolver and 3 magazines of my rifle, didn't even need to use one of my grenades, so a perfect execution.

Seeing the situation now clear I ignored the Corpo shit coming out of the car I had been using as a shield and move over to Gloria's car, with inside a trembling David and Gloria glaring at me, trying not to show any fear, and ready to fight me if it meant protecting David.

Smiling at the result of my first plot-changing mission, I walked back to my bike and escaped the scene before the NCPD could arrive.




' A what now?'