
Game of Thrones: Battle of the Gods

A boy who lived a sad and meaningless life died alone and was given the chance to be something more do something that actually matter. Reincarnated as the twin of Jon Snow with the powers of the wolf and ice he sets up to change both of their destinies. He seeks blood, honor, and glory. But will the rest of the world sit back and let him change fates that were already written in stone. Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters other than the Mc or the story other than the changes I make to the plot. The story will follow the original story plot but will also be a completely new story. This is my first time writing and I will try to get 3-5 chapters a week. Hopefully you enjoy

Krispyk · TV
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6 Chs

Ch. 2 Tower of Joy

283 AC

Dorne: Tower of Joy

On the sandy red dunes of Dorne lay the Tower of Joy, which screaming could be heard from within. On a bed surrounded by blood and inexperienced midwives, Lyanna Stark was giving birth.

"Just push a little more, you're almost there." one of the midwives said.

Outside the tower reside Ser Arthur Dayne and his fellow Kingsguard, Gerold Hightower and Oswell Whent, who were ordered to stay and protect Lyanna while she gave birth, instead of going to battle with their prince. After pulling up to shore and docking the boat, Eddard/Ned Stark, Howland Reed, Ethan Glover, Ser Mark Ryswell, Theo Wull, Martyn Cassel, and Lord William Dustin confront Ser Arthur and his men while looking for his sister.

"I looked for you on the Trident, but you were nowhere to be found when your prince fell, what are you doing here?" Ned asked.

"If we were there, you wouldn't be standing here right now." Replied Gerold. " " And your usurper brother would be dead and rotting in the seven hells".

Shing, the sound of everyone drawing their swords. "Our prince wanted us here, and here we stand," said Ser Arthur.

"It doesn't have to be this way, we can all walk away. Your prince fell at battle and Sir Jamie Lannister slit the throat of your king. All I came here for is my sister. Says Ned. "We don't have to fight it's already over." Ned hoped that they all could get through this and come out unharmed. He didn't want to weaken the Seven Kingdoms even further, after all, everyone here was a part of the finest knights that were alive today. Just as everything looked like it was about to delve into chaos Ned heard his sister screaming for him.

"Let them pass," Ser Arthur speaks for the first time. "Let them live to see another day." Sheathing both of his swords. It might look like a mismatch because it was three vs seven, but it was any but that. If the fight broke out it was most likely Ned and his men that would get cut down. While everyone here had about the same skill level, Ser Arthur Danye was a cut above the rest. Especially with the sword called Dawn which was forged with the heart of a falling star that earned him the name The Sword of Morning. It is said that Dawn was better than the best-forged swords made with Valerian Steel which were known to be the best in the world.

As Ned passes them and heads up the stairs to the top of the tower, he sees his sister in a pool of blood holding two babies. Ned rushes over to her as she weakly kisses them on the head. As Ned takes a closer look at the twins he notices something out of the ordinary that he's never seen. One child has the features of a dragon, scales matching his skin color but still noticeable, his nails looked like tiny claws, and his eyes were two different colors, one blue and the other sliver with a shade of violet. The other child has the features of a wolf, his teeth looked like they were sharp as knives, also had nails that looked like claws, and his eyes were two different colors, one yellow looked like the eye of a wolf and the other was a mix of blue and silver.

Ned still stuck on the twins was broken out of his thoughts when he hears Lyanna speak. She turned to the one with dragon-like features and weakly says " You shall be named Aegon Stark Targaryen" and turned to the one with wolf-like features "Your name shall be Daemon Stark Targaryen."

Ned wanted to say something about how the twins looked but by the name of the Old and New Gods after she named them their features went back to normal and they looked like ordinary newborns.

"Ned they've been blessed by the Gods. Aegon by the Lord of Light and Daemon by the Old Gods. You must promise me, Ned, that you'll protect them. You can't let Robert get his hands on them promise me. They're destined for great things I know it. Promise you'll protect them. " she exclaimed before the lights faded out of her eyes. Ned just stood there in shock crying before promising he'll protect them like they were his own.

Walking out of the tower holding twin boys the rest of Ned's entourage was confused to see him walk out them instead of his sister, while Ser Arthur and his men had sad smiles on their faces already knowing that Lyanna wasn't going to make it without the measters. But they knew why they weren't there, their prince didn't trust them after all he recently found out they were poisoning his father The Mad King Aerys II Targaryen making him go crazy. Before the poison, he was a regular just king, but after with the help of the measters whispering in his ear about traitors everywhere, he turned into a mad king. This piece of news was only known to a select few, the Citadel which is the home base for the measters, the old hand of King Lord Tywin Lannister, and Varys master of Whispers as a plot to get the Targaryens off of the Iron Throne.

Seeing everyone looking at him Ned makes them swear to secrecy that no one will speak of what happened here. A month later Ned returns to Winterfell after going to Kingslanding to announce that his sister has passed away. Arriving at Winterfell Ned declares the twins as his bastard sons.

Sorry for the short chapter

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