
Gamer in TBATE

With wide-eyed eyes I watched the scene as the man tried to steal some booze in a test tube. But that wasn't the most surprising thing. The vendor, noticing the theft, jumped up from his seat and raised his wand to send a fireball at the hapless thief. My expression became even more puzzled when he saw it. I fell to my knees, struggling to contain my hysteria over the absurdity of what was happening. "What am I going to do... I'm going to die at the first poke..." But suddenly the expression on my face slowly became normal, even enthusiastic. All because of the voice in my head, which was my salvation. [The system welcomes you. Do you want to make a contract?]

Felegranco · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
30 Chs

Chapter 4

I forgot what the Xyrus guild really was.

In my mind, I imagined a place full of thugs sitting around wooden tables drinking beer. As actually shown in almost all anime. But instead, the guild had marble sculptures and an intricately decorated interior. Adventurers were seated at metal tables, casually surveying the visitors. The whole building looked like a luxury hotel, which obviously did not live up to my initial low expectations.

Looking around, and catching glances on themselves that say: "What is this child doing here?" I went to the counter, where I queued up for some guy. After several minutes of waiting, I finally reached my goal.

"Welcome! How can I help you?" the lady at the counter asked, giving me a professional smile.

Hello, I would like to become an adventurer.

"Hmm, I see, please fill out the form." The receptionist held out the form, nodding gratefully, and I sat down at the nearest table.

"I'm glad I wasn't sent to play adventurer on the street."

After filling out the form, I was called back to a separate room.

"This is a ball that will show the stage of your core, as well as your predisposition to the elements," the girl explained, pointing towards the crystal ball. "Please put your hands on it and pour some mana.

- Good.

After I poured mana into the orb, the eyes of the girl in front of me widened.

- Two elements at once!?, - she exclaimed, and realizing that this was impolite of her, she immediately apologized - Could you wait a little, I'll quickly.

- Of course .. - without even waiting for my answer, she quickly left.

"I don't like this, I hope I don't attract the attention of unnecessary people"

Not even a "minute" had passed before a tall man entered the room, with long dark hair reaching down to his shoulders and glasses that made his narrow eyes sharper.

- So you are Mr. Aaron, a man who owns two elements, - the man asked rhetorically, studying my figure with his eyes - My name is Caspian Bladehart and I lead this guild.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Bladeheart. Sorry for the indiscreet question, but why are you here?

- You know, magicians who own two elements at once are quite rare, and besides, you also woke up at 9 years old. I wanted to see the young genius in person, and help a little.

"And here for more details"

- What kind of help are you talking about?

- Usually, after applying and checking the mana core, there is a series of practical exams. - Seeing my curiosity, he began to say with a smile - But I can sponsor you and omit these formalities. The only thing left for you is to take part in a training battle with one of our examiners.

"Caspian didn't seem to trade in dark deeds, so his offer is very attractive and most likely has no second bottom," I thought, immediately informing the man of my consent.

"Great, as I recall, you indicated that you were a spellcaster, right?"

- Right

- Then, Charlotte, take him to the examination room.

- Of course, please, Mr. Aaron, follow me.

After several minutes of walking along a dark corridor, we reached the door. I squinted, trying to adjust to the change in brightness after the dark hallway. We stood in a brightly lit arena. The seats were mostly empty, with only a few people sitting in the corners of the room. On the stage itself, two augmenters fought.

Please follow me and take your seat. There are a couple more people taking the exam today, so please sit here and wait for the examiner to call out your name," the secretary explained, leading me to the stone seats.

Sitting on it, I leaned forward, looking at the fight. After the end of which, the woman was given a D-rank.

- Next examiner, Aaron! Please get down! the young examiner snarled as he looked over his notebook, his eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure - Aaron, 9 years old. A caster in the dark core stage! Specializes in fire and earth.

- What? He has already awakened, and possesses two elements, how is that possible!? - not a few people present whispered, looking at me with curiosity.

Entering the arena and standing in front of the instructor, I excitedly prepared for my first fight.

- Let's start.

Instantly, I jumped back, forming fire in front of my palms.

- Fire ball!

I heard the instructor whistle softly, looking at the fire rushing in his direction. While the fireball blocked the enemy's view, I ran straight at him, trying to surprise him.

- Water wall!

As soon as the voice died down, I saw a wall of water appear in front of the ball. As soon as fire and water collided, steam filled the area. Even so, I took out my dagger and continued to run forward.

As soon as the figure of the instructor appeared, I swung my dagger.

The man at the last moment recoiled back, looking at my actions with a little surprise. After all, spellcasters basically keep their distance using only magic. I, working in a forge and being surrounded by edged weapons, learned a little from the master how to use them.

- Stone bullets!

The shells fired at the enemy, he somehow blocked with a jet of water.

A few more minutes of the fight passed, and breathing heavily, I fell to my knees, looking at the slightly rumpled instructor.

- You really own two elements, and even melee weapons. You have a great future young man and I'm looking forward to seeing what you become. In the meantime, I award you class C! The man announced with a slight smile.

Standing up and briefly thanking him, I went to the side of my seat, reading the system message with a sigh.

"It's a pity that I couldn't get a B-rank, although even C-rank was probably given to me for mastering two elements.."

Congratulations, you've completed the Adventurer's Life quest!

Become an adventurer by successfully passing the exams.

Your reward: 1 skill point.


Name: Aaron.

Race: Human

Age: 9 years old.

Level: 0

Skill Points: 1

Abilities: Mana Core, Mana Manipulation Element Particle Perception, Caster, Fire Manipulation and Earth Manipulation, Silent Magic.


Active: Fireball lvl 1, Earth Bullet lvl 1.

