
Game of Thrones: Battle of the Gods

A boy who lived a sad and meaningless life died alone and was given the chance to be something more do something that actually matter. Reincarnated as the twin of Jon Snow with the powers of the wolf and ice he sets up to change both of their destinies. He seeks blood, honor, and glory. But will the rest of the world sit back and let him change fates that were already written in stone. Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters other than the Mc or the story other than the changes I make to the plot. The story will follow the original story plot but will also be a completely new story. This is my first time writing and I will try to get 3-5 chapters a week. Hopefully you enjoy

Krispyk · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
6 Chs

Ch. 3 Reborn/ First Years of Life

After the godly being waved his hand, Blake was sent back into eternal darkness. But this time it was a different feeling, he felt like he was stuck in a warm cramped space. After a while, he wasn't certain how much time had passed he heard a voice telling him to push, and he started to see the light again. He was being reborn. Jon came out of the womb first and the midwives thought that their job was done. But were surprised when another baby started squeezing their way out.

Blake was blinded by the light on the way out so he kept his eye closed and didn't open them until he heard a woman yell Ned's name. Opening his eyes he sees a young man no older than twenty, with a long straight face and shoulder-length brown hair gazing at him with a confused look until he hears his name. Instead of being Blake, he was now Deamon Stark Targaryen. After being named he takes one last look at his mother knowing it would be the last time he ever sees her. So he ingrains her appearance into his mind never to forget her slowly falling asleep after.

After returning to Winterfell Ned takes up his role as Lord of the Winterfell and Warden of the North. Entering the crowded keep full of lords and minor lords of the North waiting to pledge their loyalty, Ned sees his newlywed wife waiting at the top of the stairs for him with his recent firstborn. Getting to the top Ned grabs his firstborn in front of the lords and announces his name will be Robert/Robb Stark. Then grabs the original babies that he walked in with and announces that they are his bastard sons, naming the one with blue and silver eyes Jon Snow in honor of his foster father Jon Arryn. He moves to the second one with a yellow and silver eyes and names him Benjen Snow in honor of his last surviving family member Ben Stark. Everyone in the keep cheered with joy as they were happy to see the Stark line live on after the horrific events that claimed Lord Stark's father and older brother. Everyone was happy except his wife Catelyn Tully/Stark. She stood there with a scowl on her face as she looked at them celebrating bastards along her son's birth. She swore right then and there in her mind that she would make their life a living hell so they would know their place as bastards that would amount to nothing, while her son was going to be the future Lord of Winterfell.

Five years pass by in a flash with Catelyn giving birth two years before to a girl named Sansa Stark. The first five years were a living hell for Benjin with the mind of a teenager stuck in a baby's body. He would notice that Catelyn would tell the maids that look after him and Jon to forget to feed them on purpose, making her hate towards the bastards known to the maids. It didn't change till Ned brought up that the twins were looking a bit on the skinny side and wanted to make sure they eat, so told the maids to feed them more. Robb, Jon, and he got along perfectly fine as they were brothers minus the reminders from the lady of the house that are bastards and wouldn't be as good as Robb. Time passed by with every once and a while Catelyn made snarky comments at the two of us. Jon was too young to notice it, but not me. I had already made up my mind to try and save the Stark family from their tragic fate, but Catelyn signed that away. I wanted her to die an even more tragic death than what happened in the shows, and I was going to make it happen.

The only interesting thing that happened during the five years was after our fifth name day on the first full moon we had our first partial transformation. During the night of the full moon, Ned was awoken by the sounds of maids knocking on his door and what sounded like screaming kids. Ned rushed to where the sound was coming from and noticed he stopped right in front of the room leading to Benjen and Jon's room. Busting through the door he sees both of them sprawled across the rolling and twitching. When he grabs both of us he hears the sound and sees our fingers breaking and trying to form claws. Seeing this he quickly stops anyone from coming through the door. After ten minutes he takes a look at them and is shocked that they look exactly like the first time he had seen them in their mother's arms. Jon's fingers morphed into claws and grew barely noticeable scales that blended in with his skin. All in all, Jon still looked normal but the same couldn't be said for Benjen. Benjen's fingers also change into claws but so did his toes. His hairless body started sprouting hair on his forearms and legs but stopped after leaving patches of hair and some patches without hair. Ned was confused and horrified at what he was looking at, but finally remember what his sister told him. They were blessed by the Gods, but to him, it looked like they were cursed instead of blessed. After they finished transforming they were left unconscious not waking up till the morning and by that time they had already changed back to normal. Waking them up Ned asked them did they remember what happened last night, but got his answer when they looked at him confused. The same scene played out for the next couple of full moons as Ned tried to keep it a secret before having a cabin built in the woods, where he would take them so they could have privacy and make sure he had space so nothing got out of control. Over time he noticed that they both started to stay awake after the transformation and Ned was stuck on how to explain what was happening to them. But luckily he was saved when Benjen to Jon that he heard the Gods tell him that we're blessed by the Gods to do amazing things in the future. It was weird to hear that the Old Gods spoke to Benjen, but he was happy that neither of them freaked out by the changes happening to them. But what worried Ned the most was while Jon could still pass off as human, Benjen was looking more and more like a monster after each new transformation.

Neither Jon nor Benjen knew that they looked deformed when they were born. Still deciding if I want them to spread their blessing/curse to other people. Leaning more toward no right now but could change after 200-300 chapters

Krispykcreators' thoughts