
Gamer’s guide

_Luke_ · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Awakening (part two)

Jason blinked as his surroundings faded into darkness, replaced by an otherworldly, dimly lit room. The atmosphere was surreal, a blend of ethereal light and shadow that gave the impression of floating. Suddenly, a voice echoed around him, clear and resonant.

"Welcome to the waiting room," the mysterious voice announced. "You will be transported to the trial after you synchronize with your system."

A translucent window appeared before Jason's eyes, displaying various statistics and attributes. He stared at it, bewildered, as the system outlined his Ability: **Special ability– Game's Guide**. He didn't understand what it meant, but instinctively knew he would find out soon enough. His starting stats seemed ordinary, but he sensed hidden potential within them.

After familiarizing himself with the system, he was abruptly transported again, this time to a wide, open field. Around 1000 of others were scattered around, each looking as confused and disoriented as Jason felt. The mysterious voice returned, echoing across the landscape.

"The qualification trial will now commence. Your objective: reach the finish line, ten kilometers away. Use any means at your disposal. The use of powers such as: wind, earth, water, fire, light, and dark are permitted."

Jason glanced around nervously. He possessed no elemental powers, just the enigmatic system he barely understood. As the trial began, most participants dashed forward, racing along the designated path. But Jason hesitated, a different idea forming in his mind. Ignoring the main route, he veered into the forest, drawing skeptical looks from his fellow competitors.

As he ventured deeper into the woods, he encountered fewer obstacles than he had anticipated. The path, though treacherous, was less guarded by the monstrous creatures that plagued the main road. Goblins and other minor beasts crossed his path, but they were manageable, even with his limited combat experience.

Navigating through the forest, Jason discovered a hidden tunnel. Trusting his instincts, he entered and followed it, finding it led much closer to the finish line than the main path. Emerging from the tunnel, he encountered only a handful of weak creatures. Dispatching them quickly, he made his way to the finish line, arriving first.

The other participants emerged from the main path, visibly exhausted and surprised to see Jason already there. The mysterious voice once again filled the air.

"The trial is completed. The winner: Jason. Rewards will be distributed accordingly. Anyone who didn't complete at least 50% of the trial will be expelled from the game and you will be returned to the state in which you were before being transported here."

-Dang…that's death for me- Jason thought.

As a shimmering light enveloped him, Jason felt the system's interface reactivating. His prize was 10 silver coins, with one gold coin equating to 100 silver coins, and one silver coin equating to 100 bronze coins. Additionally, the top five finishers received a special skill.

In the personal waiting lobby that followed, Jason's system which was associated with his special ability offered him a unique opportunity: to upload a guide detailing his method for completing the trial. He accepted, and the guide became available for purchase in  the system shop. For every sold guide, Jason earned a silver coin. The system also introduced him to a shop where he could spend his earnings on various items and upgrades, such as stat points, skills, items, and there was a locked category which he wasn't able to access yet.