
Gamer’s guide

_Luke_ · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Awakening (part one)

It was in the middle of the night, and the room was illuminated only by the flickering screen of a video game. A boy, no older than seventeen, was hunched over his console, playing with an intensity and passion that consumed him. His fingers danced over the buttons with practiced ease, and his eyes were glued to the screen.

"Go, go, go! YEAHHH! I won!" he shouted, punching the air in happiness. The victory was sweet; he had finally completed the last stage of the game he had been struggling with for weeks. The adrenaline coursing through his veins made him feel invincible, and he could hardly contain his excitement. Needing a moment to calm down, he decided to step out onto the balcony to get some fresh air.

He opened the sliding door and walked out, feeling the cool night breeze on his face. He took a deep breath, savoring the moment. But just as he exhaled, he heard a cracking sound beneath his feet. Before he could react, the balcony gave away. He felt a rush of wind and a terrifying sensation of falling. The last thing he remembered was the sickening impact and then, nothing.

In the world he left behind, there were those who had awakened and those who hadn't. The awakeners were special; they had the power of the elements at their command—wind, water, fire, earth, light, and dark. The dark element was considered taboo, feared by many. Most people were born with the talent for one element, a rare few with two, even rarer with three or four. But no one, as far as anyone knew, possessed all the elements.

Our protagonist, whose name was Jason, was one of those who had not been lucky enough to awaken. He was just an ordinary human, living an ordinary life. Until now, he had lived his life as a gamer, finding solace in the virtual worlds where he could be a hero, even if only for a while.

When Jason opened his eyes, he was no longer on his shattered balcony. Instead, he found himself lying on a grassy field. The sky was painted with the soft hues of sunrise, and the air was filled with the sounds of birds singing. He sat up, dazed and confused, trying to piece together what had happened. He remembered the balcony breaking and the fall, but this serene place was not what he expected after such a deadly accident.

"I'm... alive?" he murmured to himself, touching his body to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Everything felt real. He could feel the soft grass beneath his fingers, the gentle breeze on his skin, and the warmth of the rising sun.

As he stood up, he took in his surroundings. The field seemed to stretch endlessly, with rolling hills and distant forests. He noticed a small, shimmering pond nearby and walked over to it, hoping to see his reflection and confirm what has happened. When he looked into the water, he saw his familiar face with black messy haircut and green eyes staring back at him, but there was something different in his eyes, a spark that hadn't been there before.

"I must be in another world," he thought.

To be continued...

I kind of don’t know how to continue..heh..But, will do..….Any suggestions appreciated

_Luke_creators' thoughts